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At last they reached the gates of the new palace where they were greeted by Basil, representatives of Mesembria’s noble families, and officers of the city’s guilds. The royal couple descended from the cart and the chamberlain gravely handed them golden keys to the gates.

“The Palace of the Laughing Dolphin, my lord despot. From the loyal and loving people of your city. We wish you and our lady queen long life, good health, many strong sons and fair daughters. May the heirs of Alexander and Theadora rule over us for a thousand years!” he shouted, and the people roared their approval.

Alexander inclined his head to the representatives. “Our thanks to you all,” he said. “Let word go out through the city that we are pleased and will be ever grateful for the generosity of those we rule.

“We will show our gratitude by restoring the city to its former glory. No one in Mesembria will go hungry or homeless ever again. Taxes will be suspended for one year. Schools will be opened to all the children- even the maidens! This city will again flourish. On this you have our royal word!”

The gates to the palace swung open behind him, and Adora called in a ringing voice, “Come! Come and share a cup of wine with my lord and me. Celebrate with us a new golden age for the city of Mesembria!”

Again she felt his approval wash over her. Hand in hand, they led their guests through the palace grounds to the garden terrace. Tables had been set up and servants waited with food and drink. Toast after toast was drunk throughout the afternoon until the last guest finally departed.

Unable to believe they were really alone, the two stood gazing happily at one another.

“Will you be happy here?” he asked her.

“Yes,” she answered softly. “I am happy wherever we are together.”

“I want to make love to you,” he said evenly and then, looking helplessly about, complained, “but I do not even know where our bedchamber is!”

She began to laugh, and he joined her, the deep peals of his mirth booming over her bell-like amusement. “Anna!” she gasped out. “Anna!” and when her servant appeared Adora managed to say, “Our bedchamber? Where is it?”

The servant woman’s black eyes flashed delighted comprehension. “Come,” she said. “I was just coming to get you both. I have your bath ready, my princess, and Zeno waits to attend you, sire.”

They followed her into the palace through a corridor painted with frescos of the ancient Greek games. The ceiling beams were carved and gilded, the marble floors covered with thick blue and red rugs from Persia. At the end of the corridor was a double door marked with the Mesembrian coat of arms. Crowned Neptune, triton in hand, rose from the waves against a scallopshell background. Anna did not slacken her pace, and the soldiers standing guard on either side of the doors flung them wide.

Anna gestured. “My lord’s apartment is to the right. I am sure he will wish to bathe the salt and wind of the sea voyage from his skin. My lady’s apartment is here, and an oil bath awaits her.”

Biting her lip to keep from laughing Adora looked helplessly to her husband. He shrugged and, catching her hand, kissed it. “Until later, beauty,” he murmured. She nodded and followed Anna.

Theadora’s rooms included a sunny day room with a large marble fireplace, the side pillars of which were carvings of naked young goddesses. The leaping flames cast red and gold shadows over them, giving them a seductive appearance. The walls of the day room were hung with the most beautiful silk tapestries Adora had ever seen. There were twelve, each one depicting an event in the life of Venus. The marble floors were covered by thick rugs. The windows were hung with silken draperies and the furnishings were a mixture of Byzantine and Eastern styles. The colors of this day room were predominantly azure blue and gold.

Adora’s bedroom was done in shades of coral-pink and a pale cream color with the barest touch of gold. The matching dressing table from the ship was there, as Alexander had promised. But to her delight the big bed was also shaped like a huge scalloped shell. Its feet were made of gold dolphins who rested on their curved tails balancing the shell on their noses. The bed was topped by a golden coronet and hung with sheer silk gauze draperies of coral pink. This fairy-tale room looked out onto the sea. She felt a flush creep up her neck as she imagined Alexander and herself making love in that marvelous bed in this wonderful room.

“Your bath is through here, my princess.” She jumped at Anna’s voice.

They entered a blue-tiled room with a sunken bathing pool where several young maidservants waited. Within the hour she was bathed, her skin and hair free of salt. After donning a loose caftan of pale apricot-colored silk, she entered her day room again and found a supper table set up by the windows. The sky had begun to darken and the moon was rising, reflected in the calm sea.

Awaiting her, in a white silk caftan, was Alexander. The servants had magically disappeared. “Do you mind playing the maid-servant, my love?”

“No, I want to be alone with you. It has been hours since we were able to be together without a crowd.”

She poured him a goblet of golden Cyprus wine and then, giggling, filled his plate with raw oysters, breast of capon, and black olives. “Our cook lacks subtlety. Even the dessert is made of eggs!”

He laughed, then sobered and reminded her, “Mesembria does need an heir, Adora. I am the last of my line. There is no one left after me, no one who might rule if I died. The fire that killed my brothers and their families also took many of my uncles and cousins, all my father’s relatives. They were all there that night celebrating my eldest brother’s birthday. Until we have a son, I am the last of the Heracles.”

Standing beside him she drew his head against the scented softness of her breasts. “We will have a son, my lord. This I promise you!”

Looking up he let his aquamarine eyes lock onto her amethyst ones and saw mirrored there far greater promises: the promise of many happy years, of a large family to replace the one he had lost, of a thousand nights of delight followed by ten times a thousand. Standing up, he held her lightly by the shoulders and looked into her upturned face.

“The food will wait, my love,” said Alexander. And sweeping his wife into his arms, he carried her off to the great shell bed.

Chapter Fifteen

Theadora had fallen in love with Mesembria quite easily. But it did, as Alexander had said, need rebuilding. It was nineteen hundred years old. Its rulers studied an accurate scale model of the city and decided that, before the public buildings could be renovated, housing for the poor must be improved. There were at least three sections of wooden tenements that were always subject to fire, and a bad conflagration could do serious damage to the entire city.

Alexander arranged to have the owners of these buildings brought before him. Adora at his side, he quietly explained what he was going to do. The existing wooden buildings would be torn down and new brick buildings would be erected. The owners had a choice. They could sell to him if they wished, but he would set the price. Or they could bear half the expense of the new buildings. Those men who kept their buildings and worked with Alexander would be exempt from taxes for five years.

Only three old men chose to sell. Their buildings were quickly bought, not by Alexander, but by their fellows.

Only one section at a time would be done, and the residents of the section being worked on would be housed in a tent city.

Afterwards, the public buildings would be redone. And the parks would be done as well.

While this was going on, Alexander’s plans for turning Mesembria into a great commercial center would also be progressing. Already he was planning a trip to Trebizond to negotiate an agreement. Trebizond, one end of an overland route from the rich Far East, was a desirable location.