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The mixture of unease, impatience, and arousal grew even more powerful.

“W-wow, it’s so thick…ah, I can’t believe this.”

“Ee hee hee hee hee. Pretty great, isn’t it? Riselle-chan is hooked on this cock too.”

“Ah, ahn, ah, no.”

“How does it feel to risk your life searching for your sister only to end up fucked by the same thing that made her mine? How does it feel to know you can’t resist it either?”

“h, I-I hate it…”

Ren had not wanted for this to happen. Her face twisted at the mention of the girl she considered a sister.

But with that giant spike piercing her, she was already ruled by the feelings inside her. There was a masochistic element to how she “hated” this and she was giving in to this sex and this man’s technique.


Mutsuki’s emotions ran wild again as frustration joined the unease, impatience, and arousal.

Although he still could not break free of the ropes.

“Ahn, ahhn, wait, ahh, I’m going to cum!”

“Hee hee hee. And what do you say when you cum? What do you say to the man who stole your sister?”

When the two of them entered their final spurt, Riselle turned toward Mutsuki and winked. She must have set things up somehow because the ropes came undone.


Freed from the chair, Mutsuki pressed against the glass, but the people on the other side could not see or hear him.

“Ah, give it to me! Fill me with your cock juice, Shuntarou-sama!”

He could only watch as that slender body trembled in climax.

The room was not locked.

Mutsuki left the room just as a satisfied Shuntarou left the adjacent one. When Mutsuki gave him a grief-stricken glare, the man gave his usual grin and gestured for Mutsuki to enter the room.

“That was a treat. But don’t worry. I didn’t hurt her.”

Every word rubbed Mutsuki the wrong way, but he had something else to focus on.

He rushed through the door to find Ren collapsed on the bed and Riselle cleaning up. Riselle whispered something in Ren’s ear and Ren said something in response.

He could not hear what they said, but it seemed like they were simply checking on something they had already agreed to. He could see no emotion in the exchange.

“A little brother, hm?”

But he was a little bothered by the somewhat displeased look on Riselle’s face when she looked up and toward him.

That sulking lasted just a moment before her usual expression returned and she left to follow after Shuntarou.


He was curious about that, but he needed to be here more. He ran to the bed and lifted Ren up to a sitting position.

She said nothing and had tears in her eyes, but a relieved smile appeared on her face when she realized it was him. And the loosening of her expression allowed the tears to flow down her cheeks.

“I finally…found you, Fujita. It took so long.”

She coughed something up.

He thought she had vomited at first, but he soon realized it was a swelling of dark red flesh. It was a demon servant known as a Succubus. And once Ren spat it out, her black hair, and Asian skin color returned to her original blonde and milky white.

“I needed to infiltrate the Kurosaki Family…but FeTUS tech would have been noticed. I never imaged I would get help from a demon…but I figured I could trust Satowa Lucia since he’s your friend.”

She really was here to search for him.

Mutsuki had no way of knowing what lengths she had gone to do this. He could guess she had agreed to some kind of slave contract, gone through the ordinary training, and reached a high enough level for the trainer to bring her here. Then she must have waited until Kurosaki Shuntarou agreed to meet with her. But even that could not have been a tenth of the hardships she had endured.

And even that tenth was enough to warrant a hug, so he held her exhausted body tight.

That sent new tears down her cheeks.

And she reached for the Succubus she had coughed up.

“I risked my life…to get this in here.”

The Succubus flesh was enveloping an old cellphone.

She made a call and it was answered in precisely one second. The screen said Miss E and the response was in Machina’s voice.

“Signal located.”

Adolescent Adam 8: Chapter 6 – Heat

“What is the meaning of this!?”

Kurosaki Keigo shouted angrily into the receiver as the alarms blared incessantly.

“The control system software is being hacked. We cannot stop it!”

“Impossible! This network is supposed to use the coil to physically shut out any connection not made through the relay device! Has the relay device been hacked!?”

“No. We do not know how, but a bypass was most likely established from within.”

“Gh…but surely we have countless countermeasures against such things!”

“I-I am very sorry.”

“Hurry up and figure out what is causing it, you useless fuck!”

After yelling so loud it hurt his stomach, he slammed the receiver down.

This sunless study had wires strung up all over so he could monitor everything in case of emergency. At the press of a button, the surrounding bookcases slid aside, revealing monitors that played footage from the cameras installed all over the facility.

Due to the emergency alert, the trained staff was helping the customers escape outside.

But this entertainment garden did not have regular evacuation training, plus the customers were all very old and decrepit, very drunk, or very high on drugs. And the slaves who had been told to stay put by the staff were panicking at the alarm and trying to flee, so the evacuation was not going well.

“Tch. Garbage, the lot of them.”

Keigo’s blood vessels bulged out at his temple while he leaned back in his chair as if giving up.

The facility was done for at this rate. 80% of those sly yet cowardly old men would never want to come here again. If the business dried up until the rumors died down – say, for 75 days – their debt would rival the national budget of a small country.

But the money was the least of his worries right now.

“Elisabeth! Elisabeth, are you there!?”

“I am.”

Schwarze had been waiting right outside, so she stepped in at his call.

That woman remained calm at all times and that must have reminded him he was panicking too much. He clicked his tongue again and stopped speaking.

He reclaimed his usual dignified calm.

“We are under attack from FeTUS.”

He opened the bottommost desk drawer. It functioned as a refrigerator and it contained some drinks, pills, wet towels, and four glasses.

He removed one of the chilled glasses and Schwarze took a bottle of wine from the nearby cellar and opened it with an old knife and screw without being asked.

“It seems there is already a hole leading in, so how long will this facility last?”

“If a rabbit hole has already been established, this place will transform into Wonderland the instant the rabbit drops in, father.”


As he clicked his tongue for the umpteenth time, his irritation entered the wine and sent red ripples through it while she gently poured it in.

He had not mentioned any details, but even Schwarze was certain that it was Miss A of FeTUS who was attacking them.

“Where did that hole come from? It wasn’t you, was it?”

“Have I ever been out of your surveillance long enough to warrant suspicion?”


They both looked to the room’s entrance.

She had closed the door when she came in, but it was now opened by a few centimeters.

Schwarze glanced over at Enju who was watching them with a composed expression and stopped pouring the wine. And then…

“Why must it be so noisy?”


A large ripple ran through the contents of the wine bottle Schwarze held.

The panic and tension of the voice could be seen clearly in the wine’s surface.

But while Keigo did send a ripple through his wine glass as well, all tension had left this face despite all the irritation there before.