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“Call the three of them back. That way we can all get along.”


He was making a request.

She rejoiced at that simple fact, but her mechanized brain rationally analyzed the situation.

How should she respond? Her mechanical brain crunched the numbers and predicted a few different futures.

The instant she agreed, she would be enveloped in the greatest bliss imaginable and she would offer him the love she had supposedly cast out 600 years ago.

But what if she refused? She could calculate that out as well.


She looked up at him.

Her cheeks grew warm when she viewed his face. Her heart pounded in a happy way.

This was love. Love of a man. Of the opposite sex.

How many centuries had it been since she felt that? At the very least, she did not recall feeling it for the past 500 years.


That was not entirely true. There was that moment this very summer.

When she had shared a table with a certain boy, drank some delicious tea, and eaten some less delicious cookies, she may have felt a similar feeling.

“I refuse,” she bluntly stated.

He shut his eyes regretfully.

In that instant, Miss Alice Arc’s skin peeled away.

Her flesh, bones, and hair fell to the ground and vanished like no more than sand.

She had known this would happen. Refusing a perfect being meant turning her back on her understanding as a living creature. It meant to reject her life itself.

She had known refusing him would cause her body to give up on living.

But those words had still been worth saying. The 600-year-old witch maintained her cynical smile to the end as all that was Alice Arc turned to dust and blew away.

The young man breathed a quiet sigh.

“Let’s give up on Ange’s group. We can change the world first.”

He turned his back on her.

With that, Micha, Schwarze, Lavriel, Makoto, and all the others lost interest too. As if they had never known that girl named Alice.

As if anyone who defied a perfect being might as well have never existed.

“I want to rid the world of discord. You will all help me, won’t you?”

When he called to them…

“Of course.”

They all replied while experiencing ecstasy at being commanded by him.

They all left the golf course.

The remaining pile of sand was soon scattered by the wind.

Only a cheap bear print ribbon remained there, caught on some grass.

Adolescent Adam 8: Fragment

“I will be leaving then.”

“Thank you, Shibaki-san. Kurosaki is finished, so I would recommend not returning there.”

“I see.”

After driving them to Kobe Harbor, Shibaki watched Shuntarou and Riselle boarding a cruiser they must have arranged for and then he began smoking one of the cigarettes he so loved.

He could tell the cruiser was stuffed with gold bars. He shrugged at how well prepared that man was. He kind of wanted to attack the pig and steal it, but he doubted he could manage it with Riselle and that redhead as his bodyguards. He quickly abandoned the idea.


That redhead looked somehow familiar. He tilted his head at the odd sensation.

The cruiser finally began to move. He snuffed out his cigarette and returned to his car.


He did not know what had happened to the Kurosaki Family, but he had been receiving constant calls from his subordinates. They were asking for help or saying they had been imprisoned by a giant woman, so he wanted nothing to do with any of it. Shuntarou was probably right about never returning there.

(I did like my life there, though.)

But whatever. He climbed into the car.

Where would he go now? It was not quite on the level of gold bars, but he had enough saved up to wash his hands of that business and live a comfortable life. Or he could search out another patron while dreaming of once more training as fine as specimen as Koishi.

He silently laughed at himself when he arrived at an oddly philosophical answer.

Would he even enjoy living a life after this?

He had long since gotten a vasectomy for his training work, so he could not have any children.

He had not even hesitated to make that decision. Because it had been for his job.

But now he started to question if that had been the right decision.

What was he even living for anymore?

“Are you sad?”


He heard a sudden voice.

He had been alone in the car and it had been locked, but now a girl was sitting in the passenger seat.

She had short chestnut hair, a plainness that somehow stuck in your memory, and a simple cuteness. He had met her a few days before. Had her name been Kisaragi?

“Yes, you must be sad. It is sad to have no one to love.”

“H-how did you get in here?”

He stumbled over his words, but not from surprise or fear.

As soon as he laid eyes on her, he felt a heat in his chest.

“But you can love me.”


A moment later, Kisaragi transformed into a woman with long blonde hair.

Her beauty had a way of making any man’s biology throb.

That was when the fear kicked in.

A trainer like him should have been able to control his lust no matter what the woman looked like.

Yet he could not. He could not help but get a boner from seeing her. In fact, he reached out a hand and leaned over her as if someone were controlling him.

There was something weird about her. He wanted to run away.

The average man would have completely lost control after laying eyes on her, but his intuition as an experienced trainer felt fear in that devilish charm.

But the fear changed nothing.

He forgot all about the job he had worked for so many long years and was reduced to nothing but an animal in heat.

He could only think about holding that beautiful body, laying on top of it, and penetrating it.

And when he did penetrate her…

“Ah, ah! Ah!!”

All thought left his mind and he could only scream.

The pleasure he though he could control was endlessly and directly flowing into his brain. He could immediately tell this was not coming from his penis. All the cells in his body were crying out in their joy at being joined with this woman.

“Come to me. You never need to think again. You never need to think about the hard times, the painful times, or anything else that brings discord to this world.”

She stroked his cheek.

“The only thing you need to do is love me.”


In that instant, that man thought of a certain woman.

He had loved her back when he was 25. He had met a wild woman who moved from partner to partner, but they had gotten along well enough to start living together. In the end, she had disappeared, leaving him with her debt.

He had only ever loved one person in his life.

But that had not been the woman who ran away. It had been the only daughter she had brought with her.

As a trainer, he had used his every act of love toward another person as a means of making money, but that daughter was the one person he could firmly state he had truly loved.

When the woman had disappeared, she must have gotten into a fight with her daughter because that girl of only four had hit her head on a corner and died.

Why had he not gone to check on them that day? If he had, he might have been able to save that lost life.

He had left that love behind on that day, but it had still existed.


But as pleasure exploded in his mind and he began to ejaculate, that memory vanished.

He lost the memory of the one and only person he had ever loved.

All that remained was his love for this blonde woman he was still inside.

That was when the flesh forming the man named Shibaki turned to a dark liquid and burst. It resembled a Succubus, but this was different. These remains of a body had no mind and could not move.

A brightly shining object the size of a bean floated up from it.