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“…Heh heh. You can barely stand it, can you?”

The man laughed with confidence and then changed how he applied his strength.

He lovingly kneaded the bowl-shaped bulges pushing out against her white blouse.

“Ahh, kh…stop. U-uuuuh, let go.”

He tightly grasped the breasts as he massaged them, and Schwarze found herself unable to escape and brush off his hands.

All she could do was allow an endless stream of tears to flow from her eyes.

“There is nothing to worry about. You are getting worked up in reaction to this, but the one smell your vomeronasal organ can detect will calm you. Once you are used to it, the calm will come.”

The man gently embraced her as she sniffled and wiped away the tears with her wrist.


Her forehead hit a surprisingly muscular chest for such an old man and she was unavoidably surrounded by his scent.

And she could not stop the extreme sense of calm rising within her.

(Wh-what is this feeling?)

Alarm bells rang in her mind. She had to push his arms away right this instant.

She needed to defeat him or at least run away.

But despite those thoughts, her body went limp and she leaned into the man’s chest.

“Ah…hahh, hh.”

A sweetly ticklish pulse came from her breasts as he continued to massage them.

It was carried by her blood which raced around her body at an increased rate thanks to her pumping heart.

She was in the enemy’s hands, but she could not put up a fight and simply rubbed her thighs together.

“Heh heh. Aroused? Even if they were to ensure your loyalty, they were originally a type of sex pheromone.”

Her pure white hills of flesh bounced and a plumply sweet softness filled the already soft skin. Despite his age, the man breathed heavily and squeezed the breasts in both hands.

“Oh, oh. Groping them with both hands is truly incredible.”

“Ahh… L-let…go. Don’t touch me.”

“Don’t be ridiculous. I can see that lewd look on your face as you enjoy having your breasts groped. As your father, it is my duty to fulfill your indecent desires.”

He was clearly enjoying the heated softness and the firmness pushing back at his fingers.

But he was not entirely lying.

“A lewd…look…nkh.”

His fingers arrived at her nipples and toyed with them.

Schwarze wrinkled her brow and endured the humiliation. He might have taken her ability to resist, but she still had her pride. Or so she thought.


“Ah…ah, ahhhh…?”

With a single stroke of her nipples, a strange pulse raced from her heart to every cell in her body.

She moaned, her face was sweetly heated, and the corners of her eyes were

obscenely damp. If she had seen herself in a mirror, she would have thought she looked like sex itself.

“You are clearly trying to seduce a man with that look. It makes me ashamed to be your father.”

He laughed happily and must have felt freely kneading her bust was not enough because he lowered one hand.

The lines of her slender waist was apparent even through her suit, so he rubbed down along the sensual curve of her hip and then touched her butt.

“Uuh…ahh, stop…stop that.”

Schwarze had the ideal model’s figure. Her hips were positioned high and everything was perfectly tight. But her flesh itself had the unique milkiness of a white woman and seemed to absorb your finger like cream when you touched it.

The man smiled even more vulgarly as he touched her sweetly plump butt through her skirt.

“Let’s see what we have here. I need to know how much my daughter has grown since I last saw her. I need to know how lewdly my future slave’s body has been polished.”


When he gave her a shove, she was unable to react and fell over.

She now lay face up on her beloved teacher’s desk. Her knees were up on the desk as well, so her feet had left the floor and she felt like she had completely lost control of the situation.

(Kh…no, this is where…Fujita and I…)

She naturally ended up looking at the ceiling, which reminded her that this was the classroom she taught in every day.

Not only that, it was where she had first slept with Fujita Mutsuki and where he had changed her worldview.

The memories of that day returned to her. She had been placed on top of the desk

much like this, he had lovingly caressed her, and he had gradually made her body his…


She felt an entirely different sensation in her skirt.

“So you’re already wet. You must have known quite a bit of pleasure for someone who isn’t even 20 yet.”

He stuck his hand in her black skirt and used his four fingers to press against the crotch of her panties.

The searching movements were more like an examination than a caress. He was seeing just how soft and puffy the vulva below was.

(Ahh… ah, no. This is…too much. I can’t stand it.)

Even this mechanical movement was enough for her feminine land to grow hopelessly swollen. The inside of her panties was already drenched and she could feel her flesh bud growing.

“Heh heh. You’ve spread your legs. Hm? I seem to have raised quite a slutty daughter.”

“Ah, ahhh…no, nooo.”

Her legs had already been too weak to stop the man’s hands, but now they grew even limper.

They moved to the left and right as if to accept the sexual monster’s fingers.

“A would kill for flesh like this. Heh heh. I need to enjoy it for myself.

It was not just the type of caress that differed from Mutsuki. This man only observed her reactions and gave no thought at all to whether she was enjoying it.

He abruptly unzipped his pants.

He got up on the desk, adjusted the position of his hips, and brought his hideous cock next to the woman lying on her back.


Schwarze grimaced at her first sniff of the aged and matured male hormones.

The manhood she saw to her side was grotesqueness itself. It had discolored almost to a purple, it was enormous, and it had a few large bumps that may have been what was known as pearling.

This was not an organ meant to impregnate a woman. It looked more like a tool used to violate and enjoy a woman.

“You can start by sucking it. Heh heh. But mine is pretty big, so make sure you don’t dislocate your jaw.”

“Go to hell… I-if you don’t want me to bite it off, you’d better keep that nasty thing away from me.”

Schwarze twisted around and growled at him, but…

He mercilessly slapped her. She was lying down, so the back of her head hit the desk, increasing the pain.

He grabbed her black hair and forced her head toward the penis.

“Don’t talk back to your father.”


Just like before, that one hit caused tears to well up in the warriors’ eyes.

It was not the pain; she was afraid. She was hopelessly afraid of making this man angry.

And he seemed to know exactly what state of mind she was in.

“C’mon, Elisabeth, start licking it. I know you’ll like it. Your DNA was designed to accept mine.”


Just as his tone grew soft, he pushed the precum-oozing head against her lips.

A film of tears covered her angular eyes and she was horribly confused.

The kind tone so soon after the violence softened her heart. But even more frightening was what she felt instead of nausea when the penis head touched her mouth. Her lips and flesh did not reject hat slightly salty flavor.

(Th-this flavor…is the same as the smell from before…)

The softness in her chest spread to her head, and in no time…


She swallowed its extra-large size that pushed her jaw to the limit.

“Yes, yes. Ohh, so you can swallow it.”

The man looked satisfied as Schwarze’s soft breasts jiggled within her suit and she desperately moved her head back and forth.

The faint moonlight was enough to see the luster of the straight black hair that fluttered behind her. He likely enjoyed the gap between that silky beauty and the raw sensation of his vulgar thing shoved inside her mouth. Keigo’s lips twisted into a grin.