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40 G. Bobrov, Soldatskaya saga (Moscow, 2007), p. 144.

41 Gai and Snegirev, Vtorzhenie, p. 139.

42 Varennikov, Nepovtorimoe, p. 226.

43 Urban, War in Afghanistan, p. 234.

44 The description of Operation Magistral and the operations around Khost draws on B. Gromov, Ogranichenny kontingent (Moscow, 1994) (http://www.rsva.ru/biblio/prose_af/limited_contingent/index.shtml); L. Grau and A. Jalali, ‘The Campaign for the Caves’, Journal of Slavic Military Studies, Vol. 14, No. 3, September 2001 (http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/report/2001/010900-zhawar.htm); E. Westermann, ‘Limits of Soviet Airpower’, thesis, Air University, Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 1997; Varennikov, Nepovtorimoe, pp. 215–40.

45 Crile, Charlie Wilson’s War, p. 521.

46 A. Imtiaz, ‘The Haqqani Network and Cross-Border Terrorism in Afghanistan’, Terrorism Monitor, 24 March 2008.

47 Lyakhovski, Tragedia i doblest Afgana, 1995 (http://www.rsva.ru/biblio/prose_af/afgan_tragedy_and_glory/index.shtml), p. 10.

48 According to the British Ministry of Defence: email to author, 19 January 2010.

49 A. Lyakhovski and V. Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin: Pamyati Akhmad Shakha Masuda (Moscow, 2007), pp. 24 et seq.

50 Sergei Morozov, interview, Moscow, 31 May 2007.

51 S. Grigoriev, Pandzher v 1975–1990 gg. glazami afganskogo istorika (St Petersburg, 1997), p. 41.

52 This account is taken from Lyakhovski and Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin, pp. 93–121 passim. The figures for the Soviet and Afghan forces involved are on p. 96. Other sources give different figures.

53 ‘Dalnyaya Aviatsia Rossii’ (www.sinopa.ee/davia003/dav03.htm).

54 Private Knyazev’s account is at Lyakhovski and Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin, pp. 117–21.

55 L. Shebarshin, Ruka Moskvy: zapiski nachalnika sovetskoi razvedki (Moscow, 2002), p. 195.

56 Lyakhovski and Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin, p. 128.

57 ‘Dalnyaya Aviatsia Rossii’.

58 Lyakhovski and Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin, p. 33.

10: Devastation and Disillusion

1 ‘Byt, nravi I obychai narodov Afganistana: Pravila i normy povedenia voennosluzhashchikh za rubezhom rodnoi strany’, 1985. I was kindly given a copy by Alexander Kartsev.

2 E. Girardet, Afghanistan: The Soviet War (Beckenham, 1985), p. 46.

3 A. Lyakhovski, Tragedia i doblest Afgana (Moscow, 1995) (http://www.rsva.ru/biblio/prose_af/afgan_tragedy_and_glory/index.shtml); W. Odom, The Collapse of the Soviet Military (New Haven, Conn., 1998), p. 290, quoting Rabochaya gazeta, 6 April 1990.

4 Thomas Tugendhat, interview, London, 1 December 2007.

5 V. Varennikov, Nepovtorimoe, 7 vols. (Moscow, 2001), Vol. 5, pp. 142–50; Russian Wikipedia (http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/  _     _  ); for the American fighting, see S. Junger, War (London, 2010), passim.

6 G. Bobrov, Soldatskaya saga (Moscow, 2007), pp. 202–3.

7 A. Maiorov, Pravda ob afganskoi voine (Moscow, 1996), pp. 243–79; Vladimir Snegirev, email to author, 12 April 2010.

8 A. Lyakhovski and V. Nekrasov, Grazhdanin, politik, voin: Pamyati Akhmad Shakha Masuda (Moscow, 2007), p. 144; information from Alexander Gergel.

9 Quoted in C. Gall and T. de Waal, Chechnya: A Small Victorious War (London, 1997), p. 97.

10 V. Krivenko, Ekipazh mashiny boevoi (St Petersburg, 2004), p. 372.

11 Valeri Shiryaev, interview, Moscow, 12 March 2010.

12 A. Prokhanov, Tretii tost (Moscow, 2003), p. 61.

13 The first was ECOSOC E/CN.4/1985/21 in 1985; the last was E/CN.4/1995/64 in 1995.

14 Report on the Situation of Human Rights in Afghanistan, UN General Assembly A/43/742.

15 In 1979, according to a government census which may or may not have been accurate, the population of Afghanistan was 15.5 million, of whom just over 900,000 lived in Kabul.

16 Bobrov, Soldatskaya saga, p. 283.

17 Afghanistan Justice Project, Casting Shadows: War Crimes and Crimes against Humanity, 1978–2001, The Century Foundation (www.tcf.org), 2005, p. 34 (http://www.afghanistanjusticeproject.org/).

18 Ibid., p. 56.

19 Krivenko, Ekipazh mashiny boevoi, p. 351.

20 V. Snegirev, ‘Afganski plennik’, Rossiiskaya gazeta, 12 August 2003; Vyacheslav Nekrasov, interview, Moscow, 13 May 2007.

21 A. Greshnov, Afganistan: Zalozhniki vremeni (Moscow, 2006), p. 133.

22 Ibid., p. 148.

23 Afghanistan Justice Project, Casting Shadows, p. 63.

24 Alan A. H. Macdonald, Chief of Staff, Mine Action Coordination Centre of Afghanistan, email to author, 4 May 2009.

25 Greshnov, Afganistan, p. 56.

26 101st Motor-rifle Regiment website (http://101.int.ruindex.phpoptioncom_content&taskview&id204&ltemid5).

27 V. Voinovich, ‘Glavny tsenzor’ (http://www.voinovich.ru/home_reader.jsp?books8.jsp).

28 Lyakhovski A, Tragedia i doblest Afgana, Moscow 1995 (http://www.rsva.ru/biblio/prose_af/afgan_tragedy_and_glory/index.shtml); R. Keeble and J. Mair (eds.), Afghanistan, War and the Media: Deadlines and Frontlines (London 2010), p. 87.

29 Varennikov, Nepovtorimoe, p. 308. The Politburo record has been widely reproduced—for example, by Alexander Lyakhovski—and in other memoirs and histories of the war.

30 D. Gai and V. Snegirev, Vtorzhenie (Moscow, 1991), pp. 192, 190, and 175. Sakharov’s ‘Open Letter to Brezhnev’ is at http://www.uic.unn.ru/ads/biography/txt1.htm.

31 A. Chernyaev, Sovmestny iskhod: Dnevnik dvukh epokh 1972–1991 gody (Moscow, 2008), diary entry for 5 February 1979, p. 391.

32 Gai and Snegirev, Vtorzhenie, p. 207.

33 National Security Archive, Afghanistan: Lessons from the Last War, Vol. II, Document 15, 12 November 1981, translated by Svetlana Savranskaya (http://www.gwu.edu/~nsarchiv/NSAEBB/NSAEBB57/soviet.html).

34 A. Volkov, ’40-aya Armia: Istoria sozdania, sostav, izmenenie struktury’ (www.rsva-ural.ru/library/?id63).