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“I knew Ray Pryce,” Broker said simply.

Jane studied his face and said, “Only one of you came back out. For most of Nina’s childhood, her dad was deployed in forward areas. Nina was raised by her mom back in the States.”


“So, the shoe’s on the other foot and you don’t like it. You should be big enough to handle Nina’s success…”

Broker looked around. “This…is success?”

“Hey. Deal with it. You married a soldier, mister,” Jane said. Touchy.

Broker looked away from Jane and scanned the room. A fancy laptop on the desk along with a cell phone’s travel charger. His eyes stopped on a large equipment bag on the floor along the wall. He went over, grabbed the handles, and hefted the bag. He was lifting about thirty pounds of steel that shifted and slid like guns and ammo.

Jane watched him, then asked, “So? What are you thinking?”

“That I walked into a classified Army unit that’s wandered off the reservation. And you got a kid along. My kid.” Broker let the bag drop with a crash, then turned and studied her.

“You didn’t walk into shit. You were summoned,” Jane said.

Broker did his best deadpan, working hard to master a powerful resentment at the way this was unfolding. He changed the subject. “You and my daughter have been spending a lot of time together, huh?”

“Yeah.” Jane did a little provocative number with her eyes and eyebrows. “You got a problem with people like me?”

“You mean young, insecure, with a chip on their shoulder?” Broker said carefully. “One thing I do know, I don’t want my kid to have a chip on her shoulder.”

“Cut the shit, Broker. You been filling in the blanks. Tell me what you really think.” Jane folded her arms.

“I think you guys are flying by the seat of your pants and you’re out of your depth. I’m pissed that you put Kit in the middle of it.”

Jane shrugged. “We told her it was like a play at school. She even had some important lines.”

“I talked to the local sheriff.”

“That was a mistake,” Jane said in a flat voice.

“He said there was some kind of fight at a bar? A deputy took you and Kit off-site. Nina stayed with the bar owner.”

“So far so good.”

“Tell me, is Nina playing Little Drummer Girl a promotion or a step down?”

“Very funny. Look, Kit was onstage for less than five minutes. Nina wasn’t packing, but we had five guns outside that bar when it went down.”

“I only see two of you so far.”

“We had three more in a surveillance van.” Jane paused, then added in a dry voice, “They peeled off for now.”

“Sounds serious. Too serious to put my daughter in the way.”

“We disagree. But it’s moot. She’s out of it now.”

The phone rang. Jane moved to it swiftly. “This is Jane.” Pause. “Good, c’mon down. We’ll make the call.” She turned to Broker. “There’s somebody you got to talk to.” She smiled again. “What did you think? Kit just got lost between the cracks in some half-assed scramble and needed a ride home? There’s a plan. Kit had a part. And so do you.”

Goddamn you, Nina. “A part?”

“Yeah. There’s something Nina needs you to do.”

There was a knock on the door. Jane squinted through the security peep and opened the door. Hawaiian Shirt shuffled in.

“Broker, meet Holly,” Jane said.

Broker shook hands cautiously, circling slightly, sniffing Holly out. Too much sun and too much accelerated living had leached away all his excess body weight and emotions. About 180 pounds of callus and scar tissue remained. His pale bemused eyes impressed Broker, the way the dead spots and the live spots comingled.

Jane watched them do their signifying, amused. “Back before Cro-Magnon walked the earth…”

Holly had a voice to match his eyes, soft over steel. “She means back in the Nam.”

“They called him Hollywood because he was showy,” Jane said.

Holly smiled.

“Now we call him Turner Classic Movies,” Jane said, returning the smile.

“Eat your heart out, slit. You’re never gonna do twenty pull-ups, ever,” Holly said.

“And you’re never going to have a multiple orgasm,” Jane said.

“That’s ‘You’re never going to have a multiple orgasm, Colonel,’ ” Holly said with a hint of a growl.

Kit came out of the bathroom. She had one towel wrapped around her waist and another, turban fashion, around her head.

“Sorry, Little Bit, grown-ups gotta talk shop. Back in the tub,” Jane ordered. She handed Kit a Rubik’s Cube to play with.

Kit knit her brows at her dad. “Do I have to?”

“Just for a while,” Broker said.

Kit put the cube under her arm and held out her hands. “I’m gonna be wrinkled like a prune.” She returned to the bathroom.

There was a table and two chairs in the corner. Retro etiquette bred into Broker’s bones prompted him to offer one of the chairs to Jane. She rolled her eyes. Broker and Holly sat.

“So what do you have in mind?” Broker asked.

Holly gave a perfect Gallic shrug and said, “Wait one.”

Broker waited while Jane punched in numbers on her cell phone. Holly said, “It’s easy. All you got to do is get mad at your wife for leaving home and deserting your kid in the middle of nowhere. Think you can handle that?”

“Oh yeah, but why should I?”

Jane held out the cell phone. Broker put it to his ear. A voice he hadn’t heard in more than a year said, “Hey, Broker, how you doing?”

Broker took a moment to focus. Then he said, “Lorn Garrison?” Several years ago Broker had helped Garrison, then an FBI agent, penetrate the Russian Mafia. Garrison had left the bureau and was now a sheriff in Kentucky. If they could casually phone up Lorn and get him on board, then Broker was being seriously handled-which meant that Holly, Jane, and Nina were into something big-time real. He relaxed his voice but his mind raced. “Not bad. How’s yourself?”

“Can’t complain. Down here tight as a tick in all the good things Kentucky’s famous for: whiskey, tobacco, racehorses, and hot browns.”

“This ain’t a social call, is it, Lorn?”

“Nope. All about street cred. Some real serious folks you’re with. They’re hanging way out there ’cause they might have caught a piece of The Big One.”

“Are you mixed up in this scene in North Dakota?” Broker asked.

“Uh-uh, just some heavy people in D.C. wanted me to give you a heads-up.”

“What heavy people?”

“You heard how CIA took off the gloves and is putting covert operations back together? Well, Pentagon doesn’t trust CIA or FBI for squat, so they put together their own black bag of tricks out of Bragg with a domestic agenda. And let me clue you, to this aging G-man it all sounds illegal as shit.”


“Well, that’s who you’re running with. Some bunch from Delta. Put together real fast. The operation is called Northern Route.”

“Do I get to know what they’re after?”

“Sure. Your wife is trying to go undercover and get next to a guy they think is a contract courier for Al Qaeda. The intell says this guy’s bringing something into the country. Hold on to your ass, Broker-they think it could be one of those fucking suitcases we were so worried about.”

Broker paused to let the word cycle through his brain.


“A tactical nuke. No bullshit?” he said. Maybe he didn’t hear right.

“No bullshit. So they want you to perform one small service and then get out of Dodge. Naturally, the usual threats are implied-you don’t help these guys, I suspect the feds will start messing with your bottom line. You know, all that bullion you and Nina pirated from Vietnam.”

“You know me, nothing but public-spirited,” Broker said, staring at Jane and Holly.

“You got it?” Lorn asked.

“I got it,” Broker said. “Check you later.” End of phone call.