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“Y-yes, sir.”

She had been told to never answer with anything but yes and to always address him as “sir”.

She faithfully did as told.

“I was born into money and I’m picky about my women, you see. But because of that, I’ll pay the price of a building in the finest district for a virgin like you who is free of disease and does not smoke or do drugs.”

What she had been told in advance, what he was saying now, and his looks only inspired disgust in her, but she clenched her teeth to bear with it. He was a short man, but he felt incredibly intimidating when he rolled on top of her on the futon.

She could not suppress a groan of disgust when he kissed her.

She had been told to go along with whatever he did to her, but her teeth were clenched too tight to accept his tongue. That was a mistake on her part, but Ookura was not angry and even seemed to like that innocence.

“Ahh, now this is a nice body. Shibaki-kun really knows what I like.”

That vile mouth left her lips and moved downward.

She had taken a shower after the show, but he seemed happy to find the sweat she had produced since then. His tongue crawled along her neck and armpit.

Her body was being passively devoured. Koishi grimaced at how gross it felt. He apparently really had taken a bath, but the mixture of a perfume-like luxury soap and the distinct body odor of the elderly made her want to vomit.

In a way, the intense disgust helped her. She barely felt like she was exposing herself to a human, so it felt less like her nudity was being observed.

“Oh, what’s this? You’re already wet.”

“P-please don’t say that, sir.”

So she calmly replied as the trainer had told her to.

The man’s tongue reached her lower stomach and he spread her legs. The glistening pink at the center of her spread legs was like a flower after the rain.

The cream applied in the car had melted, coated her vagina, and started to flow out. Only the perfect amount came out, which may have been a testament to the trainer’s skill. It covered her entire vagina, but not so much as to be unnatural.

Ookura was delighted and clung to her all the tighter. His dried-out old body slid atop her youthful skin.

And something surprisingly hard and stiff for his age touched her soaked garden.

“Impressive, isn’t it? I was only planning to play golf today, but when I heard about you, I made sure to add some softshell turtle and eel to the menu. Hee hee hee.”

He spoke proudly and placed his weight on her while pinning her in place.


Koishi could not help but grimace for a moment.

But she did not say anything.

She did not sulk. She kept a strong will and gave no complaints.

“Go ahead, sir. Please be my first.”

The opposite sex entered her cream-coated body. She accepted the sensation of her first time.


She lost her virginity.

The sensation of something bursting raced up from the base of her legs. This was her first time, so she had no idea if that was her hymen or if sex always felt like this.

She simply had a vague sense that she had lost something irreplaceable.

Nevertheless, she shed no tears.

Koishi’s deflowering ended after only two minutes.

She was not aware of it, but there was a magic in that body part that had just accepted a man for the first time and Ookura blew his load after just a little over a minute. For better or for worse, he had only used up two minutes of the promised two hours.

Shibaki had made some guesses based on what he felt with his fingers, but her vagina turned out to be even better than he had imagined.

This threw of his training plans. The deflowering was supposed to go slow and easy so it did not leave any trauma in the girl’s heart.

But the look on Koishi’s face was dark as she washed herself off in the shower.

After ejaculating almost immediately, the man named Ookura had managed a couple more erections during the two hours and had cummed simply by rubbing against her soft skin. The disgusting sensation of his saliva and semen all over her body seemed to have scarred her heart enough.

(Time to get started, I guess.)

Shibaki had stood at the head of his field for a decade, so he could instinctually guess the most effective method for this girl.

“I’m coming in.”


He entered the shower room without waiting for a response.

When the man walked in wearing only a towel, Koishi’s shoulders jumped in surprise, but then she looked the other way and gave no further response.

Ignoring him was the most she could do at the moment.

The scent of a man in perfume joined the oppressively-strong aroma of soap, but she did not leave or cry.

The awful deflowering had not broken her spirit. Shibaki breathed a sigh of relief.

“Ookura had nothing but praise for you. You did well today.”

He grabbed a towel from the edge of the shower and scooped some body soap out of the almost-empty container.

“You will make an excellent product. I guarantee it.”


He worked up a lather and rubbed it into her white skin.

She jumped at first, but he was using soap through a towel. This was a cleansing act, so she did not feel any disgust from it. That allowed her to accept the man’s hand crawling across her body.

Shibaki, of course, was not interested in cleaning her up out of kindness.

He rubbed her fairly skinny body: her collarbones, her flat chest, her sides, her navel, her thighs, and…


He was especially thorough in the places Ookura had played with.


How many times today had someone else’s fingers stirred up her labia? She could not hide the tension and disgust on her face.

That change in expression was exactly what Shibaki wanted.

He did not limit himself to her crotch. He gently massaged her entire body while occasionally returning there.

She initially just let him do it, but she gradually wrinkled her brow and tried to close her long legs.

She was protesting.

Ever since they had met, she had accepted every humiliation like a doll, but now she was protesting. She was showing signs that she did not want him to do this anymore.

Shibaki knew exactly what this meant.

“It didn’t hurt, did it? That is because of the special cream I gave you.”


His words slipped into a gap in her heart.

“What I gave you was a drug that will turn any child into a whore.”

He dropped the towel.

“Well, it varies some from person to person, so it may not have taken effect yet while you were with the customer.”

He was now rubbing his fingers into her vagina directly.

“Ah, ah.”

The feminine core of her body was several times softer and looser than when it had accepted Ookura inside, so it easily swallowed his fingers.

And as his fingers entered her, the breaths escaping her grew sweeter and more nasal.

“Hm? Is the drug still in effect?”

He told a blatant lie while rubbing his fingers down from her clitoris, across her urethra, and then into her vagina to stir it up some more.

That cream had been nothing but lubricant. It had no other effects. He would not have given her anything else when Ookura had wanted a virgin who did not use drugs.

But the finger technique of a first-rate trainer was enough to get the girl worked up with the placebo effect alone.

She bit her lower lip to restrain her voice and her white shoulders shook.

She had been given an excuse for what she was feeling. She could accept this pleasure and blame it on a drug.

He could tell her barrier of pride was shaken and that her sensuality had doubled. She had acted like a doll at first, but now her face was red and she had to restrain her voice. Her butt wiggled around as if trying to escape his hand.

A trainer’s job was to construct an escape route that guided the girl in the direction he wanted.