He paused and gazed at her. “They are the hands of your husband.”
Then turning to Lash he said, “And of your wife.”
Lash gently squeezed her hand, smiling as Michael continued. “They are hands that will cherish you even when you are at your lowest. They will hold you as you cry and laugh together in your triumphs and failures. They are the hands of the one you will share your innermost secrets with, and who will always be there for you, even when all others have left.”
A lump caught in her throat as Lash gazed deeply into her eyes. He had already done all that Michael had mentioned. Memories fluttered through her mind: Lash laughing with her around Welita’s table; embracing her in the New Mexico hotel room while she cried; holding back her hair when she was sick, even when she tried to push him away. He’d always been there by her side.
“The binding cord represents the love that binds you together,” Michael continued. “A love that began centuries ago, that not even Time itself could sever from your hearts.”
Naomi heard someone blowing his nose loudly, followed by a “that’s so beautiful” in a thick Russian accent.
“Naomi and Lahash have their own vows that they would like to say to each other. Naomi?”
She nodded at Michael and then took a nervous breath as she gazed deeply into Lash’s hazel eyes. Warmth filled her heart, feeling the love coming from him and all around her. This was the Heaven she had wanted. She had a family who she loved on Earth, and now she had a second family here. She could see herself living here for all eternity with them, and that’s why she said her vows not only to Lash but also to his family.
“Lash, I love you. I’ll tell you ‘I love you’ every single day and never get tired of saying it. Without you, my heart would go on beating, but my soul would stop living. I give you my heart freely and make you my heart’s protector. And I promise to hold and cherish your heart, too. I know I’m a little stubborn...”
He raised an eyebrow.
“Okay, I’m hard-headed. We’ll more than likely disagree about things and argue, but always remember...” She cupped his face with her free hand. “I’ll always be by your side loving you, even when I’m angry. I promise to listen to not only to your words, but to your heart. I promise I won’t run away.”
Tears wet his dark lashes, and his Adam’s apple bobbed as he swallowed.
“We’ll battle the good times and the bad, together.” She paused, taking a deep breath before she continued, her voice quivering. “Lash, I’ve never felt closer to God than I do when I’m with you. With you, I’ve learned about faith and forgiveness. I once thought angels were perfect. We’re not. But you and I, we are perfect together.”
She gazed deeply into his eyes, eyes she could drown in forever, and whispered, “I love you.”
“I love you.” His voice was raw with emotion.
Michael cleared his throat and turned his red-rimmed eyes to Lash. “Lahash?”
Lash nodded and took a folded piece of paper out of his pocket. “I wrote something down.” His hand shook as he tried to open it with his free hand. “I wanted to make sure I did this right. You deserve the best.”
He dropped the paper, and his eyes widened. “I’m sorry.”
He bent down to pick it up, and she stopped him. “You don’t need that. Just say what’s in your heart.”
“I want you to have the best.”
“I already do.”
He bit down on his lip as tears lined his eyes. “Naomi,” his voice shook. “I lived most of my life with a closed heart, never letting anyone in. And then you came into my life. Because of you, I’ve opened my heart, not only to you, but to family and friends. I thank the Heavens that you were brought back to me because...” He swallowed thickly. “Because with you, I not only have the love of my life, but I have my family back, too. It’s because of you that I’ve found the strength, the courage to love again. You...you set me free, and I’m... I’m no longer afraid.”
Hot tears slid down her cheeks as Lash’s voice sailed into her heart.
“Naomi, your love makes me have courage. It makes me want to be a better man because...because...” Tears flowed down his sweet face, and his voice squeaked with intense emotion. “Because even when I make mistakes, you still love me. Even when I sound like I just inhaled helium and am talking like Alvin the chipmunk, you still love me.”
Naomi giggled, and laughter filled the garden. He was so funny. God, she loved him.
He brushed the tears from his eyes with the back of his sleeve and took a deep breath. His face turned serious, and he gazed into her eyes again. “No matter how much I stumble, I know you’ll always be there for me, to pick me up. Naomi, you are the woman of my dreams, my memories, memories that I carried in my heart, my soul. Even when my memories were hidden from me, you were always there on the edges of my mind, never forgotten.
“I can’t promise I won’t screw up again or that I won’t make you mad. But I can promise to love you with every fiber of my being. And I promise to always stand by your side, holding your hand as we take on whatever the future gives us.”
He reached to her, and his thumb gently brushed the tears from her cheeks. Leaning in closer, his breath caressed her lips as he whispered, “I’m forever bound to you, my love. My Naomi. My angel.”
She closed her eyes as he pressed his lips against hers, kissing them tenderly. And when she opened them, she saw Heaven in his eyes.
“Lash, will you hand me the pot holders?” Naomi bent down and looked at the enchiladas. They looked about right. She was trying Welita’s recipe tonight. She was not the best cook and had no idea how they would turn out. Luckily, the only one who had tasted Welita’s awesome cooking was Lash. So she didn’t have to worry about comparisons.
A hand slapped her behind, and she yelped. “Lash! What are you doing?”
He pressed himself against her. “What do you think?”
His hands stroked her bottom and then worked their way to the front. She quickly turned around. “Everyone will be here in a few minutes.”
Feverish lips pressed down on hers, his tongue caressing the inside of her mouth. He nipped and sucked on her bottom lip as his hand stroked the back of her neck.
She melted.
When he pulled back, his eyes sparkled with mischief. “You were saying?”
“Family...potholders...dinner. What?”
He chuckled and waved the potholders. “Allow me.”
“Lash, really. You have to stop doing that.”
He took out the pan of enchiladas and placed it on the counter. “Oh, you want me to stop?”
“Well, not stop. Just not right before company’s coming over. Wait until after they’re gone.”
He drew her against his chest, and she moaned as she felt him―hard, strong―and she thought of all the naughty things they could be doing at that moment. Maybe she could call the dinner off. Maybe tell them she was sick.
Damn! She couldn’t do that. Angels don’t get sick.
“What about during? I can think of some interesting ways to entertain ourselves. Where’s the tablecloth? We’ll need some coverage.”
“Lash! Your parents will be at the table!”
“That just means we’ll have to be extra sneaky, and you’ll need to control yourself.” He waggled his eyebrows. “Besides, we’re newlyweds. They expect us to do things like this.”
Her jaw dropped, and he gave her a wink.
“Ha, ha. Very funny,” she said, shaking her head.
There was a knock at the door.
“Set the table. I’ll get it,” he said.
Rachel, Uri, and Jeremy stepped into the house, followed by Raphael and Rebecca.
“So, what’s for dinner tonight?” Uri asked as everyone took a seat around the table.
“My grandmother’s enchiladas,” Naomi said.
“She makes the best enchiladas,” Rebecca said as Raphael held out a chair out for her.
“You had some? I thought you were watching over her in your angel form,” Raphael looked at her, surprised.
Rebecca’s face turned pink. “I may have cheated a little. Do you blame me? It smells delicious.”
There was another knock at the door, and Lash turned to Naomi. “You invited someone else?”
“Gabrielle. I hope you don’t mind.”
He leaned over and pecked her on the cheek. “Of course not.”
She went to the door while Lash entertained their guests. As soon as Gabrielle stepped in, there was a loud yapping from the back of the house that headed in their direction.
“Bear, knock it off,” Naomi said as Bear circled Gabrielle, barking.
Bear crouched in front of Gabrielle and growled.
Gabrielle threw her a glare, and Bear scuttled out of the room.
“Sorry about that,” Naomi said.
What in the world has gotten into that crazy dog? Naomi shook her head.
When she heard Lash in the background saying “good dog,” she rolled her eyes. Some things just never changed.
When Bear died, Naomi was distraught that she’d never see her again. Even though she was Welita’s dog, Naomi and Lash had grown to love the little mutt. Then one day when she was standing on the bridge checking in on Welita, Jeremy came with Bear in his arms. He had asked special permission to bring her as a belated gift for them.
After dinner, everyone sat around listening to Uri telling stories about his human life in Chernobyl. Lash was unusually quiet as the animated Uri talked about his obsession with the new wave band, A Flock of Seagulls. He didn’t even a say a word when Uri and Jeremy got into an argument about I, Ran being the best song of the decade.
She could feel that something was up when all Lash did was look over at Rebecca and Raphael. She wondered if he was thinking what she was.
After the binding ceremony, most of their time was spent lying in each other’s arms, taking strolls in the gardens, and playing with Bear. They rarely talked about their experience in the Lake of Fire. Although, she was curious about whether or not Lucifer would ever return. She figured if Jeremy was able to, then why not Lucifer.
“Um, Raphael. I was wondering something.”
“Oh, wait, Naomi,” Uri said. “I haven’t gotten to the good part yet, about Rachel getting a tattoo in 1986.”
Rachel spit out the coffee she was sipping. “They don’t want to hear about that.”
“I do!” Jeremy leaned forward. “Where is it?”
Gabrielle rolled her eyes and muttered under her breath. “Jeremy.”
“Not there!” Rachel slapped his hands away when he tried to lift her shirt. “Uri, we’ve monopolized the conversation enough already. Go ahead, Naomi.”
“I was just wondering. Is it possible for Lucifer to return? Not that I want him to or anything. It’s just that if Jeremy and Uri were able to return, then what about Lucifer?”
The room grew still as all eyes turned to Raphael.
“It is not up to us to decide if Lucifer does or does not return. Do not forget, the fallen still walk the Earth, and so does Saleos.”
Uri snorted. “That coward? He flew like a bat out of Hell as soon as Jeremy took Lucifer out. See what I did there?” He directed to Rachel. “Bat out of Hell? I did a funny, no?”
“Yes, yes. Very funny.” Rachel patted his knee.
“What if he does come back? You’re short by one archangel.” Naomi started to feel a little guilty about turning down the job.
Raphael smiled. “It’s true you were the seventh archangel. But there are others who can fill the role.” He threw a glance at Rebecca. “Just as Jeremiel started as a seraph and moved up in rank, so can others, if they wish.”
He looked at Naomi again. “Lucifer was after you not only because of your potential as an archangel but because of Lash’s love for you.”
Naomi nodded. She shuddered as she remembered Sal’s words. Lucifer basically used her as bait to get Lash to join him.
“I have a question about Lucifer,” Lash said in a soft voice. “And about...Mom.”
“Uh, Uri, Gabrielle, I think it’s time for us to leave now. Don’t you?” Rachel stood. “Thank you for having us, Naomi. Lash. Come on, Uri.” She tugged his arm.
“But I want to hear the question,” Uri whined.
“No, don’t leave. Please stay,” Rebecca said.
“Are you sure, Rebecca?”
Naomi looked at Gabrielle, shocked. This was the first time she’d heard Gabrielle address Rebecca. She knew Gabrielle was uncomfortable around her and that it was a small miracle she agreed to come to the dinner knowing Rebecca was going to be there. Naomi knew part of it was because Gabrielle had feelings for Raphael. Lash had told her he thought Gabrielle was in love with Raphael.
She looked around the room, and except for Jeremy, Lash, and herself, it seemed like everyone knew where the conversation was going.
“Yes, I’m sure.” Rebecca placed a hand in Raphael’s. “What is your question?”
Lash swallowed. “Is Lucifer my father?”
She closed her eyes and bit down on her lip as if wanting to keep in the answer. She took a breath and opened them, looking directly at Lash.
Pain flashed across Lash’s face at the simple answer. “Raphael, you told me...you told me you were my father.”
“I told you that I was always a father to you. And I always will be, no matter what,” he said.
“Lucifer said he was my father. I didn’t want to believe him, but something inside of me knew it was true. It’s just...” he took a shaky breath and turned to Rebecca. “I don’t understand. How could you...and Lucifer...you were married to Raphael! You already had Jeremy!”
Rebecca winced at his accusations.
“I’m sorry,” he said, trying to calm himself. “Raphael’s right. He is my father. That’s all I need to know.”
Rebecca got up from her seat and sat next to him, placing an arm around him. “Lahash, Jeremiel, you both have a right to know. This family’s secrets have been going on for too long, and they have done great harm to all of us. Now is the time for healing. It’s time you know the true story about a family of broken angels.”
Naomi looked around the room. All eyes were set on Rebecca. She was finally going to hear it all. Even though she had memories of her past life back, there were still some things that didn’t make sense.
She took hold of Lash’s hand. With the expression on Rebecca’s face, she could tell it wasn’t going to be easy to hear. He looked at her, leaned in, and kissed her cheek. “Together?”
“Together,” she said.
Rebecca took a deep breath and then started her story. “It all began in 1400 BC when I met and fell in love with an archangel named Raphael.”