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Chapter Eighteen

The Court of the Beloved was finished, and Theadora’s bedroom was the most talked about room in the entire harem. Every woman envied the princess her quarters, her pregnancy, and the sultan’s love.

The bedchamber was paneled halfway up the wall in squares of dark wood. Above the paneling the wall was painted a deep yellow-gold color, and topped with a plaster molding of flowers painted in scarlet, blue and gold. The floors were highly-polished wide boards of dark-stained oak. The ceilings were beamed, the beams painted to match the moldings.

Centered on one wall was a large yellow-and-blue-tiled fireplace topped with an enormous conical copper hood covered in sheets of beaten gold. The tiled fireplace apron was raised and extended several feet out into the room. The walls on either side of the hearth were hung with beautiful silk hangings, one of which depicted the flowers of spring and early summer, the other the flowers of late summer and autumn.

The wall facing the fireplace contained a raised, carpeted platform holding a large bed. The bed had carved and gilded posts and was hung with coral silk hangings, all embroidered with flowers, leaves, and vines. The embroidery was done in gold thread, seed pearls, and jade. There was a matching coverlet.

To the right of the head of the bed the wall was windowed with long, tall, mullioned casement windows. The glass had been blown by six Venetian glassblowers unfortunate enough to have been in a section of Adrianople that resisted the Turks. The sultan had promised them full pardon and coveted Turkish citizenship as well if they blew the window glass and decorative glass for his palace. Until then, they remained in bondage to him. The windows in Adora’s bedroom had a very faint golden hue. They looked out onto her private garden. The draperies were the same coral silk as the bed-hangings.

The thick, luxurious rugs had gold, blue, and white medallion designs. The wardrobes that were cleverly incorporated into the walls of the room were lined with cedar and held sliding trays for her clothes.

There were large round tables of beaten brass on ebony stands; a thronelike chair with carved arms, legs, and back, and a gold brocade cushion; small ebony side tables inlaid in mother-of-pearl; and stools of velvet and of brocade. Hanging lamps swung from silver chains, casting amber, ruby, and sapphire shadows and scenting the room with perfumed oil. Pure white beeswax candles burned in gold candlesticks. It was a room of beauty and serenity-perfect for lovers.

Now, however, the time had come for Theadora Cantacuzene to give birth to Sultan Murad’s child, and before the walls of the bedchamber would hear the soft voices of lovers it would hear the agony of the childbearing woman who was restlessly pacing the floor.

“Lie down and rest, my princess,” fussed Iris. “You behave as if this were your first child.”

“Halil was important only to me, Iris. He had older brothers. This baby is very important to the entire empire. He will be the next sultan.”

If you bear a son, my princess.”

Theadora shot her a venomous look. “It is a son I birth, old witch,” she said, gritting her teeth at the contraction that tore through her. “Fetch the midwife now!” As Iris hurried off, Theadora lay down on the bed and rubbed her belly with her fingers, using quick little circular motions. This, the midwife had told her, would ease the pain.

The midwife was a Moor, and Moors knew more about medicine than anyone else did. Theadora had personally chosen Fatima for her skill, her excellent reputation-she had never been known to lose a mother-and because she was clean. Fatima now entered the room and made her way to the bed.

“Well, my lady,” she said cheerfully. “How goes it?” And washing her hands quickly in a basin held by a slave, she pushed Theadora’s caftan above her raised knees and examined her patient. “Hmm. Yes. Yes. You’re doing very nicely. Anyone can see you’re meant to be a breeder. We have almost full dilation.”

She glanced up and saw the look of grim determination on the princess’s face. “Don’t push yet, Highness! Pant like a dog. Ah, that’s it! Now! Push! Yes! Yes! You are completely dilated, and I can see the babe’s head. Iris! Get some slaves to bring the birthing stool in-and place it in front of the windows so my patient can look out.”

Within a few short minutes Adora had had another contraction and had been settled on the birthing stool. She was soaked with perspiration and her legs trembled.

The birthing stool was of hard, aged oak, gilded with gold leaf and inlaid with semiprecious stones. It had a high, straight back with a lattice-work carving atop it, wide arms partially padded in red leather, and straight legs which ended in carved lion’s feet. The seat was flat and open so the midwife could catch the infant easily.

Now, as Adora reached the final stages of labor, the women of the harem were allowed in to witness the birth. There must be no doubt as to the child’s authenticity and parentage. They crowded about the birthing stool, their faces reflecting envy, sympathy, fear, and concern. Theadora gripped the padded arms of the chair and shut out their nervous chatter. The room was stiflingly hot, and the many scents of the women’s perfumes were overpowering and made her stomach roll with nausea.

She focused her eyes on the garden beyond the leaded golden windows. It was a brilliant afternoon with a cloudless, bright blue sky. A clear sun reflected off the blindingly white snow covering the garden. For a brief moment, a small grey-brown bird wrestling with a red berry on a nearby evergreen bush distracted Adora and she laughed at its comic antics.

The women about her were aghast. Did the princess feel no pain? What kind of creature was she that she laughed at the height of her travail? Collectively they shivered, remembering Adora’s amethyst-colored eyes. Witches were known to have odd-colored eyes.

Another contraction tore through her and, obeying Fatima’s instructions, Adora panted first and then bore down hard. She made no outcry but the pain was fierce, and perspiration poured over her body, running down her legs, making the seat slippery. Iris mopped her face with a cool, scented cloth. Fatima knelt below, her equipment spread out next to her on a clean linen towel.

“The next contraction will give us the head, princess.”

“It’s coming!” gasped Adora from between clenched teeth.

“Pant, Highness! Pant!” A pause. “Now, Highness! Now! Push! Push hard! Ah, I have the mite’s head. Very good, my princess!”

Adora sank back, exhausted, smiling gratefully as a young slavegirl held a cool, sweet drink to her lips. She sipped almost greedily, then lay her head back, breathing deeply and slowly.

“You are doing very, very well, my lady,” said Fatima encouragingly. “The shoulders next, then the rest of the little body, and we’ll soon be done.”

You will be done,” chuckled Adora. “For me it will begin again, Fatima.”

The midwife looked up, smiling. “True, Highness,” she said, “and with your radiant beauty, I expect to be serving you on quite a regular basis if the sultan is the stallion they say he is.”

The women of the harem tittered. Adora would have laughed at the midwife’s ribald humor but for the next pain. It seemed to be ripping her in half. Pant.

Pant. Pant. Push. Push. Push.

“The shoulders! I have the shoulders, and good broad shoulders they are!” cried Fatima.

The child was beginning to whimper now, a whimper that turned into a howl of anger as the next contraction pushed it completely from its mother’s body. Laying the outraged infant on a linen, Fatima cut the cord and bound it tightly. Next, she quickly cleaned the mucus from the child’s nose, mouth, and throat. “A son!” she cried excitedly, “The princess has been delivered of a son! Praise be to Allah! Sultan Murad has a fine, strong male heir!” Standing, she lifted the bloodied, shrieking infant for its mother and the others to see.