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“Beginning scan. Fujita Mutsuki…positive. Serpent’s Eye holder confirmed.”

A mechanically synthesized voice spoke through the Porsche’s speakers and he clearly heard his own name.


“Listen, Mutsuki-kun! The Springloaded isn’t the problem. The demon will defeat it.”

The voice coming from the cellphone was drowned out by the bubbling sound coming from the wall fountain behind him.

“The demon is the one you need to escape from!”

“Ha ha?”

He also heard a low and oddly alluring laugh.

“Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha! I found you! I finally found you, Fujita Mutsuki-kun!”

The standing Porsche seemed to lean backwards.

Just a few seconds before, the fountain had been filled with clear water, but now its contents sprayed out like a geyser, assaulting Mutsuki and the Porsche.

And this was not water. It was a sticky reddish-black liquid.

Dried blood may have been the closest comparison. It was exactly as warm as human skin and reeked of blood. Mutsuki shuddered in disgust as it poured down over his back.


The Porsche did more than tremble. The human skin fluid soaked into the exposed engine. Even in its monstrous form, the precision machinery was weak to foreign substances. As each drop entered the engine, the car’s movements dulled and it finally did nothing more than shake like a toy with a dying battery.

In that instant, a giant curved blade pierced through the center of the exposed chassis.

The red blade gently curved like a crescent moon. The giant scythe’s blade was over a meter long and the handle was over two meters long. It stabbed so deeply into the Porsche monster that Mutsuki almost felt sorry for it.

Only after moving his gaze down the weapon did he notice that someone stood on the damaged headlights at the front of the car.

(Who’s that? Watch out!)

The Porsche could not support itself any longer with its claws broken, so it collapsed forward.

Mutsuki panicked, but the person standing on top was not thrown off. They instead let go of the scythe and leaped toward Mutsuki.

The person bent their waist to a ninety degree angle in front of Mutsuki and moved their head so close it almost hit him.

The situation kept changing so fast that Mutsuki could only watch in a daze.

“Hi. I was looking forward to meeting you, Fujita Mutsuki-kun.”

The person was a boy of about Mutsuki’s own age…or at least he thought it was a boy. At the very least, the sleeveless shirt and pants were boy’s clothes and his husky voice sounded more boyish.

Yet he was so beautiful that Mutsuki’s heart began to race when their eyes met from close enough for their noses to nearly touch.

His droopy eyes and long eyelashes gave him an exotic depth to his looks and the hair held down by his baggy hat was a shiny blond. The innocent smile decorating his perfect facial features gave him a youthful and cute look.

He was more beautiful than handsome and he was more bewitchingly seductive than beautiful. He was such an androgynous boy that his clothes were the only clue to his sex.

“I can call you Mutsuki-kun, right? I’m Lucia. You can call me Lu-kun or Lucy or whatever you want.”

Mutsuki was just about charmed into a stupor.


A complete change came over the innocent sun-like warmth of his smile. Like sunlight ripping apart the darkness, he gave the kind of insane smile one must not be charmed by.

“Wow… You’re even more than I imagined, Mutsuki-kun. You haven’t even awakened yet and I’m already all tingly. I can feel your hidden power oozing from your genes themselves!”

He looked over every inch of Mutsuki’s body with a look of animalistic intensity that seemed horribly out of place on his cute face.

(Wh-who is this kid?)

Mutsuki froze over and finally narrowed the corners of his eyes.

He was scared, but there was a strange charm in this boy’s eyes that just about made him fall in love.

He knew being here was dangerous, but his body refused to move.

The boy’s face drew even closer, but he could not escape.

“You’re just my type? Heh heh. I think I would’ve fallen for you even if you weren’t the chosen one.”

“The chosen-…? Nmh!”

He tried to ask about that phrase, but something made his mind go blank.

Reddish lips reminiscent of a blooming rose bud were pressed against his own.

The boy’s lips shined like glistening sweets as they covered the entirety of Mutsuki’s own lips.


Mutsuki was utterly confused when he felt something wet around his lips. The mysterious boy named Lucia used that opportunity to squeeze his lips shut.

“Hee hee?”

His beautiful looks grew sweetly flushed and he let out a warm breath.

The boy’s bewitching, sweet, and stickily moist breath scorched Mutsuki’s lungs and robbed him all strength.

After being left motionless, the boy devoured, rubbed, and pecked at his defenseless lips.

(What…is this? What is he doing to me? …Nn, my tongue.)

Mutsuki could do nothing to stop it. He did not quite know what was happening yet. He only felt a pleasantly soft sensation pressing at his mouth sometimes fast and sometimes slow. The aroma of the heated breaths was certainly not unpleasant, but…

(Isn’t he…a boy?)

Only after the boy’s small sticky tongue split Mutsuki’s lips and began groping about his mouth did Mutsuki come back to his senses.


It had taken him a while, but he finally moved back. His back hit the dried fountain as he put some distance between them.

“Wh-why? What? What are you…?”

What are you doing? Who are you? Why did you kiss me? That was my first time.

Mutsuki had so many things flying through his mind he was not sure what to say first, so his mouth only flapped wordlessly.

“Heh heh heh heh heh. Thanks for that?”

Lucia pressed his knees together and fidgeted with a delighted and charmed smile on his face.

Mutsuki nearly found him cuter than any girl he had ever seen, so he lost his chance to get angry. He could only swallow his complaints. He had a habit of swallowing when he closed his mouth and he only realized afterwards that he had swallowed Lucia’s saliva as well.

The happy-looking boy held his hands to his cheeks.

“You’re better than I ever imagined, Mutsuki-kun. I never thought a kiss would be enough to make me feel like this. I was trying to make you my slave, but I was the one that fell for youd”

He moved his thin, pointed chin as if giving someone instructions, and…


Mutsuki had been sitting with his back to the wall but his hips were forced up.

It was that blood from before. The black slime-like liquid had stained all of his clothing and it now pulled him upwards on the boy’s command.

“Now, let’s start by awakening the proof that you’re the chosen one. Let’s awaken the world’s most impure and inescapable power that can drag all women down into corruption! Let’s awaken the Serpent’s Eye!”

“The Serpent’s…? …!? Eh…!”

The liquid had complete control. And as Mutsuki trembled in fear of that unexplainable magic trick, the next trick hit him.


Ever since the Porsche had begun to move, none of the mysterious phenomena had harmed anything but his lips, but the flames of pain had finally been ignited.

An indescribable feeling welled up inside his head as if the inside of his skull were on fire or sewage was being pumped into his temples. His clothes were pinned to the wall, so he could not even crouch down as he squirmed and tried to control the core of the sensation.

That core was his right eye which throbbed and burned to a painful degree.

“Ahhhhhh! What is this!? What is this!? What is thiiiiiissssss!?”

“Don’t be afraid. The throbbing of the nerves is temporary. You’re breaking free of your frail humanity and setting foot in the realm of god. You’ll get used to it soon enough.”