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Once Koishi’s work was done, she was given time to shower.

She washed her entire body and rinsed out her mouth over and over. She was used to having her body coated with middle-aged saliva and such, but she must not have been used to having it in her mouth. Her newly-learned blowjob skills were receiving decent reviews, but it was difficult on her.

Conversely, she no longer washed her lower body as thoroughly as she had on the first day. Instead of washing it to the point she seemed to want to rub the flesh off, she seemed satisfied with wiping it off with soap lightly enough that it did not hurt.

It had only been three days, but she was definitely changing her attitude. Shibaki grinned at the results of his training.

“You could fool cheap customers like those, but your oral technique needs work. Come to my room after this. You need further lessons.”


After that demand, he left the shower room. He had been the one to tell her not to work too hard at the blowjobs because these customers were into amateurs, but finding fault in her work regardless was part of the training.

Shibaki gave the lessons himself solely as part of the training.

After leaving the shower room, Koishi was taken to the bedroom without being given any clothes.

Once in the bed, she naturally tried to hide herself under the sheets. Her behavior was always very cold, but the glimpses of shame seen at times like this tickled at the male heart.

He had only heard she had run away from home, so he wondered who she was.

Her great pride, her strong shame, and the occasional mannerism he noted hinted at some kind of nobility. His instincts told him she was from quite a well-off family. But as someone with much meaner origins, he did not even try to think about what well-off family it could be.

“Heh heh heh. You’re getting wet a lot easier lately, aren’t you?”

“Uh…I-I wouldn’t know.”

Whatever the case, she was a product right now.

When the trainer’s hand reached for her crotch, she did not actually resist, but she did close her legs just enough to press her slender thighs against his intruding wrist.

Of course, the soft squeezing of her muscles was an enjoyable thing for a man. His thick fingertips easily found their way to her vulva.

She had spent two hours with those three men. That area had been tormented with a number of things and it maintained a heat a few degrees warmer than the shower water.

“Ah…hh…ah, nh…”

The girl’s face twisted in displeasure when she felt his wiggling fingertips.

“They were cheap customers, but it seems they were enough to light a fire in a masochistic whore like you.”

“That…isn’t true.”

“Really? I see. Then this heat must come from me calling you in here. Heh heh heh. You still have a lot to learn about your job, but you must quite like my training.”


When he said that with confidence in his voice, her expression was more sharply twisted by mental worry than the physical stimulation. She was pale, so it was easy to tell when her cheeks grew red.

Of course, he already knew the answer since he was controlling the way the girl thought about things.

Ever since starting her training, Shibaki controlled her sexual pleasure more thoroughly than any lover. In order to break in her body and teach her how to service men, he had needed to thoroughly caress her until she climaxed. He always insisted on extra lessons after the post-job shower and he used those lessons to gently work at her sensuality and sometimes gave her an orgasm powerful enough for her to pass out.

Koishi and her body understood that mental conditioning better than anyone: the things this trainer did felt good.

(Just like…Pavlov’s dogs, was it? Heh heh heh.)

Middle school graduation was his highest level of education, but he had made a living pleasuring women ever since he was a minor, so this girl’s body was putty in his hands in no time.


He had already determined just how much he had to soften up the throbbing flesh at his fingertips before it was ready for him to stick a finger inside. Once he inserted the tip of his index finger, the entire deep area welcomed the penetration with a wavelike motion. Koishi’s nasal moan contained some surprise at the fact that her body had desired this even more than she had thought.

“Spread your legs. Spread them wide.”


He only inserted it to the first joint and he spun the finger around to widen that teasingly shallow area.

The girl was hesitant to obey his embarrassing command. Her powerful sense of shame always made her hesitate at times like this.

But the customers who were into more innocent girls loved that short pause. Instead of forcing her, the trainer continued moving just his fingertip.

The length to the first joint spread a very small portion of her body’s core. It touched her and teased her.

And it was that stimulation rather than the command that did it.


Koishi finally gave in and spread her legs in an M-shape.

And she spread them wide as if to show she was faithfully obeying. She spread them to nearly 180 degrees. The tugging from her thighs spread her vulva in a diamond shape with a finger inside the vagina and her butt cheeks squished together to hide her cute anus.

This flexibility made Shibaki wonder if she had been a gymnast and he smiled in satisfaction. This mystery of a girl had such powerful shame yet she also had a definite and deep-rooted masochism that prevented her from disobeying his orders. She inspired a throbbing in the maleness sealed deep down within the veteran trainer.

He had intended to focus on her blowjob technique today, but…

“Get on top of me.”

He grabbed the girl’s legs and rolled onto his back in the bed.

She was confused by the tug on her legs, but she straddled the man’s face on all fours as told. He also removed his pants to show her his erection.


Was she familiar with the term 69? She grimaced at the penis far larger than those three men’s, her own crotch being in front of his face, and the embarrassment of having placed it there herself.

“What a nice view. Come to think of it, this is your first time doing this, isn’t it? Heh heh.”

It could be easy to forget since his eyes were normally drawn to her long legs, but she had a nice tight hipline. Now that it was right in front of his face, he could not help but slap her ass. That first-rate trainer was actually aroused for once.

“Lick it. I know I have taught you how.”


She restlessly wiggled her slapped ass while obediently opening the pink lips she had just finished washing repeatedly.

The biological disgust at putting that in her mouth was apparent on her face, but…


She shut her eyes and swallowed it with an almost mechanical lack of hesitation.

Shibaki smiled thinly. He had called this a lesson, but he had no intention of teaching her anything. The customers preferred when a girl like Koishi had amateurish technique and he could not care less about technique when faced with the pleasure of her soft lips tightening around his penis head. That was more than enough to make up for the awkward dancing of her damp tongue within.

This was his goal today.

“It’s got a lewder color than when you were a virgin. Have you acquired a taste for cock, you slut? I bet you’re enjoying all this sex by now.”

“H-hat’s not hrue.”

“Oh, really? This wet pussy begs to differ.”

He used both hands to spread the labia and reveal the pinkness within. She gave a start at the chilly air on her sensitive flesh and he worked to part the sticky flesh inside.

“You’ve started to like having a cock in here, haven’t you?”

He spread the hole as it tried to tighten. She had washed herself, but the stench of the three men’s cum wafted out from there.

He stirred up the soaked folds within, and…