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He was all smiles and made no attempt to hide the joy there.

“Ohh…Lady Lilith.”

He prepared a second glass.

When Black Cat poured the red liquid in, the disturbance from the alcohol caused the vaporized extract to darkly stain the air.

After a platinum shine surrounded it, a white-skinned woman appeared there.

She was as hazy as scattering steam and her blonde hair, which was long enough to reach the floor even from midair, looked far too fleeting to be real.

That person with the faint but undeniable presence picked up the glass with slender fingers.

“I sense Lucya nearby…no, what is this twisted structure? Is it a fake? A copy of Lucya, the Holy Grail, is nearby.”

“The Holy Grail? You mean the Eve ex Machina created by FeTUS?”

“She is nearby…eliminate her. Anything related to Lucya is thoroughly unpleasant.”

“Understood. …Perform a search! Miss E of the Witches is in here somewhere!”

He picked up the phone and shouted angrily into it.

The monitors changed their displays at a dizzying rate and they all showed a confused flood of people, but…

“In the air! Stop the cameras there!”

He stopped it on one of the few images not full of people. It simply showed the sky around the facility.

A black speck was visible in the blue sky. Zooming in revealed it to be a high-speed helicopter. Its cargo door was open and two people looked down from there.

He saw FeTUS Witches Miss E, Machina, there.

“Tch. So they really did discover our location.”

“What should we do?”

“They are an eyesore, so eliminate them. Send out the Bioroids.”

This was more than a network intrusion. People were physically here. That greatly changed the alert level, but Keigo’s anger was a lot more subdued than before.

“I must apologize, Lady Lilith. We seem to have a bit of a rat problem, but we will clean that up real quick.”

He bowed his head toward the woman he called Lilith.

She said nothing and brought her glass of wine to her mouth. Once her sweet, crimson lipstick touched the clear glass, she drank the red within.

She was a beautiful woman.

She was Princess Lilith, mother of demons.

Her beauty came from more than just her looks. The beauty oozing from her every action was enough to charm even Black Cat and Enju, who was on guard duty.

Keigo in particular had the light of a boy in his eyes despite being such an old man.

That was why his anger had faded. Being with this woman was much more important to him than the threat of having the facility’s secrets revealed or the wounded pride of having his security taken advantage of.

Lilith continued drinking her wine.

“This is good wine. Made from excellent grapes. The ones I grew were rougher going down.”

She viewed that red liquid with fondness in her eyes.

“Times really have changed. Where is this from?”

She turned toward Schwarze.

The woman felt her heart skip a joyful beat at having those angled eyes viewing her, but she managed to view the label of the wine bottle she held.

“It is from a place called Nagano.”

“I see…Nagano. I like it. Once I receive flesh, I will partake in their grapes on a daily basis.

“O-of course. I can buy up every vineyard in Nagano right this instant.”

Keigo interrupted as if to beg for her attention.

Lilith ignored him and glanced over at the monitors.

The man knew what that meant, so he raised his voice while it cracked like a child’s.

“Kill them!”

Six metal pillars stood atop the main hall’s roof like decorations, but now they spewed fire.

Capsules large enough for a single person to lie down in were launched toward the helicopter waiting 100m overhead.

The cylinders were too large and heavy, so they rapidly lost their propulsion and stopped their ascent at 50m, only half the distance to the helicopter.

But the six people who emerged from those six capsules made up for the other 50m.

They were not carrying any special tools. They simply leaped with the strength of their legs.

They were all Enju. Six Bioroids copying Enju had been sent out.

“Miss B, I will be unable to assist you for the time being. Ensure Fujita-kun’s safety.”

Machina calmly watched those six from atop the helicopter.

“Beginning operation. Destroy all targets…positive.”

Just as the six took aim at the helicopter and gathered together, she kicked off the edge and threw herself into the air.

At 100m above the ground, she jumped out as if skydiving.

And she charged right through the center of those six.


They must have expected her to intercept them instead of zoom right past them, so they had to turn their bodies horizontal to stop their ascent using the air resistance. Their upwards energy quickly lost out to gravity and they all descended after her.


After landing on the ground ahead of everyone else, Machina looked up at the six again.

The two problems concerning a fight against the Kurosaki family had been their location and these Bioroids. Kurosaki had artificially modified a demon body made from the body of Jiyuuni Ange, the strongest angel. These demons could neutralize angel fire and use FeTUS technology. Just one had immeasurable combat power, but at least 12 of them had been produced.

However, their weakness was exactly what Machina had expected. Whether there were 6 or 12 of them, their thoughts were based on those of the girl named Kagari Enju.

So their actions would be nearly synched.

“Dimensional Transition.”

Machina opened a golden magic circle in the sky toward the six falling toward her.

They reacted in shock, but it was too late. They were all preparing to land and they could not change their stance now.

All six hit the magic circle.

After being deflected, they were all as white as marble statues.

It had already been proven that not even Kurosaki’s ultimate weapons could survive having their body temperature reduced to absolute zero. The six crashed into the ground.

They were so brittle that they did not just shatter like glass; they burst into something like dust.


Machina checked her surroundings again.

This appeared to be a golf course. She was about 20m from the main hall. She could detect several body temperature readings from the main hall, so she could tell it was filled with people.

But fortunately, there was no one on the golf course.

No one other than the 18 Enju Bioroids surrounding her, that is.

“A total of 24. That is more than predicted.”

They had predicted there would be more than the 12 they had already seen, but the production rate seemed to be faster than expected.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha!”

All 18 laughed simultaneously and charged at her with giant swords at the ready.

“Extracting dimensional transformation tool. Expanding phase variable space to 147 for immediate use within Euclidian space. Setting combat range to a radius of 10 meters.”

Machina drew a golden circle on the neatly-maintained grass.

The 18 charged toward the center regardless.


The Enju that arrived first made a slash.

Machina caught her with the gold thread, but the charging attack was too much for her and she was knocked back.

But she had expected that. She skillfully flipped through the air and landed back on the ground. And in that instant…


Blinding light shined from the spot where she had just been standing. In other words, from the grass below the Enju who had knocked her away.

A pillar of heat appeared and enveloped the Enju. A redheaded body with both legs blown off flew a few dozen meters into the air.

Machina had lost the direct clash, but only a few of her golden threads had snapped and they were still plenty strong. She had twisted the threads together, so they were highly resistant to slashes meant to cut them.