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“I don’t believe you,” Gigi said. “Dads love their kids, even when they screw up.”

“Not all dads are like yours. Mine didn’t hit me or anything. He just didn’t like being around me. But he loved being with your mother, and that made me hate her.” Sugar Beth turned back to the stove and flipped on the burner, aware of how much the past still hurt. “Whenever I saw them together, he looked happy with her in a way he never looked with me. I couldn’t punish him for it, so I punished her.”

Gigi swallowed hard, trying to make the best of it. “Teenagers do dumb things. I don’t see why it should still be a big deal.”

“You’re right,” Sugar Beth said. “It shouldn’t be.”

Winnie continued being unhelpful by taking another sip of coffee and not saying a thing. Sugar Beth concentrated on the French toast. Finally, Gigi set Gordon aside and rose to her feet, a little furrow in her brow. “Did you take my dad away from my mom in high school?”

“Now that I didn’t do.”

“He was your boyfriend for a long time, right?”

“Until we went to college. Then I dumped him for another guy. A guy who wasn’t half as nice as your dad. But you have to admit that turned out to be a good thing because, if I hadn’t cheated on him, your dad and mom wouldn’t have gotten to know each other, and you wouldn’t have been born.”

“They had to get married. Mom got pregnant.”

Sugar Beth glanced at Winnie, but she had that miles-away expression she used to wear sometimes in school.

“I’d never be stupid enough to get pregnant if I wasn’t married,” Gigi said.

“That’s because you’re not going to have sex until you’re thirty,” Sugar Beth replied.

Something that might have been a smile caught the corner of Winnie’s mouth, but Gigi didn’t see the humor. “Are you, like, going to try to take him away from her again?”

“No!” Winnie smacked her hand so hard on the table her mug rattled. “No, Gigi. She’s not going to do that.”

Gigi moved to her mother’s side, relaxing almost imperceptibly.

Sugar Beth tossed the bread into the skillet. “Honey, I couldn’t take your dad away from your mom even if I tried. He loves her. He doesn’t love me.”

Still troubled, Gigi gazed at her mother. “I don’t understand how you could let her do so many bad things to you. Why didn’t you stand up for yourself?”

“I was a wimp,” Winnie said, looking surprisingly formidable in her oversize clothes.

Gigi nodded with the wisdom of the ages. “You didn’t claim your power.”

“I didn’t know I had any. You should have seen her, Gi. She was so beautiful, so confident. Her hair was perfect, her clothes perfect, her makeup always right. And she had this amazing laugh that made everybody want to laugh with her. Nothing was ever boring when Sugar Beth was around. When she walked into a room, you couldn’t look at anybody else.”

“She’s still kind of like that,” Gigi said. “People pay attention to her.”

“Hey, I’m standing right here, in case you’ve forgotten,” Sugar Beth said. “And nobody outside of Parrish even notices me.”

“I seriously doubt that,” Winnie said. “You’re just so used to it you don’t see it anymore.”

Gigi got her mulish look. “I think you should say you’re sorry, Sugar Beth. And, Mom, I think you should forgive her because she’s not like that now.”

“It’s not that easy,” Sugar Beth replied, so Winnie didn’t have to be the bad guy. “I am sorry, but there’ve been too many years of animosity.”

Winnie’s expression held the hint of a smile. “Griffin Carey did love me more.”

“Mom! That’s mean.”

“Well, he did,” Winnie replied. “But I was still jealous because Sugar Beth had Diddie.”

“You had Grandma Sabrina.”

“Believe me, there was no comparison. Diddie was like a movie star. She was beautiful and glamorous, and she had this amazing laugh. She and Sugar Beth were more like girlfriends than mother and daughter. If Sugar Beth wasn’t with your dad or the Seawillows, she was with Diddie. Everybody knew not to schedule meetings for Saturday mornings because they always watched Josie and the Pussycats together. When they were out in public, they’d whisper secrets to each other, and if you walked by Frenchman’s Bride, you’d see the two of them sitting on the front porch, drinking sweet tea and gossiping. All Grandma Sabrina and I ever did was get on each other’s nerves.”

“Grandma’s nicer now.”

“Old age mellowed her. When I was growing up, she only had room in her life for one person, and that was my father.”

Sugar Beth flinched to hear Griffin referred to that way. At the same time, she acknowledged that Winnie had the right.

“So what are you going to do?” Gigi said. “Are you going to keep hating each other? Or do you think you could be friends, now that you’ve talked out your problems.”

“Not likely,” Sugar Beth said. “Or at least not until somebody’s handed over somebody else’s pearls.”

Gigi looked at her mother for an explanation.

“I have Diddie’s pearls,” Winnie said. “They should be Sugar Beth’s, but they aren’t, and I’m not giving them back.”

“That’s pretty mean.”

“As mean as what happened in the locker room?”

“No, not that mean.” Gigi returned her attention to Sugar Beth, a pint-size secretary of state trying to negotiate a treaty between warring nations. “I think Mom should keep the pearls to make up for what you did, even if they look dumb on her.”

“They don’t look dumb on me,” Winnie said, “which is why I wear them all the time.”

“You should be glad Mom’s keeping them. They’d look dumb on you, too.”

“That’s not the point,” Sugar Beth said. “The point is . . . Oh, never mind. I know where this is leading, Gigi, and don’t waste your breath. Your mother and I will never act like sisters, no matter how hard you push. The best we can hope for is politeness.”

“I guess. But, Sugar Beth, did you ever think . . .” Gigi touched her mother’s shoulder. “Me and Mom are the only two people in the world that have the same blood as you.”

Sugar Beth got that old tight feeling in her throat and did her best to shrug it away. “Them’s the breaks, kid.”

“Can I take Gordon to see Dad?” she said abruptly.

“Leaving us alone together won’t work,” Sugar Beth said.

“I just want Gordon to meet Dad.”

“What about your French toast?”

“I’ll take it with me.” She grabbed a piece from the plate, called to Gordon, and a few moments later, they were out the door.

Winnie rose and headed for the coffeepot. “I knew you were jealous of me. I guess I never quite realized how jealous.”

“You don’t have to look so happy about it.”

“Life doesn’t hand you too many perfect moments. I’m savoring.” She smiled, transferred a piece of French toast to her plate, then regarded it critically. “This was supposed to have cinnamon on it.”

“I got distracted humiliating myself in front of your daughter.”

Winnie squeezed out a dab of syrup, then picked up a knife and fork. Still standing at the counter, she began to eat, but she no longer looked quite so full of herself. Finally, she said, “I’d like to stay here for a few more nights if it’s all right.”

“You’ll have to deal with him sooner or later.”

“Later.” She took another bite. “What’s going on with you and Colin?”

“I’m toying with him.”

Winnie laughed as she set down her plate. “You’re nuts about him.”

“Says you.”

Winnie headed for the living room and picked up her purse. “It’s going to be so much fun watching you get dumped.”

“Yeah? We’ll just see about that.”

Winnie snickered, and the door shut with a firm thud.

Sugar Beth lunged for the maple syrup. “And isn’t it nice having our old animosity behind us.”