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Highveld grassland near Heidelberg, S.Af., southeast of Johannesburg.Gerald Cubitt—Bruce Coleman Ltd. Mediterranean vegetation

This zone is determined chiefly by its climate, which is characterized by very dry summers and mild, rainy winters, but it has long been much differentiated by its inhabitants. Large tracts have been degraded into maquis (macchie), garigue, or dry semidesert (steppe) vegetation. Maquis consists of dense scrub growths of xerophytic (drought-resistant) and sclerophyllous (leathery) shrubs and small trees, which are often fire-resistant. Garigue characteristically is found on limestone soils and has more woody growth, including evergreen and cork oaks (Quercus suber). The higher slopes of the Atlas Mountains once carried large stands of pine and cedar, but they have been much depleted. Typical grasses, progressing from the coast to the desert, are Ampelodesmos, Phalaris, and Stipa. Cape shrub, bush, and thicket

This region constitutes the southern counterpart of the Mediterranean zone, although (with the exception of the Atlas Mountains) it is richer in its vegetation potential. There were once considerable enclaves of true evergreen bushland, which have reverted to shrubland (fynbos). Sclerophyllous foliage and proteas abound. Although grassy tracts occur on the mountains, they are characteristically unusual lower down. Beyond the Cape Ranges, fynbos grades into karoo. Madagascar

Physically and biologically, Madagascar has long formed a separate entity. White has identified eastern and western regions of endemic (unique) vegetation. In the eastern centre, about one-sixth of the plant genera and more than three-fourths of the thousands of species are regarded as endemic. The Madagascar rainforest has shorter trees and a somewhat drier climate than its equatorial counterpart and contains its own dwarf palms (Dypsis) and bamboos (Ochlandra). The western deciduous forest stands in the rain shadow; some of its trees resemble Mediterranean oaks. The southern thickets have prominent euphorbias and species of the Didiereaceae family. The island has much degraded secondary forest (locally called savoka) along the eastern and northern coasts. Sudd

In addition to the major types of vegetation described above, a special vegetation called sudd (literally meaning “barrier”) occurs in the great Nile, Niger, and Zambezi drainage systems of the African interior plateau. Sedges (especially papyrus), reeds, and other water plants—including the floating Nile cabbage (Pistia stratiotes)—form masses of waterlogged plant material that are largely unproductive and are a nuisance to fishing and navigation. Pistia has become an unwelcome invader of Lake Kariba, the body of water formed by the impounding (1959) of the Zambezi River in the Kariba Gorge.

Lake KaribaLake Kariba, located between Zambia and Zimbabwe in central Africa.© Adam Ojdahl Long-term changes in vegetation

Africa’s basic vegetational zones are believed to have existed in approximately the same climatically controlled series and with the same characteristically developed species for a long period of time; indeed, some ancient African plant families—such as the cycads, which evolved some 200 million years ago—still have living representatives. Nonetheless, the continent’s vegetation has been altered continuously by geologic and climatic changes and by the movement of the caloric (heat) Equator. The past million years have been a time of unusually rapid changes, with major consequences for Africa’s vegetation.

The vegetational history of Africa is of great scientific relevance. Studying the lichens growing in the high East African mountains, for example, may yield a better understanding of the continent’s climatic trends, and a knowledge of past conditions in the Sahel might help explain what influence natural phenomena have had on the disastrous droughts of the region since the late 1960s. Geologic influences

The two most important geologic modifications of vegetation have been the very ancient separation of Madagascar from the mainland, which gave rise to the distinct speciation of the island’s flora, and the long-continuing faulting and volcanism along East Africa’s huge rift system that has thrown up high ranges (e.g., the Ruwenzori between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo) and great volcanoes (Kilimanjaro) and has thus created and reshaped Afromontane flora.

Thicket of members of the Didiereaceae family near the Mandrare River, southern Madagascar. © Mark Pidgeon/Oxford Scientific Films Ltd. Climatic influences

The repercussions of the great Pleistocene Ice Ages of Europe have constituted the most notable climatic influence on African flora in relatively recent geologic history. These consist of a succession of colder periods marked by glacial advances, interrupted by warmer, drier interglacials; the last series of these ended between about 5,000 and 10,000 years ago. Tropical Africa experienced contemporaneous fluctuations in its climate, although it is misleading to infer any simple equivalences between these fluctuations and the European periods of glacial advances and retreats.

During the wetter times (pluvials) in Africa, equatorial forests spread, separating northern woodlands from their southern counterparts (with consequent species differentiation); mountain vegetation descended onto the plateaus; and there is evidence that the Saharan climate was greatly ameliorated, much to the advantage of humans. During the warmer, drier interpluvials the existing vegetation was degraded in many zones. Dunes spread from the Sahara and over the Kalahari, for example, and their fossilized alignments—now vegetated—can be traced across the thorny woodlands and grasslands of Niger, Nigeria, Namibia, and Botswana. Human influences

The greater part of the reduction of Africa’s natural vegetation has happened in the last 2,000 years—probably since the late 19th century for the tropical portions—the time during which humans have been most numerous and active. Pastoralism, agriculture, the rapid growth of human and livestock populations, the expansion of cities and towns, and the external demands for primary resources have made ever-greater demands upon the land for sustenance and perceived economic betterment. Much is known of the detailed processes of vegetation modification along the Mediterranean, since they have been observed and studied since Classical times, and a good deal is also known from the more than three centuries of study of the Cape area of South Africa, but until the late 19th century very little was understood about these processes in tropical Africa. Indeed, the timescale of actual human impact on African vegetation may be causally linked to the awareness of it by Europeans.

Within the tropical forests and woodlands, fire undoubtedly has been the great human agent of clearance and degradation, of far greater efficacy than felling, bark-ringing, or uprooting—at least until the introduction of modern plantation agriculture and logging. Hunters, pastoralists, and cultivators have all fired the land for centuries and have gathered wild foodstuffs, thatch timber for construction, and fuelwood from the volunteer (i.e., uncultivated or self-generating) vegetation. The long-term effects of such activity bear directly upon the debated question of the origin of the savannas.

In earlier times, African cultivators found the fabric of the tropical rainforest comparatively difficult to modify substantially. In the 20th century, however, it was greatly reduced in extent (such as in Sierra Leone), patched and frayed (Nigeria), and exploited for timber exports (Gabon). Moreover, many of tropical Africa’s largest cities and busy seaports are in this zone. The most diverse and seemingly inexhaustible floral realm in Africa has therefore become a cause for widespread concern. Conserving the vegetation