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The British junior officer had moved away from the coffee urn and was ringing a small brass bell, signalling that the morning session was about to begin. There was still no sign of Rogers. Levi joined the line heading into the conference room. He took his place at the table, marked with a small Israeli flag rather than a name card.

A tall man in a blue suit entered the room just then and took the seat marked by an American flag. There were traces of gray in his hair, but otherwise he was as Levi remembered. Levi tried not to stare. The American was smiling, shaking hands, studying the program, scribbling some notes. Then, Levi noticed, he stared off into space for a moment, looking at nothing in particular, lost in a cloud of thought.

The first presentation was from the Spanish Ministry of the Interior about its success in dealing with Basque terrorism. What success? Levi wanted to ask. But he didn’t. It was much too gentlemanly a gathering for that. The Spanish official was very calm and earnest. He didn’t ask the French representative seated across from him the awkward question: Why do you allow these Basque bastards to cross the border along the Pyrenees? Of course not. That would be impolite.

After an hour of Basquing, the delegates took a coffee break. The same junior official returned to the same silver urn. Despite the lack of name tags, most of the delegates already seemed to know each other. It was an old boys’ reunion. Find Rogers, Levi told himself. He looked for the American and, to his relief, saw him standing alone in the corridor, regarding the other delegates dubiously.

Levi approached carefully, not wanting to scare Rogers off.

“What’s next on the program?” asked Levi offhandedly.

“Let me see,” said Rogers looking at a program. “A presentation by the Dutch on South Moluccan terrorism.”

“Perhaps that will be interesting,” said Levi.

“Perhaps,” said Rogers.

There was a pause. Go ahead, Levi told himself. Do it.

“Aren’t you Tom Rogers?” asked Levi.

“That’s right,” said Rogers. “How did you know?”

Levi smiled.

“My name is Yakov Levi,” he said, extending his hand. “I am from Mossad.”

“Pleasure,” said Rogers.

“I have heard a great deal about you. I have looked forward to meeting you for many years.”

“Is that right?” said Rogers, eyeing Levi. “Should I know you?”

“Maybe so. Maybe by a different name.”

“Maybe,” said Rogers, though he couldn’t place the face.

There was silence. Rogers looked at his watch.

“What are you doing here?” said Levi, trying to make conversation.

“The same thing as you,” answered Rogers.

Levi stared at his shoes and then spoke up again.

“I served in Lebanon once, actually. At the same time you were there. That’s why I know about you.”

“Is that right?” said Rogers, with a flicker of genuine interest. “So you were in the Mossad station in Beirut? We always assumed there must be one, but we never knew where it was.”

“We are better at keeping secrets than you,” said Levi.

“Where was it, if you don’t mind my asking?”

“West Beirut.”

“But where?”

“Sorry,” said Levi. “That’s a secret.”

The British host was ringing his little bell again.

“I don’t suppose you feel like sitting this next session out?” asked Levi. “We could go and take a walk.”

“Afraid not,” said Rogers. “I’d like to hear the Dutch presentation. They had a hostage rescue operation last year that was first-rate. Israeli quality.”

“I know,” said Levi. “We trained them.”

They walked back toward the meeting room together.

“Perhaps we can meet later,” said Levi.

Rogers thought a minute. Why not? He was curious about this inquisitive Israeli intelligence officer who claimed to know so much about him.

“Sure,” said Rogers. “Let’s meet outside after this panel breaks up. At the entrance to the building on Whitehall.”

Levi nodded.

The mysteries of Dutch anti-terrorism policy were duly explained, and an hour later Rogers and Levi were strolling up Whitehall toward Trafalgar Square. It was a brisk British fall day, cold and crisp, with clear skies. Rogers noticed that Levi walked much faster than he did: with short, quick steps that outdistanced Rogers’s slower, ambling gait.

The conversation proceeded by indirection, each man feeling and probing, neither quite sure what the other was up to. It was a game of cat and mouse, except that they were both cats.

“When were you in Lebanon?” asked Rogers.

“Late 1960s, early 1970s.” answered Levi.

“Before the deluge.”

“Yes,” said Levi. “Before the first deluge.”

“There will be another?”

“Of course,” said Levi. “In Lebanon, there will always be another deluge.”

There was a pause. A double-decker bus full of tourists rumbled by. What is he telling me? Rogers wondered. What is he getting at?

“It’s your show now,” said Rogers over the rumble of the bus.

“What?” asked Levi.

“Lebanon. It’s yours. We’re out of it. Israel has all the players.”

“We have some,” said Levi. “We have the Christians.”

“You’re welcome to them,” said Rogers, thinking of some of his old contacts.

“But you have some players, too,” said Levi.

“Such as?”

“The Palestinians.”

“I’m not sure I follow you,” said Rogers, narrowing his eyes.

“Nothing,” replied Levi.

They walked in silence, each man trying to understand what the other had meant by each maddening fragment of conversation. It was like trying to start a game of chess with only pawns on the board.

“What do you handle in the Mossad, exactly?” asked Rogers. “If you don’t mind my asking.”

“A little of this, a little of that,” said Levi. “But mostly I deal with the Palestinians.”

“I know a little about the Palestinians.”

“I’m well aware of that, Mr. Rogers.”

“You must be busy these days.”

“With what?” asked Levi.

“With Camp David.”

“Not so busy as you might imagine,” said Levi. “In my opinion, there is less there than meets the eye.”

“How so?” asked Rogers.

“Do not misunderstand me. We are very pleased to have a peace treaty with Egypt. But the rest, about the Palestinians, is meaningless. I must tell you honestly, our new government has no intention of giving the Palestinians a homeland in Judea and Sumaria. But I’m sure you understand that, don’t you? You understand very well the hostility of our new government toward the Palestinians.”

“What are you telling me?”

“Simply that the new government is prepared to take the most extreme measures.”

What did that mean? Rogers let it drop. He was waiting to see a pattern in Levi’s questions, but so far all he saw was that he was the target for something. The Israeli wanted to send him a message, but what was it?

They reached Trafalgar Square. There was the usual squadron of pigeons gathered on the statuary, and the usual throng of tourists competing with them for the available space. Rogers looked for a place to sit down, but every available space was covered with bird shit. He took out a pack of cigarettes and offered Levi one. The Israeli accepted. Rogers lit a match, and cupped it against the wind. He lit Levi’s cigarette and then his own. They continued strolling up St. Martin’s Lane.

“Mr. Rogers,” said Levi. “I would like to mention something.” He cleared his throat.

Okay, thought Rogers. Here we go.

“There is one Palestinian in whom we have a special interest.”

Rogers’s brow furrowed slightly. “Oh really? Who’s that?”

“His name is Jamal Ramlawi. He is the head of Fatah intelligence.”

“I know who he is,” said Rogers. “What about him?”