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Rapha said nothing to that last part.

The silence must have felt awkward because the boy smiled bitterly.

“I know I’m in no position to accuse other people of being vile on the inside. I too carry a dark and messed-up side of myself.”

“All humans do. As do all angels and demons.”

“Rapha-san. I actually never really liked you.”


That must have been another surprise. His expression changed for the first time.

“I guess you would call it jealousy. Ange looked at you in a way she didn’t anyone else – not even me – and it made me jealous.”

“Because we are siblings. That is fundamentally different from her relationship with you. That is just how it is.”

“I have come to realize that and I will not place any personal feelings between us from now on. I love you and I will make you happy.”

That blunt statement appeared to be yet another surprise, but Rapha also seemed to accept it. He gave another cryptic smile and then Mutsuki took his hand.

Rapha gave a slight nod as if to say he understood.

“With the utmost kindness, I would like to correct you in one thing, Mutsuki-kun.”


“The emotion I inspired in you may have been jealousy. Only you can know that. But because it came from how much you care about Ange,” he whispered, “I would not describe that faintly dark emotion as vile.”

Mutsuki had no response to that and then what had been Rapha vanished into pale crimson flames.

While the human body reverted to being water, an angel’s body reverted to being fire.

The released speck of light dropped into the pool like all the others.


Mutsuki’s face tensed at those final words.

“It isn’t vile?”

“Is something the matter?”

“Oh, Lilith-san.”

Some of the pool water rose up before growing dark and transforming into a woman with long white blonde hair dangling down.

“No. It’s just that Rapha-san, um.”

He was unsure what to say.

He did not know what those final words had meant, but to ask about it would require explaining his jealousy to this woman.

That would be embarrassing and a lot of effort.

“It’s nothing.”

“I see…Hm?”

“More importantly,” he said as he hugged her.

After a moment of surprise, she happily leaned against him.

“You saw what I did with the others, didn’t you?”


They were the same person, so maybe it was more about being aware of it than seeing it. While the ship traveled to this city, he had made both Schwarze and Ren cum simultaneously while enjoying some wine. She would have experienced that too, as part of him.

“If you wanted to join in, you should have said so.”

“Wh-why would I want to do that? Me? With humans?” She puffed out her cheeks in an oddly childish way. “It’s just that, you have me with you…and yet…”

She had trouble getting the words out.

In a way, she was not just childish – she was a child. It made him smile.

Since they were the same person, he knew what she wanted him to do. He led her over and laid her down on the poolside.

The surrounding angels considerately left the area.


He gently rubbed the robe she was wearing and what looked like cloth vanished like foam, revealing her milky-white skin.

“A-are you going to make love to me?”

“Do you not want me to?”

He knew she did, but he made a point of asking while letting his hands crawl across her body.

Maybe it was a white person thing, but her flesh had the same springy texture as Schwarze and her body temperature was high. With skin like that, her arousal was readily evident from its complexion.

He grabbed her bust which was a little too big to fit in his hands.

“W-well, if you want to. You should consider it an honor.”

She gave her consent, but she looked to the side in a surprisingly shy way.

It reminded him a bit of Ange, so he smiled bitterly while running his hands all across her body, as if tracing its outline.

Her figure could be called perfect. She was a tad taller than the ideal body proportion, but the gentle roundness of her shoulders kept her from seeming lanky. Her bust was not too large and not too small, her torso angled sharply inwards from there to form a skinny stomach, and then she curved outwards for a large butt. Her long legs lacked a muscular tenseness, but they maintained a perfect triangular shape down to the toes.

If you asked someone to draw the perfect body, it would probably end up looking like this.

Perhaps the beauty standards imprinted in the instincts of all humans were in fact based on this madness-inducing demon queen.

It was a somewhat intimidating beauty, but…


Her pointed face reminded him of Ange, which was enough to relax his tension and let him grow more aggressive.

Her skin grew heated and an aroused pink hue joined the milky white. His aggressiveness was having an effect.

But he was a little bothered by the tenseness of her muscles below the skin.

Normally, a woman would be more relaxed at this stage.

A thought occurred to him, so he peered into her face.

With her secret found out, she groaned and grimaced.

“I-it’s true. I have…no experience. This body has never had a man inside it.”

“Eh? Not even Avalon-san?”

“Avalon was…not interested in anyone other than Lucya. And I refused to be with anyone but him.”

“I see.”

That was a surprise. She had so many attractive qualities, so he had assumed she was extremely experienced when it came to sex.

“H-hmph. Laugh if you like. The mother of all demons is in fact a virgin.”

That was apparently possible because demon reproduction did not require sex.

He glanced behind him and saw Micha wink at him while watching on from a distance.

When he had first met her, she had suddenly taken his virginity. She had also had him build up his experience with Machina and Schwarze, but had it all been for this?

“Got it. I’m used to this, so leave everything to me.”

He was not what he would call “extremely experienced”, but since he was not as faithful as Avalon, he may have been the perfect partner for her.

“Hold your legs like this.”


He spread her long legs and had her hold them by the knees.

“W-wait, like this? This is embarrassing.”

She only realized after the fact she looked like a baby having its diaper changed, so she grew angry.

“Just stay like that.”

“Gh, d-do you feel no fear? I command every last demon.”

“Heh heh. Then maybe some of them will be mad if I tease your butt like this.”


He rubbed down the defenseless center between her spread legs.

She complained but remained cooperative and kept her legs spread. In fact, when he reached her butt toward the bottom, she even lifted her hips up to give his finger more room to move.

The pose caused her white crevice to spread open in a diamond shape and reveal the pale-colored flesh within. The undeveloped flesh tunnel had relatively few folds and had clearly not been used much – or at all, according to her.

He specifically avoided touching her there and instead rubbed her spread legs. He focused on her thighs, but also rubbed her knees, ankles, and sometimes between her toes.

After passing up the back of her thighs and back to her butt, he spread and rubbed her anus with his fingertips. Her curled-up body jumped. She was tall and her hair was even longer, so even the smallest movement caused a large movement at the end of her hair and the platinum blonde glittered in the lights.

“Ah…hh…wh-what is this feeling? Nh.”

He kept his hands on her lower body while moving his mouth to her upper body.

He stuck his tongue in her cute navel and licked up her stomach from there.