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Once, as with the scientific treatment of African soils, a much greater uniformity was attributed to the vegetation than would have been generally acceptable in the same period for treatments of the lands of western Europe or the United States. Quite the opposite assumption is now frequently advanced. An intimate mosaic of many species—in complex associations and related to localized soils, slopes, and drainage—has been detailed in many studies of the African tropics. In a few square miles there may be a visible succession from swamp with papyrus, through swampy grassland and broad-leaved woodland and grass, to a patch of forest on richer hillside soil, and finally to succulents on a nearly naked rock summit.

The span of human occupation in Africa is believed to exceed that of any other continent. All the resultant activities have tended, on balance, to reduce tree cover and increase grassland, but there has been considerable dispute among scholars concerning the natural versus human-caused development of most African grasslands at the regional level. Correspondingly, classifications have differed greatly in their principles for naming, grouping, and describing formations: some have chosen terms such as forest, woodland, thornbush, thicket, and shrub for much of the same broad tracts that others have grouped as wooded savanna, savanna, and steppe. This is best seen in the nomenclature adopted by two of the most comprehensive and authoritative maps of Africa’s vegetation that have been published: R.W.J. Keay’s annotated Vegetation Map of Africa South of the Tropic of Cancer (1959) and its more widely based successor, The Vegetation Map of Africa (1983), compiled by Frank White. In the Keay map the terms savanna and steppe were adopted as precise definitions of formations, based on the herb layer and the coverage of woody vegetation. The White map, however, discarded these two categories as specific classifications. Yet any rapid demise of savanna in its popular and more general sense (i.e., as dry tropical grassland or mixed woods and grassland) is doubtful.

The vegetational map of Africa and general vegetation groupings used in this article mainly follow the White map and its extensive annotations, although some 100 specific types of vegetation identified on the source map have been compressed into 14 broader classifications. Vegetational zones Lowland rainforest

African lowland rainforests occur along the Guinea Coast of western Africa and in the Congo basin. The full development of this tropical formation requires continuously warm conditions and an annual rainfall exceeding 50 to 60 inches (1,270 to 1,520 millimetres) distributed fairly evenly over the year. The vertical limit is about 3,500 to 4,000 feet. This multistoried, highly diverse, extensive, and potentially self-perpetuating assemblage has been described by some as the source of virtually all tropical floristic diversity. No other part of the world sustains a greater biomass (total weight of organic matter in a given surface area) than lowland tropical rainforests. Even though the speciation (proliferation of distinct types of plant) within the African rainforests is notably poorer than that of its counterparts in Southeast Asia and the Amazon basin of South America, these forests sustain a huge multiplicity of life-forms, occupying different strata (generalized levels of plant height) and niches (separate, small-scale habitats).

Tropical forests in Africa.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

Characteristically, tropical rainforest is composed of a ground story, from 6 to 10 feet tall, of shrubs, ferns, and mosses; a middle story of trees and palms 20 to 60 feet in height; and a dominant top canopy consisting of trees up to 150 feet high with straight unbranched trunks, buttressed roots, and spreading crowns of perennial leafage. The large branches of these crowns provide niches for epiphytes, including orchids, ferns, and mosses. Lianas tie trees to one another, parasitic species cling to trunks and branches, and strangler figs (Ficus pretoriae) put down aerial taproots. Nevertheless, these are not “impenetrable” jungles. It has been suggested that some early European travelers and pioneer botanists may have exaggerated the difficulties of human penetration because they journeyed along atypical waterways and along tracks where disturbance of the original vegetation had thickened the regenerating ground layer. In true rainforests, grasses are adventitious (occurring in consequence of fortuitous intrusions). Elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum) can grow abundantly in areas where the vegetation has been disturbed, providing good fodder for grazing animals when young but quickly becoming rank, coarse, and a refuge for insects. Cogon grass (Imperata cylindrica) is a troublesome grass on depleted and fire-seared ground. Eastern African forest and bush

Lowland forests and evergreen bushland form a long belt of land some 125 miles broad along the Indian Ocean. From various causes—notably the monsoonal climate, freely draining soils, and long historical impact of humans—these forests are much more limited in their structure (physical form), speciation, and robustness. On more favoured terrain—such as estuarine fringes, the seaward flanks of the islands of Zanzibar and Pemba, and hill masses athwart the rain-bearing southeast monsoon—forest and a close broad-leaved woodland are still dominant. Where land is in a rain shadow, in areas of unfavourable geology (e.g., raised coral reefs), and near cities and small ports, thorny bush, succulent shrubs, and scrawny grassland prevail. Nevertheless, the region now sustains a number of economically important domesticated trees—both indigenous and exotic—such as the coconut palm, cashew, mango, and (especially on Zanzibar and Pemba) clove. Mangrove swamp

Mangroves include a variety of species of broad-leaved, shrubby trees (10–40 feet high) that fringe muddy creeks and tidal estuaries. They require warm saline water—hence their distribution along tropical coastlines. Often they form nearly impenetrable stands, for which the easiest access is by sea. The trunks and roots are termite-resistant, and they have long been favoured as a building material and for making charcoal. Broad-leaved woodland and grassland

This classification constitutes one of the most extensive composite categories now recognized and includes much of the land formerly labeled as savanna. Two broad bands extend across the continent, one from about 7° to 12° N latitude and the other from about 8° to 22° S latitude. Structure and floristic composition vary greatly with the increase of latitude, both in the north and the south. Annual rainfall averages 35 to 45 inches, with marked seasonality of occurrence and considerable fluctuations from year to year, both in total rainfall and in the onset of rainy periods. The woodlands of western Africa strikingly resemble those south of the Equator. In both areas, undulating wooded interfluves on light soils successively alternate with swampy, clay-based valley grasslands (called fadamas in Nigeria and dambos in Zambia and Malawi) in a topographically linked sequence of soils called a catena.

Trees, 30 to 50 feet high, are typically deciduous and often fire-resistant, since much of this land is burned annually. Common western African species include types of Isoberlinia (a spreading leguminous tree of the pea family), Daniellia (a leguminous tree with white bark), and Lophira (a tree with strap-shaped leaves that is said to yield the most durable timber in the region). Other hardwoods, forming distinct communities, are Combretum and Terminalia, which are better suited to the drier areas. Prevalent southern equivalents include Brachystegia (a leguminous hardwood, the bark of which formerly was used to make cloth) and Julbernardia (another plant of the pea family resembling Isoberlinia). Over much of the interior of Tanzania, in areas of reduced rainfall and poorer soils, a light-canopied, sustained woodland called Miombo forest rises above a rather scrawny ground layer. This is an excellent habitat for bees, and honey has long been gathered there.