“Drew, stop!” Katie shouted in his ears and he turned to her confused. The gun wielder had pulled out a pistol and held it ready. “They’re friends!”
Drew clenched his fists, the emotional wringer of the last minute and a half having completely spent his body. Adrenaline raced through his overly stimulated muscles from the mosquito fight, and then the fear of losing Katie and Sarah. He realized just how dangerous what he had just done may have been; he could have hit Sarah, or the bolt could have conducted through the man’s skin to her unconscious body. He swallowed, and his legs gave out, landing with a painful thud as his knees slapped the tile floor.
Katie moved to stand between him and the other three people. “Drew, it’s okay,” she said, putting her hands on his shoulders and pulling him into another awkward hug, his forehead against her clavicle. “It’s okay Drew; we’re safe.”
The sound of the lightning bolt must have alerted Bill, and the chief’s voice could be heard calling out in the hallway behind them, “IT2, where’d you go?”
Katie pushed him away for a minute a confused look on her face. “In here, chief. There’s an illusion,” Drew said, his voice seeming drained of all emotion.
Bill’s hand followed by the rest of his body appeared a few seconds later; he was leading Jholie. All three groups stared at each other for a few seconds while Drew managed to reclaim his calm. “Katie, this is Bill and Jholie, Bill is a healer.”
Katie hugged Drew tight at that, “You did it,” She murmured in the crown of his head. Everyone else looked on awkwardly as the two Coasties had their reunion. Finally, Katie pulled away. Looking at Bill and Jholie, then back to Drew, she gestured behind her, “That’s JP and Robbi. They came here looking for supplies and survivors.”
Drew looked at the two men. JP was the one with all the guns, and to his mana sight, his aura was almost purple, with a strange intermixture of red and blue. Robbi, on the other hand, was the one sporting a large burn mark across one side of his body armor and his aura was a weird indigo, green, and yellow that reminded Drew of a half-healed bruise. He was probably the source of the illusion on the wall. Another layer of protection added against the monsters?
He was glad that JP hadn’t opened fire on him, and the gun he had pulled out was back in its holster. Drew realized for the first time that both men were wearing blue police uniforms under their body armor, and while he didn’t carry as many guns as JP, Robbi had a few of his own. The armor had probably been enough to save Robbi’s life; a large black scorch mark on the back of the vest showed that his aim had been true, despite JP’s attempt to save his partner.
“I’m sorry about that lightning bolt thing,” Drew said hesitantly. Robbi opened his mouth to say something but was stopped when JP laughed.
“Shit bro, it makes sense, Katie told me you’d gone out there alone,” JP said, walking over to Drew and Katie, leaning down to extend his hand to shake Drew’s. “I can’t imagine that walking around out there alone is good for a person’s mental health.”
Drew took the hand and shook it, then putting a hand around Katie’s waist pulled both to their feet, letting the brunette go as soon as they were back on their feet. “Still, I’m really sorry…”
Bill spoke up then, “Sorry to interrupt, but I should heal Sarah, so we can get back to the others.”
“Oh right, Of course, Bill, she’s right there,” Drew said, gesturing to Sarah’s body. The big chief walked over to the girl, and kneeling, began to hug her.
Katie tugged on his sleeve and gave him a questioning look, “Bill’s healing requires that he hug the person,” he answered. Meanwhile, Jholie was staring around at everyone nervously. JP and Robbi were watching Bill curiously.
Katie squeezed his arm, watching, while both held their breath as Bill used his daddy’s embrace. Nothing happened at first, but then they saw Sarah wrap her arms around Bill in response. Katie’s grip on Drew’s arm became tighter, and when he looked over, she was crying. He put his arm around her waist again and she released his arm long enough to give him a side hug as she watched her friend move on her own for the first time in days.
When Bill finally managed to extract himself from Sarah’s embrace, Katie ran over and hugged the ensign herself. Drew clapped Bill’s shoulder, “Thanks, chief.” Bill just shrugged and went over to stand near Jholie.
Drew walked over to where the two cops were standing, “I’m really sorry Robbi…just a little bit on edge, I guess.” Robbi shot him a bit of a glare but didn’t say anything as he grabbed a sprite and stalked over towards Bill and Jholie.
“Give him a bit. It’s not every day you’re almost killed,” JP said, then shrugged, “Or I guess, it wasn’t every day. It kind of is every day now, isn’t it?”
Drew laughed and nodded his head, “Yeah. For me, anyway. How did you guys get here?”
“Well, we were sent out to recruit people. We’re set up in Nat’s Park with about a thousand people total. There were five in our scouting group when we set out, but we lost two on the bridge to a massive squid that pulled them into the river, and another to what Katie called Orcs, as we were traveling through the new mental hospital.”
Drew frowned, “I’m sorry to hear about your losses.” They stood there in silence for a few minutes while they each contemplated those of their companions they had lost.
“Where did you find these two?” JP asked, as he nodded towards Jholie and Bill, “Katie said you left alone.”
“I did, I went to Bolling. The DIA building on base has turned into a dungeon like the HQ here has, but it’s filled with troll-like creatures instead of orcs. I managed to rescue about 20 of them and brought Bill back up to heal Sarah. The plan was to take Sarah and Katie down there and rescue the rest of the prisoners.” Drew answered truthfully, hoping the men would join them.
“Robbi and I would like to join you,” JP said immediately to the unspoken request. “That’s why we came out here, after all, to bring back as many as we could. The guy in charge was a senator before advent; but he’s alright, kept a lot of people alive and we’ve got running water and showers up again. There should be plenty of food once we get the five or six people with enhanced farming skills working the playing field. Housing is in the stadium for everyone, and we have enough reds to keep the place safe from the monster attacks.” He glanced at Drew, “Not that I expect you’re lacking on reds yourself. I haven’t seen anyone take out Robbi’s shield, and still leave enough to actually hurt him.”
Drew blinked. JP was certainly trying to sell the place hard, “Does he need healing? I’m sure chief or Sarah can help him…” JP just waved it off.
“When he’s ready, he’ll ask for it.”
“Right, well, I got lucky and got a couple of good red skills from xatherite drops. When did you start setting up at the stadium? I’ll be honest, it sounds…too good to be true.”
JP laughed again, “Yeah, I know what you mean, especially after what Katie told me of y’alls experience in the HQ building. We’ll go rescue those people of yours first and then you’ll see.” Drew nodded his head. If the dungeons were going to continue sending out raiding parties, having a safe place across the river to keep people was going to be important. How they were supposed to get a whole bunch of people across the squid infested river was a problem for tomorrow.
The two girls were mostly back to normal and Drew nodded to JP, “I should talk to Sarah.” JP nodded in response, and Drew walked back to where Sarah and Katie were. Sarah smiled at him as he sat down next to her.
“I hear you saved me.”
“Well, I think Bill’s hug did that. I was just Katie’s gofer boy,” Drew said, and Katie punched his shoulder.