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They held each other in their arms until the afterglow had subsided.

“I must admit, your sex technique is impressive. This vagina is now your slave, Fujita Mutsuki.”

With that comment, he noticed the female body below him losing its softness.

“But my heart still belongs to Avalon. I, um, can only p-partially let you in there.”

She remained stubborn to the end and then she disappeared. She must have been satisfied because they became a single being once more.

“Oh? Is Lilith asleep already?”


Just then, Micha walked in with three glasses of wine.

She sat down next to where Lilith had been.

“I thought a drink would be nice, but I’m not sure I want to drink with you when you look like that.”

“Ha ha.”

She gave up on drinking and set the glasses aside.

“Rapha-san finished the process too.”

“I see.”


“Did you say something?”


Micha was somewhat aware of his situation with that man. He imagined she would more easily understand his jealousy than anyone else, but it was still embarrassing and he chose not to say anything.

Plus, there was something else he was more curious about.

“Micha-san, what do you think of Lilith-san?” he asked while looking at the three glasses she had brought in without even needing to ask.

“What do I think? Hm, that’s actually a good question.”

She laughed and stroked the rim of the glasses.

It made a high-pitched and somehow graceful tone where two glasses were touching.

“Jealous, I suppose.”


“Yes, I was jealous. Although I bet she was even more jealous of me.”


He had thought he was changing the subject, but here he was back at Rapha’s final words.

“What’s wrong?” she asked with a smile at the puzzled boy.

“But you got along so well.”

“Yes, we were old friends. Even if she is a demon and I am an angel.” She rubbed his head. “I developed the Adam inside you because of an old promise with her. …Although taking your first time was purely because I wanted to.”


He already knew that.

When she had stimulated the Serpent’s Eye on that day when they first met, she had clearly been straying beyond her duty as an angel, which was only to keep an eye on the Serpent’s Eye holder and make sure they did not abuse that power. Thinking back, it had really been the same thing Lucia had done, so from the very beginning, she had been working to awaken Adam just like Lilith wanted.

Of course, like she had said before, she had probably also been trying to use the power to control all women to save Ange from self-destructing with Metatron.

It seemed best to take her previous advice and assume her actions had multiple meanings.

But then why had an angel like her colluded with Lilith?

In fact, why had those two worked together if they were jealous of each other?


He did not know. His confusion only grew.

His thoughts were shattered by a loud tone from the glasses Micha was stroking.

The ship had shaken and the vibration of the glasses had caused the high-pitched and graceful tones to rub together until they produced a discordant tone.

“My, my. They’re here already? That’s youth for you, I suppose.” Micha looked up. “I may have regained the power I had in my prime, but…sigh. I’m just not as young as I once was. After relaxing like this, it’s so hard to work up the energy to fight.”

“Is it Ange and the others?”

“Yes. Stand back, Mutsuki-k-…no, Avalon.”

The boy turned into a young man and Micha stood up.

At that very moment, a giant rabbit hopped directly above the ship.

Adolescent Adam 9: Chapter 5 – Rivalry

“There are one, two…fourteen angels! That’s too many for me!”

“I know. Go hide.”

As soon as the rabbit landed on the ship’s deck, Ange and Lucia hopped off its shoulders. Ange moved forward and Lucia hid behind the rabbit’s big ears.

Micha smiled as if to welcome them. The 13 silent members of Dante descended to protect the young man lounging on the poolside.


Just like the three witches from before, the enemy’s power would be boosted by Adam. They would be much more powerful than Ange’s group, although she did not know exactly how much more.

She would have to go with her max firepower from the beginning.

“Grand Cruz!!”

A beam of light shot from her divine sword and enveloped everything on the deck.

That wide-range scorching cannon blast had enough firepower to reduce even the young man named Avalon to ashes.

This was dangerous, but she showed a certain form of trust in making the attack without hesitation. She knew Micha could endure that much firepower while returned to her prime.

“When did you learn to control Metatron so well? I’m impressed, Ange.”

The brown-skinned woman standing in front blocked the attack with the red flames spiraling out from her back.

She was not reducing the heat. She had simply produced even greater heat with her own flames. The deck and the rest of the ship should have melted in the blink of an eye and exploded into nothingness, but the 13 members of Dante had endured just as well. Avalon was fine and not even the pool water next to him had boiled.

“You could probably surpass me in my prime with another century of experience.”


This was the power of Michael, history’s strongest angel. The angels did not see much value in combat, so Ange had only ever heard rumors that she was “really strong”.

This was far greater than she had imagined. Ten times greater even.

“Prominence Nova!!”

Ange was accomplishing nothing as an outrider, so she retracted her exploding flames.

She contained them within her sword.

The blade’s outer shell was blown away and the flames were concentrated into a plasma jet small enough to wield as a sword.


She struck at her foe.

She made a large and powerful swing of the sword. Since Micha was acting as the young man’s shield, she would have to take the attack.

Ange was right in that assumption, so her full-power swing hit.

But she had been wrong in another assumption. Micha blocked the flame sword with a karate chop.

She had attacked with her max power at her max speed, but it had been blocked.


“How about some close-quarters combat?”


She could not push through with power, so she split her sword in two.

Micha responded with karate chops enveloped by the flames coming from her back. She used both hands for a two-sword style.

They clashed at close range.

While Ange used her swords, Micha responded with her bare hands, making her a little faster. Her attacks were cleverly made and her fist wove its way through a gap in the swinging blades.

It caught Ange in the face.


Micha’s face tensed in surprise for the first time today when she felt how light the blow was.

Ange’s face was pulling back as if sucking in the fist. Micha had thought the girl’s body weight was placed behind the swords, but she had overlooked the girl shifting her center of gravity to her lower body at some point.

That small body used the force of the punch to twist around, with red hair swishing through the air.

The centrifugal force was placed behind a kick aimed for Micha’s face.


The girl went for the jaw. Micha barely manage to dodge it, but it caught her in the throat, making her flinch.

“Gh, you have a knack for this. You really do have the greater raw talent, Ange.”


The current strongest angel was not about to overlook an opening like that.

She pulled one sword back and used her full body weight to thrust it forward while her opponent flinched.

Micha could respond to the slashes, so what about a jab?