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No wonder Mrs. Needleman had sensed he was in dangerRick had barely made it out of his twenties alive! And Glorias prediction that Rick would need Josies forgiveness? The old lady had been dead-on there, too.

Josie reached over and took Ricks hand. He smiled at her. It was bizarre to think that shed only known him for a couple weeks, because it felt like theyd been in each others company forever.

Did you name this place, or has it always been called Samhain Ranch?

Rick tilted his head. Interestingly, Madame herself named it and it stuck.

Isnt that word associated with witchcraft?

Rick brushed his thumb across the top of her hand.

From what Ive read, the word?Samhain comes from the ancient Celtic word for?summers end, a harvest festival that doubled as their festival of the dead. It eventually became All Hallows Eve, and then Halloween in modern times. Wiccans consider it a Sabbath, so, yes, you are absolutely right.

Its the perfect name for a place so magical.

I think Madame was definitely on to something, Rick said, his smile spreading. He leaned in toward Josie. But Ill tell you a secret.

She moved closer. I love secrets.

Theres another definition of the word that I think is a better fit, and the more time I spend here the more Im convinced its what Madame Toulouse had in mind.

Tell me.

Well. Rick paused to kiss her cheek. Samhain was also the time for ?taking stock of the year gone by and giving thanks for all you have. It was a time when the supernatural world was separated from our world by only a thin veil, and the connectedness of all life was recognized.

Thats how I think this place got its name.

Josie stretched her neck to close the space between them, and left a soft kiss on his lips.

Excuse me.

Teeny stood over them looking sheepish. I seem to have rotten timing and I apologize, he said to Josie. Hey, Rick, can I have a moment?

Rick finished the kiss and patted Josies knee. Be right back.

Josie took a sip of her tea and looked out at the last bit of dying light beyond the hills. There was a restorative energy in this place.

There was a power here, and it was joyful and reassuring, something that filled her with calm.

But she shuddered with a realizationshe could have easily gone her whole life without experiencing this. She could have gone a lifetime without meeting Rick. It would have been so easyand so likely. She would never have known what shed missed, or even that something this wonderful existed.

The thought made her feel quite lonely.

The sound of Ricks agitated whisper caught her attention. She got up from the chair and went to the corner of the veranda, where she could peek around the side of the main house. Teeny and Rick stood near the kitchen door, under a light over the doorway.

Its probably nothing, she heard Rick say.

Teeny shook his head, obviously distressed. We cant take anything for granted, he said. Something about this smells bad, Rick, and Teeny had sensed her spying. Josie pulled her head back around the corner. She closed her eyes hard, silently cursing herself for being so nosy, then tiptoed back to her chair.

Rick was entitled to privacy, she told herself. Hed already bared his soul to her, what more did she want? Besides, it was probably just business.

She heard Ricks footsteps as he returned to the front porch. Sorry, he said, a frown on his face.

Im the one whos sorry! Josie blurted out. I shouldnt have been eavesdropping!

Rick laughed, resting his hands on the arms of her chair and bending toward her. Sweetie, youre in my house and in my bed and in my life, so there is no such thing as eavesdropping. I dont have anything to hide from you, and I never will.

Josie nodded, biting her bottom lip.

Do you trust me, Josie? Please answer me truthfully.

I do. There was no question in her heart. But Teeny wanted to talk in private, and he seemed upset…

Rick stood up and returned to his rocker, moving back and forth a couple times before he spoke. Teeny can be overcautious at times, which isnt a bad thing.

This is about your security?

Yes, it is. Ricks voice sounded weary.

Josie sat up straight. Is something wrong?

Rick rubbed his chin, as if he werent sure how to answer. He studied Josie a long moment. Margot Cummingss father wants revenge for her deaththe eye-for-an-eye kind of revenge. He wants me dead.

Josies jaw dropped.

And Teeny thinks hes already on his way here to kill me.


Shed finally gone to sleep. It had taken Rick four hours to convince Josie that Bennett Cummings could not get to him, and that there was nothing to worry about.

Earlier Rick had asked Teeny to join them on the porch and the two of them spelled everything out for herthe exact nature of Cummingss threat and how many people were on Ricks security payroll at the ranch, at work, and at his home in Pacific Heights. They explained to Josie how the motion and heat sensors worked and the exact location of all the security cameras. He confessed that the Lexus was custom designed, bullet-and bombproof. He gave her the combination to the gates at Samhain and at his place in the city.

Teeny described to Josie how hed been keeping track of Cummingss activities all this time. He explained that the old man hadnt been seen in four days, that the word was he had the flu but Teeny didnt believe it. He said that even though Cummingss leased jet was still in a hangar and he hadnt purchased air or rail tickets under his name, he could have traveled under an alias or by car.

Teeny even told Josie how she herself had been the subject of an exhaustive security check before Rick accepted her invitation.

Do you remember the day you barged into corporate headquarters? Teeny asked her.

Josie sniffed. I did not bargeI was wearing a visitors badge, she said.

Rick went on to tell her that he was reviewing her background report the very moment she showed up outside his office door.

But you had a big stack of papers in your hand, she said, confused. You could put my life story on a Post-it note.

It was then that Teeny shot Rick a look of helplessness, and Rick told him hed take over from there. Teeny said good night, and Josie hunkered down to hear the most difficult part. Rick explained that they had to be sure she wasnt connected to Margots father, a chemical company owner named Bennett Cummings. He said her background check included information on her whole family, her friends, her boyfriends, her job history, her finances, and everything in between.

When he was done, Josie got up without a word. She left the porch and wandered off into the night. Rick gave her about fifteen minutes to be alone, then found her sitting on the stone wall under the big live oak, crying softly. His dogs lay near her dangling feet. Genghis sat, resting his head on her leg.

I understand youre angry, he said, approaching her slowly before he perched next to her on the wall.

The dogs were thrilled to see him, even if Josie wasnt.

Dont give me the silent treatment. Id much prefer it if you called me names and cussed me out.

Josie turned to him then, her face catching the moonlight. Her cheeks were streaked with tears. Is there anything else? she asked quietly.

What do you mean?

Is there anything else you need to tell me?


Nothing? Are you absolutely sure?

Rick sighed, knowing hed come this far and he had no choice but to let go of the last morsel, as much as it pained him. Theres one more thing.

Josie swiveled on her butt so that she faced him, then crossed her legs.

This ought to be interesting.

Youre pissed. You have a right to beI violated your privacy. But I was explaining to you how careful we are, that the reason Im not overly concerned about Bennett Cummings is because we do our homework, without fail.