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Some had willingly come here because they had no money and no one to rely on, but it was also possible for a customer to put in a request for a specific individual to be abducted and trained. The latter was apparently the more common route.

A normal person like Mutsuki simply could not understand it.

Even more horrifying was the hall located past the training rooms. It was set up like a dance floor with around 30 customers seated at tables.

Six girls were dancing in the center of the hall.

They were Veronica, an idol group with common enough TV appearances for even Mutsuki to know who they were. They were performing one of their most well-known songs with the same choreographed dance they did on TV.

Except they were naked.

Everything was left exposed, but they still looked like they were enjoying themselves as they danced. A few of them had somewhat stiff expression, but they still performed their idol dance without a shred of clothing.

When a specific individual could be requested, it may have only been natural for a lot of the targets to be entertainers.

“They are happy to do this. They can make more money doing this than shaking hands with a great crowd in their normal work. And this gives them a break from that work too.”

Riselle giggled as she walked down into the hall.

Mutsuki had no choice but to go with her. And once in the hall, he recognized some other faces as well. Entertainers, politicians, and corporate presidents and executives often seen on the covers of finance magazines were indulging in alcohol and drugs while joining the orgy if they felt like it. Almost all the good-looking entertainers appeared to be the “entertainment” here as well. There were idols, actresses, and newscasters. The room was a messy mixture of men and women.

Did these behind-the-scenes connections make it easier for the idols to thrive in the TV industry?


As Mutsuki thought about all this, someone stuck a hand up his skirt like it was a normal thing to do.

A male newscaster who had retired a few years back grinned as he groped Mutsuki’s butt. He could not protest, but it was a disgusting feeling and he shuddered as he endured it. Riselle told him to keep moving with a tug on his hand and he was freed from that man’s grasp.

“It’s not just Japan. They do this all over the world. In my homeland of England, a lot of people come to us when they want to hit it big on TV.”

“I-is that so?”

They cut across the hall and stepped outside.

There was a neatly maintained health resort across from the concrete building. That was a front for the concrete building. It was hard to believe they were just one door away from a perverted orgy hall with training rooms beyond that.

Mutsuki breathed a sigh of relief because this felt like waking from a nightmare and returning to the world he knew.

Riselle responded with exasperation.

“You have no idea how modern civilization works, do you? …And you’re supposed to be Adam?”


He looked up at the familiar term she whispered.

And you’re supposed to be Adam?

He tried to ask what that meant, but…

“I could not be more honored to have received this invitation, Kurosaki-sama.”

“Welcome to our western paradise. Life as Deputy Prime Minister must be stressful, so please take this chance to rest and relax.”

Two men were accompanied by two girls. And a group of about 10 followed behind them. Riselle and Mutsuki quickly stepped aside.

“The Sephirot, a cruise ship run by a subsidiary company of mine, is being put into commission the day after tomorrow. How would you like to join us, Kurosaki-sama?”

“That luxury cruise liner? I would love to, but all my nights are booked for quite a while.”

Mutsuki recognized at least three of them. One of the men in the lead was a politician he often saw on the news. He was pretty sure the man’s name was Ookura.

Then there were the two girls.

One looked identical to an angel girl he knew quite well.

She had been introduced as Enju and she was apparently a demon girl who looked just like Ange. Seeing her was nerve-racking, but the person next to her was an even bigger shock.


He saw that female teacher in a suit every day at school.

She went by Katsue Subaru, but her real name was Schwarze Katze. She was the FeTUS Witch known as Miss C.

He had no idea why she was here with the Kurosaki Family. He had informed Lucia, but the demon boy had said not to let her see his face. He stared at the ground while the group walked past.

He tried to control his heart as it pounded painfully hard in his chest.

Nothing was certain. Nothing at all, but…

Just before being abducted when he had suddenly lost consciousness, it was her, Miss C, who had been in charge of protecting him. And when he had come to, he had been abducted by the Kurosakis.

Looking at it rationally, she had to have betrayed FeTUS and him.

“Riselle, what is Shuntarou up to?”

He had prayed the group would walk past without acknowledging them, but he was not that lucky. The man in the lead who was not Deputy Prime Minister spoke to Riselle.

His wrinkles suggested he was past 50, but he was a large man with powerful-looking muscles.

“I don’t- I do not know, master.”

Riselle responded more politely than she was accustomed to.

The man was Kurosaki Keigo, the head of this facility and of the Kurosaki Family which opposed FeTUS and was after Mutsuki.

The boy had to hide his identity as Fujita Mutsuki from this man most of all, so he made sure to act as naturally as possible in his identity as a new maid named Kisaragi.

“Tch. That stupid son of mine. Tell him to get back to work on Mistress Lilith’s orders.”

Fortunately, the man did not pay Mutsuki any heed as he griped a bit and returned to entertaining the Deputy Prime Minister.

This confirmed the connection between Lilith and Kurosaki, but Mutsuki was more relieved to have gone undetected. He breathed a big sigh of relief while still struggling to control his pounding heart.


And he completely missed the brief sidelong glance from Schwarze.

The Kurosaki father and son were nothing at all alike.

The father was fit and carried a sense of cleanliness that prevented others from finding him distasteful.

The son was fat and ugly like a toad and always grinning in a way that kept anyone from knowing what he was thinking. No one would view him favorably at first glance.

On the other hand, the father was strict about time and always irritated, while the son rarely got mad and more affable.

But the biggest difference of all was their sexual proclivities.

The father barely seemed to have any lust at all, although running Japan’s largest brothel may have played a role there. The fact that he was over 50 may have also been a factor, but he viewed sex as a business and he showed as much interest in the lurid training scenes as he might factory machinery made of screws and gears. He was a lot like the trainer named Shibaki in that sense.

Meanwhile, the son was already past 30 and yet he had as greedy a libido as a virgin middle school boy. He grinned and pitched a tent in his pants whenever he viewed the training rooms and he sometimes stepped into the rooms to have some fun. He was indiscriminate in both gender and age when it came to his victims.

The only similarity between the two was their complete moral bankruptcy where they did not view people as people.

“I am back.”

“Oh, thank you.”

Shuntarou used one of the inn’s rooms as his private room. Other than the unusually large bed, there was only a TV and that TV was only connected to the concrete building’s security cameras. The room had no hint of entertainment or hobbies.