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The showcase could be described as a marketplace of sex, but Shibaki had seen it all over the past 8 years and he walked right past it without so much as a glance their way. He entered a room with a business desk and a few documents.

After making sure they said “Veronica”, he did not bother checking the actual names, glanced only at the facial photo and full-body nude photo, and stamped them “approved”.

He shoved 6 of the documents into an envelope and left out the 2 with red marks.

“Thank you.”

“Oh…You’re welcome, Riselle-sama.”

Someone suddenly spoke from the back of the room. Shibaki was a little surprised, but he said nothing since he could not complain about her being here.

Riselle. He did not know her real name, but she was a secretary raised with great care by Shibaki’s employer, a man named Kurosaki Shuntarou. Not even a trainer like Shibaki had been allowed to touch her.

“Hm? Who is that?”

Riselle was not alone today. Another girl stood behind her, wearing the same sort of clothing as her: a gothic lolita apron dress.

She was nothing like Riselle, who drew the eye with light purple hair and skin that looked like it was made of milk. She was a plain girl. Based on the light chestnut hair and skin color, she was probably Japanese.

“This is Kisaragi-chan, a friend of mine. Say hi, okay?”

“R-right. Nice to meet you.”

The girl gave a nervous bow.

Shibaki looked back at the documents, but she was not one of the girls he was meant to train. She must really have been a friend.

Although he felt like this was not exactly the best place for girls to hang out.

“Hee hee. Hey, Shibaki-san. What do you think about this girl?”


“Would she make a good product?”

Riselle was clearly joking, but Kisaragi still frowned nervously.

This was only the secretary’s cruel joke, but the difference in status meant Shibaki had to answer her seriously. He stared at the other girl with the appraising eye of a professional.

She was plain in just about every way and was not especially beautiful, but her facial features were well formed and that gave her a cute look. She was not blessed with a sexy figure, but her chest and hips were clearly still in the process of growing. And then there was that reaction when he stared at her.

“I believe she could make a fair amount of money if I trained her first. Shall I?”

“Hee hee. Unfortunately, she is a favorite of my master’s. But this means Shibaki-san thinks you’re attractive. Isn’t that great, Kisaragi-chan?”

“Y-yes. Thank you very much.”

The two girls exchanged cruel smiles.

Shibaki wanted nothing to do with this, so he shrugged.

“This is for you.”

But Riselle handed him a document. Just like the 8 for the Veronica girls, it had a photo of a girl’s face.

Her name was Haramiya Koishi…but Shibaki did not check the name this time either.


But he reacted very differently to this photo than to the other 8.

“My master likes her, so he wants you to train her.”

“Oh, so I have work to do.”

After 8 years, Shibaki now managed the younger trainers here, so he only supervised and did not do it himself. He had been planning to do the 8 Veronica girls like that today.

But he would have to do the work himself with a direct order from Shuntarou.

And a veteran like Shibaki could tell at a glance that this girl was well worth the direct order.


Kisaragi must not have been told what this place did because she looked puzzled by the conversation. However…

“We need her ready for sale immediately. You don’t need to preserve her virginity, so just give her the sensitivity and obedience we need. The rest is up to you.”

When Riselle rattled off terms like “ready for sale”, “virginity”, and “sensitivity”, Kisaragi must have caught on because she hung her head.

Then the two girls turned around.

“Make sure you don’t hurt her. Bye.”


The man could not tear his eyes away from the photo even after they had left.

Haramiya Koishi. She was apparently hurting for money after running away from home.

They had agreed to meet at a cafe at Kobe Harbor and she appeared with only a single bag.

“Are you the one offering me a job?”

He showed her a stack of a million yen and handed her 100 thousand of that.

She immediately asked where she needed to go and climbed into the car Shibaki was driving. He first took her to an acquaintance’s salon and had her take a bath. Her paperwork said she had no history of disease, but he still had her wash up and took a saliva sample to check.

He confiscated her bag, her clothes, and her accessories. Instead, he bought her some more showy clothes and checked to make sure there were no bugs or tracking devices attached. The Kurosaki Family had leverage over the police, the politicians, and the mass media, but they still took precautions to ensure no information leaked out.

While she bathed and changed clothes, Shibaki watched her through a one-way mirror.

An actress of unparalleled beauty, a model worth billions, and a once-in-a-millennium idol. Shibaki had slept with 500 local and foreign women said to be perfect – at least in appearance – and they had all become captives to his technique.

But not even he had seen a girl of this caliber in a long time.

Her facial features had a dignified look without being too much. Her build was slender, with the perfect amount of muscle and fat. She had a mature appearance, but that was nicely balanced by the childish pink of her areolae, although the pink may have been a little too light a shade.

“Damn, she’s hot as fuck.”

The men who worked in the salon cackled.

Shibaki smiled bitterly when he nearly agreed out loud with their crude assessment. She was the perfect girl. Appearance-wise, anyone would have fallen for her.


That thought led his recent philosophical musings to a painful conclusion: He was no more than a piece of garbage who had strayed so far that the straight and narrow was no longer visible behind him.

Even when he saw a girl this attractive, he felt no desire to sleep with her. He had no positive feelings about her at all. He only saw her as a product and tried to work out how much money she could bring in.

It was no longer possible for him to fall in love. He could not care for someone and he could not want the best for someone.

The realization that he had lost the ability to love was a painful one.

What if he once more met that woman he had met at 25? What would she think of him now?

Adolescent Adam 8: Chapter 1 – Land of Utter Madness

The girl’s heart pounded in her chest as she was given permission to temporarily leave the room.

She rushed to the bathroom and straightened her posture.

“Make it quick.”

“O-of course, Riselle-san.”

The girl, Kisaragi, was not free to use the bathroom whenever she wanted. She was only allowed when Riselle gave her permission.

But she still wanted to calm herself from the fear she felt from that trainer man named Shibaki.

Maid uniforms were supposed to be designed for utility, but the dress she had been given was an exception.

The black pleated skirt had wires inside to lift it in an unnatural fan shape and the top was short enough to leave her navel bare. The low-cut chest was open out to the shoulders and the minimal fabric on the upper arms tugged down on it when she walked, making it feel like the whole top would fall down.

Or maybe it was designed for utility, just the kind of utility needed in this leisure facility…no, this brothel.

But this was only her second day here, so she was still embarrassed to show off so much skin. She was constantly fighting to keep the skirt down and the top up.