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“I should get clean too. Wash me.”

He circled in front of the girl, picked the towel up off the floor, added some more soap, and handed it to her.

He was muscular for his age and had a very male smell to him. The girl looked away uncomfortably, but she still obediently took the towel.

She already felt bad about the pleasure she was feeling, so being able to touch him instead of having him touch her would feel like an escape route.

Her awkward movements were more like touching his skin than washing it.

“That won’t accomplish anything. C’mon, use your entire body to wash me.”


Just as her hands reached his back, he pulled her close.

He held her so tightly her small bust squashed against his chiseled abs. Her shoulders shook in confusion, and…


She moved her stomach away before her chest.

Her soft and slender waist had been pressed against a hard object on the front of his body. She pulled her lower body back to escape its heat, stiffness, and size.

He dropped the towel from his hips to reveal that manly erection to her.

Ookura’s had not been small by any means, but this first-rate trainer’s was on another level entirely when it came to size and presence. It had soaked in the sexual fluids of more than a thousand women and it gave off an intimidating aura.

“C’mon, get to washing.”

He let the girl have her small escape route of pulling her stomach away from it, but he told her to move the hands she had around on his back.


She had been so focused on the penis that she was more than willing to wash the man’s neck and back with the towel if it meant she did not have to deal with that object.

And at the same time, the way she pulled her stomach back meant her butt was sticking out behind her.


When he reached out his arms, she could not move her heart-shaped butt forward or back.

His fingers dove into the smooth valley there, stroked her cute anus, and then found her feminine garden once more. The fire had already been lit there, so it readily accepted his fingers.

“Ah, ahh…um, d-don’t touch me there…”

She finally verbally rejected him. She complained.

Confident that her pride had crumbled, the trainer stuck his fingers inside the hole instead of just rubbing all around it.

“Ah, ahn. I said…stop. Ahh.”

The towel fell for the second time, this time from the girl’s hand.

She wrapped her arms around his neck as if seeking help. He could tell she was scared.

She had tried to remain emotionless, but she could no longer suppress the feelings that accompanied the pleasure rising from her vagina. She childishly clung to the man in a mixture of fear and confusion.

“Heh heh. Don’t be scared. This will feel good soon enough.”

A trainer’s job was ultimately to foster this sense of reliance in the girl. He grinned at the progress he was making and he used his other hand to pull her close.


He felt the girl’s fearfully tensed muscles relax somewhat at finding someone to cling to and rely on.

The fingers in her vagina felt an even more powerful reaction. She was so wet inside you would think he really had given her a drug and she squeezed tightly on his fingers. When he shoved them deep inside, the inner flesh swelled out in a ring shape to tighten around those fingers.

She was ready to accept a man. That was a proper sexual organ now.

And that was why she could not remain a doll and had to try to escape using words of rejection like “stop” or “let go”.

At the same time, she moved her butt ever forward in search of a new escape route.


The giant pressure returned to her stomach.

Unable to move forward or back, she froze in place. And this time, he did not give her an escape route. He pushed his hips against her and pulled her butt toward him with his fingers still inside her nectary hole.

“Ah…ahh, ahh.”

The combination of the pleasure and the heat on her lower stomach caused her to finally look up at the man with a tearful look on her face.

She looked like she was about to cry, but he could see a seductive masochism in the light pink of her flushed cheeks.

“Heh heh heh. To reiterate, you will make an excellent product. I will make sure of it.”

When he pulled up on her chin, she only worriedly shut her eyes.

“You belong to me.”


When he stole her lips, the breath that left her nose contained a hint of relief.

Relief in this situation and in this man.

She seemed to be agreeing to leave herself in this trainer’s hands.

“Stick your butt out. Yes, and try spreading it yourself.”


Koishi placed her hands on the shower room’s tile wall and bent forward as asked.

She bent her white back in an S-shape and stuck her hips out toward the man standing behind her. Then she grabbed her own round butt and pulled to either side. She revealed everything from her lightly colored anus to her soaked vaginal fruit.

Five hours had passed since the show at the Fantsar Hotel. Her youth had erased all sign of the plastic tape from her skin.

She seemed like an entirely different person since then.

The shower alone could not explain it. There was a sticky pink heat in her. She gave off the faint aroma of sweat. And most of all, she trembled with embarrassment because she was aware of the man’s gaze on her.

(It took five hours to make a slave out of her. That was fast. She must be quite the masochist.)

Shibaki smiled in simple satisfaction as he worked out the training numbers in his head.

The confusion and fear would be assisting the process at the moment, but now that she had experienced it once, her slave side would show itself more readily. Humans tended to rush to the escape routes they had already found.

Once this had been normalized for her, she would be a proper sex slave. Thanks to his ample experience, Shibaki knew just how easy it was to corrupt the creatures known as humans.

“Okay, I’m putting it in. Thank me for using your hole.”

“But I-…”

She started to protest his high-pressure words, but…


He pressed his large penis head against the vagina she had spread open with her fingers.

If he pushed in and penetrated her…

“I said thank me for using your hole.”


“Say it.”


She succumbed to his intimidating aura which was accompanied by a physical heat and she spoke the words of a slave.

He chose that moment to slip the head inside her. Her eyes widened at her second ever penetration.

“Gh…ah, ghh.”

The first time, she had only felt pain. She had clenched her teeth and waited for it to be over, like an elementary school child getting a shot.

But the meaning and sensation of this second time were different.

The pain and the weird sensation spreading through the bottom of her body pushed a groan out of her throat.

“Oh? You have a nice pussy. I bet Ookura was happy.”


And that was why the trainer made a point of reminding her of the first time.

He reminded her of that pain and disgust.

“And a sensitive one at that.”

He spanked her ass while moving the tip up and down.

“Ah, nh…”

Shibaki’s ample experience told him exactly how much he had to loosen up a woman’s body before she would feel pleasure from his impressive size. He knew Koishi’s body had blossomed enough.

And he knew her small hole would feel no pain if he only gently teased the entrance.

The sensual feeling was supported by the reminder of Ookura. This small pleasure acted as an escape route because it was better than that pain. The feeling of “at least it’s better than that” was another factor that helped her look positively upon being fucked by a man she had never met before today.

“Ahh…nh, nhh…ahh.”