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“You really hadn’t heard?”


“Stop it, you two. The Fujita boy is more important now.”

Miss A stopped the impending conflict between those two and had the four of them head deeper inside.

But they stopped when the transmitter location began to move. At the same time, they heard Lucia and Ren’s voices from up ahead.

“Mis B! Are you okay?”

“I am. But Fujita was captured.”

Ren briefly came to a stop, but Lucia ignored the others and ran outside. The others decided he had the right idea and turned around and followed him outside without asking for a detailed explanation.

“You saw Lady Lilith, didn’t you?”

Alice tossed a golden thread toward naked Ren. The thread wrapped around her body and formed her preferred knight outfit. Machina handed her the short sword she was carrying with her.

“Lilith captured Mutsuki? Why would she do that?”

The FeTUS members must have had some knowledge of the situation, so Ange alone was left in the dark. She asked about it while following after Lucia.

“It is said Lilith pursued Avalon, the Adam from several thousand years ago,” replied Schwarze. “The legends say it was her who gave Adam the Serpent’s Eye to mark him. It is not actually known why she pursued Adam…but FeTUS supports the theory that she fell in love with him and we have not discussed that point very much. The problem is…”

“That Lilith is the source of all demons and a monster who ate the Fruit of Life?”

“Exactly. If she unites with Adam who possess the Fruit of Knowledge, it will give birth to a perfect being who possesses both of the origins of life provided by god.”

Panic finally appeared on Ange’s face.

But she must have felt embarrassed being the only one shocked by this information, so she tried to hide it.

“B-but who says I can trust anything you say?”


She brought that up again.

FeTUS appeared to have some kind of plan here, but for an angel like Ange, Miss C was the one who had abducted Fujita Mutsuki. It was a bit of a gray zone whether or not she should work with someone like that.

Schwarze decided making excuses would be pointless and sighed.

But she could not help from making one quiet comment.

“And I am not sure I can trust you angels.”

She seemed to be talking to someone other than Ange.

“I just hope that is the only traitor.”

“What happened, Miss A!?”

When the six of them ran out onto the burnt remains of the golf course, they found Miss D who had stopped helping evacuate the hall.

All seven of them turned toward the boy and woman embracing directly above Shuntarou’s room.

“Now, come to me, Adam…Fujita Mutsuki. Become one with me and become perfect.”

The two were kissing.

Mutsuki shut his eyes with a peaceful look on his face.

His skin was gradually dissolving into Lilith like he was sinking into water.

“Don’t, Mutsuki-kun! Pull yourself together!”

Lucia’s cries did not reach the boy.

He threw his scythe, but it passed right through their flesh just like before. At the same time, Schwarze’s flames enveloped the two of them, but it did not burn them or even warm them.


They were helpless. Lucia cursed his powerlessness and clenched his teeth.

“Angel, you’re all we have left.”

“Eh? M-me?”

“That old hag is a legit demon, so you should be able to burn her.”


As a fellow demon, Lucia was overpowered by Lilith, Queen of Demons. FeTUS science was not enough to bend her will.

But what about an angel? What about the divine light meant to oppose demons?


It would not burn Mutsuki, so she attacked both of them with the blue flames growing from her back.

The divine light of her angelic flames surrounded Lilith and Mutsuki as they mixed together.


Only Lilith grimaced.

It was working. She was a demon, so she had no way of defending against heaven’s flames.


Ange knew she could do this, so she poured as much mass into her flame wings as she could manage.

The blue flames surrounded the two of them.


But red flames enveloped the two before the blue flames could reach them.

The red flames were also holy flames. Those were the ones used by normal angels.

The temperature was far lower than Ange’s, but since angel powers only affected enemies, angel flames could not break through other angel flames. The heat was blocked out as well, so Lilith’s expression softened and she focused on kissing Mutsuki once more.

Ange was confused.

Meanwhile, the five FeTUS Witches must have been aware of this possibility.

Schwarze in particular had been aware from the beginning.

“Jiyuuni Micha.”

“Heh heh heh.”

The source of the red flames casually dropped from the sky above those two to land in between them and the other seven.

It was Micha.

“Eh? Eh? Micha? Why?”

Why was her one and only partner in the human world getting in her way here? Ange was utterly confused.

She was working with FeTUS right now, so did heaven have some other plans? She considered various possibilities, but rejected them all.

There was only one conclusion she could reach based on this situation. But she was too young and trusting of her partner to be sure of it.

“Is that what this is, Micha?”

Her understanding finally caught up when she saw who else descended from heaven after that woman.

A total of 14 angels slowly descended to the earth. She did not recognize the 13 red-robed figures in the back, but she knew the one in the front better than anyone. It was Rapha, her brother.

And since she did not recognize the 13 he led, she could guess who they were.

“Is that Dante, the Chant Unit in charge of divine punishment?”

Dante was heaven’s strongest combat unit.

When all 13 were gathered, their firepower was second to none and they were the greatest fighting force heaven had to offer.

Since Ange was known as the strongest and unbeatable as an individual, she had never actually worked with them or met them.

Sending in this unit meant something had happened to put heaven on the highest alert level.

And if Ange had not been informed…

“Stand back, Ange. There are those in heaven recommending an inquiry for you as well since you worked with Micha. I doubt you betrayed us, though.”

The 13 surrounded Micha and Lilith.

“An angel who sides with Queen Lilith deserves punishment classification Nemesis 66!!”

The flames used by Dante did not come from their backs. They were focused from their palms for ease of use. Their flames had a golden vanilla color similar to Metatron and they took the form of arrows.

Ange watched it all in disbelief.

But this situation could only mean one thing. And she knew better than anyone who it was that had stopped her attack.

So she knew better than anyone that her partner Micha had sided with Lilith.

“It seems your sister, Riselle Baran, was telling the truth,” said Schwarze while readying her claws.

“That girl never could lie,” said Lavriel while drawing her sword.

The other Witches also prepared for battle. Battle against Micha.

FeTUS had received a communique during summer break. Riselle had given them some information in exchange for Shuntarou’s safety. She told them that a few percentage points of FeTUS’s data had leaked to the Kurosaki Family.

An internal traitor had seemed unlikely. Riselle’s information being false had seemed more likely than that. But the information leak she described had begun just before summer break. That perfectly coincided with the destruction of the sanctuary inside FeTUS headquarters. That had forced them to share their information with the angels and Mutsuki, so they had begun to suspect that one of the angels had a connection to the Kurosaki Family.

Ange had trusted Machina’s request for cooperation and had even shown off her secret technique of Metatron, so it had seemed unlikely she was the informant. But suspicions only continued to grow that it was Micha or some angel she was in contact with.