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She turned around and waved good-bye.

I wondered if she was going to vanish for good. The evening before, I’d had a reference point: I had seen her enter a building. But now, she didn’t even want me to accompany her all the way. I was never sure of anything with her.

I preferred to walk rather than just sit and wait in that café, and one by one I took the neighboring streets and the stairways with their balusters and streetlamps. Later, I would often return to that area, and each time the stairways on Rue de l’Alboni reminded me of the Saturday when I had walked around there, waiting for her. It was November, but in my memory, because of the sun that day, a summer light bathes the neighborhood. Dappled sunlight on the sidewalks and shadows beneath the metro viaduct. A dark, narrow passageway that was once a rustic path rises through the buildings up to Rue Raynouard. At night, at the exit of the Passy metro stop, the streetlamps cast a pale light on the foliage.

The other day, I wanted to reconnoiter the area one last time. I emerged into that zone of administrative pavilions on the banks of the Seine. They were demolishing most of them. Heaps of rubble and dilapidated walls, as if after a bombardment. The bulldozers cleared away the debris with sluggish movements. I headed back via Rue Charles-Dickens. I wondered what the address could have been, where she’d gone that Saturday. It was surely on Rue Charles-Dickens. When we had parted, I’d seen her turn left and, an hour later, I started heading to the café on the quay where we were to meet. I was walking along Rue Frémiet toward the Seine when I heard someone call my name. I turned around: she was coming toward me, holding a black Labrador on a leash.

The dog, when it saw me, started wagging its tail. It rested its two front paws on my legs. I petted it.

“That’s funny … It’s like he knows you.”

“Is this your dog?” I asked.

“Yes, but I left him with someone for a while because I couldn’t take care of him.”

“What’s his name?”


She seemed delighted to have the dog back.

“So now, is there anything else you have to go get?”

“No, not for the moment.”

She gave me a smile. She had probably noticed I was gently teasing her. The suitcases, the fur coat, the dog … Today I understand better those constant displacements to try to gather up the scattered pieces of a life.

The dog jumped into the car and lay down on the back seat as if this were his usual spot. She said that before we went to the Bois de Boulogne, she had to stop by Ansart’s. She wanted to ask Jacques de Bavière if we could keep the car. Ansart and Jacques de Bavière always saw each other on Saturday, at the apartment or at Ansart’s restaurant. So these people had their habits, and now I had more or less become one of them, without really knowing why. I was the traveler who boards a departing train and finds himself in the company of four strangers. And he wonders whether he hasn’t got on the wrong train. But no matter … In his compartment, the others start making conversation with him.

I turned around toward the dog.

“And does Raymond know Ansart and Jacques de Bavière?”

“Oh, yes, he knows them.”

She burst out laughing. The dog raised his head and looked at me, perking up his ears.

She’d had the dog when she met them for the first time. She still lived in Saint-Leu-la-Forêt then. The people to whom she’d entrusted the dog, after that, had a house near Saint-Leu and an apartment in Paris. They had brought the dog back to Paris for her today.

I wondered if I should believe her. These explanations sounded at once too extensive and incomplete, as if she were trying to bury the truth under a wealth of detail. Why had she stayed there for an hour if it was just to pick up her dog? And why hadn’t she let me come with her? Who were these people?

I sensed it wasn’t worth asking. I had only known her for forty-eight hours. It would just take a few days of intimacy for the barriers between us to crumble. Pretty soon, I’d know everything.

We stopped in front of the building on Rue Raffet and crossed the courtyard. She hadn’t put the leash on the dog, but he followed us obediently. It was Martine, the blonde girl, who opened the door for us. She kissed Gisèle on the cheeks. Then she kissed me, too. I was startled by the familiarity.

Ansart and Jacques de Bavière were both sitting on the couch, looking at photographic enlargements, some of which were scattered on the rug at their feet. They didn’t seem surprised to see us. The dog hopped onto the couch and was all over them.

“So, are you happy to get your dog back?” said Jacques de Bavière.


Ansart shuffled together the photos and set them on the coffee table.

“Any problems with the car?” asked Jacques de Bavière.

“Not a one.”

“Have a seat for two minutes. Take a load off,” Ansart said with his slightly blue-collar accent.

We sat in the armchairs. The dog went to lie down at Gisèle’s feet. Martine sat on the floor, between Jacques de Bavière and Ansart, her back resting against the front of the couch.

“I was wondering if we could hold on to the car a while longer,” said Gisèle.

Jacques de Bavière smiled sarcastically.

“Of course. Keep it as long as you like.”

“On just one condition …” said Ansart.

He raised his finger to ask for our attention. With his face split by a smile, it was as if he was going to tell a good joke.

“On condition that you do me a favor …”

He took a cigarette from the pack on the coffee table, then lit it nervously with a lighter. He looked me straight in the eye, as if I was the one he was addressing and Gisèle was already more or less in the know.

“So … It’s very simple … You just have to deliver a message for me …”

Jacques de Bavière and Martine stared at the dog, which remained in its sphinxlike position at Gisèle’s feet, but I had the feeling it was mainly to keep from looking awkward and not meet my gaze. Perhaps they were afraid I’d be shocked by Ansart’s offer.

“It’s nothing very complicated … Tomorrow afternoon, you’ll go into a café—I’ll tell you the one … You’ll wait for this fellow to come in …”

He picked up one of the photos on the coffee table and showed it to us from where he sat. The face of a dark-haired man in his forties. Gisèle didn’t seem very surprised by this proposal, but Ansart had surely noticed my distrust. He leaned toward me:

“Don’t worry. It’s the most ordinary thing in the world … This man is a business relation of mine … When he’s settled at his table, one of you will go up to him and just say: ‘Pierre Ansart is waiting for you in the car on the corner …’”

He smiled again, with a large, childlike smile. His face certainly radiated candor.

I would have liked to know what Gisèle thought of all this. She had leaned forward and picked up the print that Ansart had laid back on the coffee table. We both studied it. It looked like a blow-up of an ID photo. A face with regular features. Dark hair brushed back. Bare forehead.

Martine and Jacques de Bavière also looked at the other photos, which showed the same man from various angles, alone or with others.

“So what does he do?” I asked in a shy voice.

“A highly honorable profession,” Ansart said, without elaborating. “So, you wait for this man to show up and you give him my message. This will take place in Neuilly, right near the Bois de Boulogne.”

“And what happens afterward?” Gisèle asked.

“Afterward, you’re free to do as you like. And since I’m not in the habit of asking people to work for nothing, I can offer you two thousand francs apiece for handling this chore.”