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Teeny held out a single sheet of Meadowbrook stationery. Rick reached for it, immediately reading the four terse lines of type followed by Gwens elegant signature.

He groaned. I told her this wasnt necessary.

Teeny shrugged. She showed up bright and early and left it on your desk.

Didnt have a damn thing to say to me when I asked her what was up.

Rick frowned, then handed the paper back to Teeny.

Ill call her.

Teeny shrugged. You can do whatever you like, of course, but I have a feeling our girl Gwen is serious. Ive never seen her look as ragged as she did today. He shivered. Scary.

Rick laughed and sat down in a chair across from Teeny. So whats the latest with Cummings?

Nothingthats the problem. Nobodys seen him at his estate. Nobodys talked to him. Hes not used a credit card or conducted a bank transaction or made or accepted calls to his cell in five days.

Maybe he really is

Not in any hospital we can find.

All right, Teen. Rick sighed. What do you suggest we do?

His friend looked around Ricks Pacific Heights home. You could stay in here for the rest of your life. You know, watch TV and take naps.

Rick smiled. That may be whats happening today, but its not what I plan to do with the rest of my life.

Oh, yeah? You got plans I dont know about?

Rick got up from his chair and went to the bank of windows, knowing that when he said aloud all hed been thinking that morning it would sound like crazy talk. He knew Teeny wanted him to be happy, but more than that, he knew his friend wanted him to be safe and sane.

I plan to ask Josie to marry me. He kept his back to Teeny, and waited for the response he knew was coming. When he didnt receive it, he turned around. Teeny had fallen against the back of the couch and was cradling his bald head in his hands, as if he were trying to keep his brains from falling out.

Id like to find a ring by the end of the week, Rick continued. Something simple but so stunning it will blow Josie away. When Teeny still had no comment, Rick went over to him and leaned in his face.

Dont try to talk me out of it.

Teeny shook his head. Wouldnt dream of it.

Rick sat back down. You think Im moving too fast?

Teenys hands fell from his head and he smacked them down on his knees.

Fast? He laughed. Fast would be if youd known her for a couple years.

This is warp-speed shit, Rick. Youve only known her for a couple of /weeks/!

Rick nodded. So you dont like her?

Teeny shot up from the couch. I /love/ her, man. Shes great. Im not questioning the who of this situation, Im questioning the when.

I dont need more time. I know its right. I know shes the one.

Okay. Teeny held up his palms in surrender and sat back down.

The two stayed silent for a long moment. Teeny finally said, If you believe its the right thing, then it is.


And you know Im not one to shy away from high-end jewelry shopping, so count me in. Teeny got up again and headed for the door.

Hey, wait a second. Rick reached in his jeans pocket and pulled out a small piece of memo paper. He glanced at Josies handwriting and smiled at the memoryJosie had jotted this information down before Rick left her place much earlier that morning. She had been naked and twisted up in the sheets, her cheeks and chest flushed and her eyes sleepy. Rick handed the same paper to Teeny. Check on this womans story for me when you have a minute. Id appreciate it.

Teeny took the paper, frowned, and read it aloud.?Gloria Needleman, age eighty-four, Cayuga Terrace? Teeny looked up with a theatrically sly smile. We gonna get a ring for her, too?

Rick ignored him. Apparently, this lady warned Josie that I was in danger and advised her that being my girlfriend would require forgiveness.

What the hell? Every trace of humor was gone in Teenys expression. How do you know this lady?

I dont know her, thats the point. I have no idea who she is.

Teeny folded the paper and stuck it in the pocket of his jacket. So how does Josie know her?

Rick laughed. She interviewed her a few weeks back for an obituary about her husband, and the lady gave her some advice for the lovelorn on her way out.

Teeny shook his head. I dont like it.

That seems to be your mantra lately, Rick said, patting him on the shoulder. I want to head over to Josies this afternoon. I thought Id surprise her with dinner when she gets home.

What are you going to do, break in?

Rick chuckled. She gave me a key.

Well, its nice to know shes as lax with her personal safety as you are.

Teeny sighed. Ill pick you up at four.

It was stupid of me to fall for it, I know, LaShelle said. He told me he had a producer friend in L.A. who would record a demo for me. Thats where we were headed when he dumped my ass in Nebraska.

Im sorry, but I dont know what a demo is, Bennett said.

LaShelle laughed. Its a CD with a few of your songs on ityou know, a /demonstration/ of your talent.

Of course.

Youre such a nerd, Benny, she said, playfully punching him on the arm.

What did you do back in Rhode Island, anyway?

Bennett smiled, noting how shed just violated her no-personal-contact rule. I recently retired from a chemical manufacturing corporation. I worked there for forty-five years.

Shit! LaShelle said. How did you survive a job that boring for that long? I worked a couple months at a Taco Bell and I thought Id die.

Bennett laughed. Its amazing what you can get used to.

LaShelle smirked. Thats not how I plan to live /my/ life, I can tell you that. She shook her head and raised her chin. Im going for it, Benny. Im getting my ass out there and Im taking on Los Angeles and the world and one day youre gonna be hearing my shit everywhereon the radio, in movies, on TV.

I know I will.

Im gonna blow up fast. Overnight, Benny. Bennett assumed that blowing up was a good thing in the music business, unlike his line of work. That kind of determination will take you far, he said.

LaShelle was suddenly quiet. Bennett looked out of the corner of his eye to see her wipe a silent tear from her cheek. Her swagger had wilted as quickly as it had blossomed.

He decided not to push her. She was a smart girl, and clearly, reality had long ago stuck a toe into the door of her dreams. Determination was important, but it wouldnt pay the rent, and she knew it. Dreams wouldnt keep her belly full.

Bennett didnt have to askLaShelle had no one waiting for her in Los Angeles. She didnt even know how shed get there from San Francisco. She was scared to death. And alone.

Margot had never experienced that kind of fear or isolation, he realized. She was given everything she desired, sometimes even before she knew she desired it. Margot was never forced to rely on her own drive and talent.

His palms tightened on the Skylarks vinyl steering wheel as the truth hit himhis little girl died without a true passion. By trying to ensure her happiness, Bennett had kept her from lifes most basic joychasing ones own dream.

LaShelle opened Bennetts road atlas and said, We should be in Salt Lake City by six or so.

He nodded, taking a moment to swallow down the sadness. Any preference for dinner tonight? he asked.

LaShelle stared blankly out the windshield. Anything but tacos.

This time he was prepared for the attack he knew was inevitable.

First, he set the package on the hallway floor, carefully propping it up against the wall, away from the expected point of collision. Next, he set the groceries on the other side of the door. He slipped in the key, turned the knob, and raised a bent knee to the front of his body for protection.


Genghis was already sailing through the air. He bounced off Ricks shin.