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The pleasure rising within her quickly passed the line of ecstasy she had experienced playing with herself. The pain of defloration had yet to fade, but she was brought to climax.

Once that happened, Saya was nowhere to be seen.

All that remained was a sticky black wetness on her bed and a small speck of light floating above it.

Mutsuki reached out and preciously enclosed the light in his hands.

Then the boy disappeared from the room as well.

The Kurikara home had grown entirely silent.

Not just Saya’s now-empty room, but the entire house.

In fact, there was no sound in the entire neighborhood around it either.

Adolescent Adam 9: Chapter 1 – A Changed World

The transportation Miss A had supplied for them was a lot like a missile without a warhead.

They flew at such high speed that it took less than half an hour to return to FeTUS headquarters at Megutono Academy from as deep in Kansai as south Fukui prefecture.

However, there must not have been time for proper maintenance. The speed dropped and Ange, Machina, and Lucia were dropped to the ground before arriving back at the headquarters.

“Ow. That was a hell of a way of sending us back.”

“It was a very Miss A thing to do. But more importantly…”

“Where are we? Oh, is that the mall over there?”

They had apparently made it back to the city. They had fallen near SeeD WalK, the shopping mall that the angels like Ange often used.

It had been closed for a while after the destruction from Black Cat’s attack, but it had reopened before summer break. It was once more a place for countless families to make nice memories.


Or it should have been.

The outdoors hall was large enough to hold a small concert and the center was connected to the food court a floor below. It was still warm for fall, so the outdoors hall had been remade into a beer garden during the evening hours and it should have been full of office workers on the way home from work.

But it was empty.

The three exchanged a glance wondering if it was closed today.

Ange and Machina only looked puzzled, but Lucia’s expression was darker. He looked down at the floor where the tile was engraved with a grid of small grooves to let rainwater drain off.

His face stiffened further when he saw the black stains there.

“This is odd,” said Ange. “There’s no one down here either.”

They descended the stairs to find the food court deserted.

No customers would be one thing, but there were no workers in the restaurants either. Yet the lights were on and the grills were still active.

“Was everyone evacuated because our ride was mistaken for a missile?”

“Negative, the government is unaware of any of this and there would be more of a commotion outside if that were the case.”

The mall was quiet. Eerily quiet.

There was an arcade near the food court and the game cabinets there were all still powered on. The mall’s speakers were playing ambient music based on a forest or the waterside, which only increased the eeriness of the deserted building.

Ange did not know much about the human world and Machina did, but they both thought of the same name: the Mary Celeste.

But for warriors like those three, learning they were in an emergency situation actually helped them avoid panicking.

They calmly, calmly observed their surroundings and noticed a few odd things within the food court. Some chairs were toppled and a few people’s worth of underwear and other clothing was lying on the floor.

There were also black stains dotting the chairs and floor.

“What is this black stuff? Succubi?”

“Negative. The ratio of materials is similar, but there is no life activity in these.”

They investigated in their own unique ways. Machina analyzed the materials and Ange produced fire from her back to heat them enough to burn a demon.

The materials analysis told them nothing and there was no response to the fire, so these did not seem to be demons. However…

“These are human bodies,” said Lucia after scooping some up on a finger and licking it. “Just with the Fruit of Knowledge removed.”

“H-human bodies? All of these were people!?”

Ange was shocked at the identity of what she had been investigating and she gasped when she looked again at how many stains were scattered throughout the mall.

Those were all people. It did make the most sense given the odd state of the mall, though.

“Ah, ahhhhh, ahhh, yesssss! That’s…that’s so good!”

When they focused their ears, they heard someone’s voice. All three of them moved toward the voice and peeked into the arcade adjacent to the food court.

“Ah! Nikki!” shouted Lucia.

A girl who looked somewhat young for her flashy clothing was half naked and down on all fours.

This was Niki Hozumi, a classmate of those three, and a member of the rock band Lucia had performed with at the cultural festival a few days ago.

His voice did not seem to reach her and she was wiggling her hips side to side while on all fours.

The three of them gasped when they saw the man firmly holding those hips.

It was that young man. The one who resembled Mutsuki and that Micha had called Avalon.

“Sob, wahhhhh! Papaaa, mamaaaa.”

They had not noticed before due to all the noise from the arcade cabinets, but there were still a few people in the arcade.

A boy of about 5 was crying in front of the bathrooms on one side of the arcade. Ange and Machina hurried over to help him, but then they realized there were still two adults in the diaper changing room next to the bathrooms.

“Ahhh, what, what!? I’ve never felt anything like thissss!”

“Ahhh, I-I’m so close! Ahhhh, I’m cumming!”

A different man and woman were in there with them for a total of four people.

A young woman was having sex with the young man named Avalon and a somewhat older man in his thirties was having sex with a woman who had long platinum blonde hair.

That shockingly beautiful face was Lilith’s. Ange and the others had only seen her for a moment, but they could tell right away.

The boy was crying “papa” and “mama” at what those two were doing. They must have been his parents.

“Ah, ah, ah, ahhhhhhh, I’m cummiiiiiiiiiiiiiing!”

Hozumi let out a cry while her slender body arched backwards.

At that very moment, her body burst into a black liquid.

There was no blood. She was transformed into a black stain on the carpet before Lucia’s eyes like she had been a water balloon all along.

Then a glowing speck floated up from the stain. Was it an apple seed? The man having sex with her grabbed the tiny speck of light with a satisfied look.

The man and woman in front of Ange and Machina also achieved climax and collapsed into a black liquid. The boy gave a quiet shriek at seeing his parents burst into nothingness.

After retrieving the specks of light from those two as well, the two Avalons and the one Lilith smiled in satisfaction. They vanished like mist without even glancing over at dumbfounded Ange and the others.

The only people left were Ange, Machina, Lucia, and…

“Does it sadden you, boy?”

The boy had nearly fainted after seeing his parents disappear, but another Lilith appeared right behind him.


The boy could not find the words to express the tragedy that had befallen him, so Lilith gently smiled and rubbed his cheek.

“There is no need for sadness for I shall love you. I can love you more than your father or your mother ever could, so you need only love me in return.”

The boy finally remembered how to cry and clung to her blonde hair with tears spilling form his eyes.

“Wait! Get away from her!”

Ange realized what was coming, so she shouted in anger.

But the boy showed no interest in her words and indulged in the arms embracing him.

A moment later, there was a splatting sound and he became a black stain.

“The human world has this idea known as a brain in a vat.”