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The four orgasms that had started with her seemed to form a circle that bounced right back at her in the center.


She was launched to even greater heights of pleasure.

“D-don’t get carried away like that, Satowa. That was too much.”

“I wasn’t getting carried away…ahh, but I’m spent. I can’t move a finger.”

“Pant, pant.”

The foursome itself had been fun, but they had lost control of themselves and thus were trying to blame each other for their embarrassment.

Ange was angry but too exhausted to move, Lucia could not work up the energy to even tease the others, and Machina shut her eyes and took deep breaths as if to calmly overcome the repeated pleasure.

Those four were nearly a perfect match when it came to sex, so why couldn’t they get along outside of that? Mutsuki could only smile bitterly.


But he came to realize something while he watched them in silence because he was too exhausted for anything else after ejaculating thrice.

“Drag us into this nonsense again and I’m roasting you,” said Ange.

“I didn’t drag you into shit. You two barged in on us,” said Lucia.


Ange and Lucia always ended up arguing, but…

“If you don’t like it, then just leave Mutsuki-kun and me alone. You seemed to be having fun with her, so how about you go off and be lesbians so Mutsuki-kun and I can be gay in peace.”


Ange panicked when the other girl was brought up.

“Wh-why should I!? Besides, I didn’t kiss Ibekusa because I wanted to!”

“Nh…you didn’t like it?” asked Machina.

“Fweh? I-I didn’t say that. It’s just that it wasn’t my idea and, um…”

The troubled look on Machina’s face was enough to silence Ange.

She could not deny she had passionately kissed the other girl after losing herself in her wonderful figure and sweet lips. The flavor of Machina’s tongue must have still lingered in her mouth because her face flushed bright.

Machina had always been the innocent type, so she was a good match for Ange. And Ange had trouble being honest but was a good person deep down, so she could not bring herself to dislike someone who meant no harm.

They had viewed each other as enemies before, but they had started to get over that and they were roommates now. Ange apparently did not know how to feel about Machina, so she could only fall silent with a lopsided frown on her face.

“Ah ha ha? C’mon, Ibekusa, go kiss her again. This is a lot simpler for me if you two fall in love.”

“I have no intention of falling in love with Jiyuuni-san.”

“Ehh? Then what, do you hate her? She’s gonna cry.”

“I-I did not say that.”

On the other hand, Machina had trouble with Lucia. She was so honest that she was easily deceived by his mischievous way of talking.

“Well, if you don’t hate her, then get on over there and kiss her?”

“Satowa! You’re getting carried away again! I really am gonna fry you!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa! No violence!”

And Ange had the upper hand against malicious Lucia.

“Hot! Hey, don’t get mad! Your anger is enough to burn a demon like me!”

“Shut up! I won’t reduce you to ashes cause the humans wouldn’t like that, but I will give you one hell of a burn!”


“What is it, Ibekusa!? Don’t interf-“

“I promise I don’t hate you. Here, I’ll prove it…nh?”

“Ah, wait, don’t kiss me…ah?”

Angel beat demon, demon beat human, and human beat angel.

Even with the fighting over, that dynamic remained in place.

“Hm? What are you smiling about, Mutsuki-kun?”

“Oh? Heh heh. Nothing really. It’s just…”

The boy looked to Ange and Machina who had stopped kissing and to Lucia.

“I’m so glad I have all three of you.”

He felt like he had found something in this imperfect world.


The power of Adam was impressive indeed. After a few more rounds, Ange and the other two were down for the count, but Mutsuki felt like he could keep going.

According to Miss A and the others, his growth as Adam would continue until he was an adult. And sure enough, the Adam within him was growing even with the Lilith business complete. He could sense it clearly.

Someone new might show up to get at his Serpent’s Eye or him as Adam. He was also fully relying on FeTUS for dealing with the rivalry. He doubted he would be able to live in peace for long.

But he did not feel worried.

He rubbed the heads of the three people sleeping around him.

He felt bad for relying on them for so much, but he also knew he did not have to worry when they were handling it.

So he at least wanted to avoid being someone who brought discord to them.

That was the only thing on his mind at the moment.


Except, that is, for the one regret he had failed to resolve.

He slipped out of bed and left the room without waking them.

He was thirsty, so he went to the kitchen and filled a cup with water.

Then he heard a sound from over by the fridge.

He turned around and did not see anyone there, but he had recognized the sound.


That was her sound. Whenever she went to the fridge, her weight would make exactly that sound. He had heard it countless times while living with her for the past several months.

Because she would often try to sneak things from that fridge.

“Ah ha ha. Caught me, huh?”

That was exactly who emerged from behind the fridge. As expected, she held several cans of beer.

She had sided with Lilith and set him up, but he made no attempt to wake the others. He did not even seem cautious.

“You came.”

“To get these. Heaven is nice and all, but the drink selection could use some work.”

She pressed one of the condensation-covered cans against her cheek with a look of bliss.

She had apparently broken heaven’s house arrest command for some beer. That was so like her the boy actually laughed.

She apparently had nothing to say to him because she gave him a wink as if to say “I’ll be going” and she walked toward the window.

They had not met since the previous unpleasantness and it would be a lot harder for them to meet in the future, but she apparently really had only come here for the beer. She always had been that kind of carefree woman.

But then she opened the window and the moonlight shined in.


When they emerged onto the balcony, she noticed something on the boy’s moonlit face and came to a stop.

“What’s wrong?”

She had not said anything herself, but when she cleverly noticed his thoughts written on his face, she took time to address it.

Micha really had not changed at all.


“Heh heh. Did you want me to apologize for setting you and Ange up?”

“N-no. Because I think I understand why you did that.”

He was not trying to attack her.

She had said before that adults had multiple reasons for the things they did.

She had apparently been working with Lilith from the beginning, but she had not taken the lead there. When Lilith had approached, she had taken the most efficient method of protecting the boy she was meant to protect. It just so happened that meant having him reborn as the perfect one.

He also understood why she had conspired with Lilith and stimulated the Adam within him.

Lilith was not the only one who had wanted a reunion with Avalon.


The only thing that bothered him was why she had somewhat forcibly taken his virginity and pressured him into a physical relationship a few times after that.

That had been part of the plan with Lilith to hasten the awakening of Adam, but had she been at all motivated by the simple desire to sleep with him?

He could not exactly ask her that and he knew she would only answer such a question by insisting she had been fully motivated by that simple desire, which would only be a way to dodge giving a serious answer.