“Pair of coppers…” Lhors echoed. He turned away, a lumpin his throat and his eyes damp. Gran, would it surprise you to know I have more wealth than our village ever paid the king in taxes, just because Vlandar thought I’d be a good rear guard? Well, he’d offer a few coins to his father’sgods, but more to the New Market and Havens villages. Enough to be certain his father had a proper burial, and that Gran and the two girls they’d savedwouldn’t want for anything.
Beyond that-he didn’t know. Too many possibilities.
One word caught his ear, all at once. Safe. Gran was, then. The girls were. That was good, he was sure of that.
But safe-it wasn’t what he wanted. Lhors GiantKiller… the words echoed in his mind. Hearing that had felt good. Iteased the pain of his slain village, if only just a little.
Vlandar seemed to read his thoughts. “If we are to put a stopto these raids, the king will need experienced men, especially those who have fought giants.”
The boy I was, Lhors thought, maybe giants would have killed him as easily as they had killed Father. He had survived that night more by luck or the favor of the gods. Nothings sure, but just perhaps, knowing what I know now, I could have saved him or Headman Yerik, who had his own store of knowledge, or laughing Bregya, who’d taught him so much…. Once again, therage began to smolder within him. He held out both hands. “Sir… Vlandar, I’mwith you. To the end.”
The warrior smiled and gripped Lhors’ shoulders hard.
“I hoped you would.” He raised his voice. “We all go, andthat’s as it should be. All right, people! Let’s get cleaned up. Meet back herejust after sundown! And I warn you, if you think giants are a dire foe, you haven’t met the king’s court yet!”