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My sister named him, Josie said, as if that explained everything. The synapses in her brain started to fire again, and she gave herself a mental face slap. This was her moment to shine! Her physical appearance might be middle-of-the-road on her best day, but her wit was consistently sparkling, and Josie would not walk away from this counter without this mega-fine man being aware of that fact.

You see, Josie continued, running a hand through her snarled curls, hoping to appear carefree in the process. My dogs a Labradoodle, and my brother-in-law made fun of me for paying good money for a mongrel, but my sister thought he said?Mongol, hence Genghis, as in Genghis Kahn, but I see you already got that.

She knew her whole future was riding on his response. She waited. She wanted him to laugh. Actually, she wanted him to press her to his muscular chest and kiss her like a man possessed, but shed settle for a laugh. So what if he was just a dog groomer? Like shed said on her list, it didnt matter what he did for a living as long as he approached it with passion. And she could see passion beneath that calm surface. Plus, she was sure she could find a way to live with the tattoo. Josie Sheehan was nothing if not flexible.

After a brief pause, the mans eyes crinkled and a corner of his mouth twitched. Thats a great name, he said. And do you have one just as unique? His large, well-kept fingers hovered over a computer keyboard, waiting for the generic information hed want from any contest winner.

She sighed, aware that shed failed to impress. My name is Josephine Sheehan. Then she proceeded to spell it for him. Also, she gave him her e-mail, home address, work address, home phone, cell phone, work phone, and her parents phone, though shed noticed hed stopped typing a while back.

He handed her a brochure. Here are the rules for the free year of grooming. Please keep in mind that theres a once-a-month limit, and there are additional charges for specialized services. Feel free to call and make your first appointment at any time. Thanks for coming to the newest Celestial Pet.

Josie clutched the glossy paper in her sweaty hand. /That was it? It was over?/ That couldnt be right.

You know, she said in her most casual voice, you probably just made it possible for me to retire.

The mans eyebrows rose in surprise.

See. She stroked her dogs fur as she spoke. Genghis has this soft retriever undercoat with the kinky poodle hair on top, so hes a magnet for anything thats not glued downtwigs, dirt, dust, dryer lint, grass, burrs, thorns, carpet fibers, bugs, whatever. And if he gets rained on or sits in his water bowl or jumps in the shower with me, it all gets matted together. And you know those little steel combs are worthless, so I end up spending over a hundred a month for grooming. So this will really help.

The man cocked his head, as if seriously considering everything shed just said. Which of course he would do, being a deep thinker. Then he asked, Your dog showers with you?

Josie felt her face redden. She laughed awkwardly. Oh, you know, on special occasions. Then she squeezed her eyes shut in mortification. Did she just say she showered with her dog /on special occasions?/ The truth was that Genghis jumped in uninvited sometimes. That was it. That was all she had to say. So why didnt she say it? /What was wrong with her?/ The man laughed, too, then tweaked Genghiss beard. Well, my man, at least youll be squeaky clean while kickin Chinese ass.

Josie told Genghis to get off the counter. Thanks, she said, turning to go. She reached the doorway, but had to glance behind her to see him one last time. He was looking at her! Unfortunately, his expression was a combination of sadness and amusement, so, of course, she figured he must have found her pitiful in an entertaining way. And after that exchange, what man wouldnt? He thought she showered with her dog! She kept going.

But she looked againmaybe it wasnt so simple. His eyes showed interest, so the sadness might be about something other than her. Suddenly, he smiled, and she smiled back. Then she left the store, a spark of hope flickering in her heart. /Damn!/ Josie spun back around, charged through the front doors and back toward the grooming salon counter, where her man was already entering someone elses information into the system.

Pardon me, she said, smiling at an older gentleman and his Afghan hound.

This will just take a second.

Josie looked directly into the groomers kind, deep-thinking eyes. Im not usually this forward and I have no idea whats come over me, but you know everything about me and I know nothing about you and I couldnt leave here without knowing your name.

He nodded, a faint smile pulling on his lips. Then, very slowly, he raised his right index finger to the upper left pocket of his blue vest.

He pointed to his embossed nametag.

The names Rick, he said.

Lordy, the elderly man said.

The whole point of Josies return had been to redeem herself, to reveal her bold and decisive nature. Instead, shed just crowned herself Queen of the Dorks.

Nice to meet you, Josephine, Rick said. He reached out his hand to grasp hers.

My friends call me Josie. His hand was hot and smooth and the palm-to-palm contact was so thrilling that her knees threatened to buckle. Okay, so she might have grasped his hand a little too tightly, but he managed to retrieve it.

The old gentleman groaned. For Gods sake, girlie, just hurry up and ask the boy for a date so I can go home and get some shut-eye!

Rick lowered his gaze toward the keyboard and Josie couldnt tell if he was laughing or embarrassed, but she did notice he had incredibly thick, long, dark eyelashes. She stood in awed silence, realizing the universe had filled her order not within thirty days, like that schlubby woman on TV, but within thirty freakin /minutes!/ Shed just been served at the drive-through of true love!

Yep, she was still breathing all right, and according to Mrs. Needleman, that was the only prerequisite for finding a life. But could she be brave enough? She took a deep breath and went for it.

Rick, Id like you to join me for a cup of coffee sometime.

The skinhead chose that moment to walk past with his wiener dog. Be careful, /mate,/ or shell spill it all over you.

Rick nodded, obviously trying not to laugh, then he looked at Josie square-on, those magical green eyes cutting her to the core. I think Id enjoy that, Josie. Ill give you a call later.

Thank God, the old man said.

She was about to ask Rick at which number she could expect to receive the call and his specific definition of the term later, but she restrained herself. Great! A huge smile spread across her face. Ill talk to you later, then!

Is this a pet store or a singles joint? the elderly man with the Afghan snapped at Rick impatiently. Thats the problem with business todayall anyone thinks about is sex! What happened to customer service?

Rick blinked, stunned, watching Josie Sheehan and her Labradoodle clear the double glass doors of the store. What had just happened to him? His skin was tingling and his face felt hot and his head was spinning. His heart felt as if it were filled to capacityand he didnt even know he /had/ a capacity. It felt as if part of his spirit had just cracked open, and he didnt know whether to fear the breach or welcome it.

For a man who had long prided himself on being impenetrable to women, the whole encounter had left him off balance. Rick heard himself laughing. The sound of it surprised him.

Son, get your mind out of the gutter and do your job or I will have to speak to your boss.

Rick gave his head a quick shake and focused on his customer. Im very sorry about that, he said, smiling.

Theres no need to involve my boss. Now what can I do for you?