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What do you have for me, Gwen?

She swallowed hard. This was a nightmare. How could she have done this to herself? To Rick? She closed her eyes and tried to drag some oxygen into her lungs.

If you lie, I will know, and I will kill you. The pressure against her temple increased. Dont think I wont.

Rick Rousseau has a girlfriend, she sputtered, her eyes flying open. He started dating someone and its serious. He says he loves her.

Cummings tilted his head to the side, obviously puzzled. And this girlfriend is not you, I assume.

No. Gwens body began shaking violently. Black spots swam in her vision.

She thought she might throw up. Im not feeling well Give me everything you know about her, Cummings said, spinning Gwen around and wrenching an arm behind her back. He pushed her toward her antique secretary in the living room, where she had paper and pens neatly arranged. Write everything down. You have thirty seconds.

Bennett sat at the wheel of his rental, parked three buildings from the girls apartment. Surprisingly, the narrow one-way street had become a veritable hub of activity. Not only was Rousseau inside the apartment having dinner, his bodyguard sat in a black Lexus out front. In addition, there seemed to be three women crouched in the dark behind a tree just east of the girlfriends apartment building. Bennett was perturbed. He would prefer to exact his revenge with less of an audience.

He was preparing to call it a night when who should exit the building but Rick himself, walking an oafish-looking dog. The bodyguard joined him and they strolled down the sidewalk, past the figures crouching behind the tree. Maybe hed been too quick to judge the evening a total waste.

He rolled down his windows and strained his ears.

Nice night for a proposal. Teeny tucked his hands in his pants pockets while strolling next to Rick and Genghis. Wouldnt you agree?

Dont rush me, Rick snapped. Shes just started dinner.

It was an innocent observation.

Rick laughed. Well, back off. I think youre more nervous than I am.

Teeny ran a hand over his bald head. This is as close to proposing to a woman as Ill ever getIm a wreck.

They got about halfway down the block when Rick noticed Teeny tense up.

He kept strolling, but there was no longer anything casual about it. He was on alert.

Teeny whispered to Rick, Not a life-and-death thing, man, but prepare yourself.

Cummings? Rick asked.

You wish.

What the hell does that mean? Rick tried to look behind him, but Teeny grabbed his arm.

Eyes front and keep moving, Teeny said. Dog ladies at two oclock.

Rick Rousseau!

Rick took a deep breath and turned toward the voice. Three women stood on the sidewalk, jaws set firm, feet apart. The oldest and biggest oneBea Latimer was her namewas clearly in charge.

Were Josies friends. We need to talk to you, she said.

Rick nodded, noting how glad Genghis was to see them. You obviously know /me,/ he said, then gestured toward Teeny. This is my associate, Timothy Worrell.

Teeny produced a charming smile. Its nice to be formally introduced, ladies.

A pleasure, the redhead named Ginger Garrison said. Beas eyes flashed at her with reprimand.

Rick decided to defuse the situation with hospitality. Im visiting Josie right now, as you know, so why dont we all go up to the apartment? Im sure shed love to see you. Shes told me all about you.

That sounds very ni Ginger stopped herself mid-sentence.

This isnt a social visit, the youngest one said. Roxanne Bloom narrowed her dark eyes at Rick menacingly. Were concerned about Josies safety. We dont think youre good for her.

Rick admired Roxannes candid approach. Truly, he welcomed the show of devotion from all three women. It was a comfort knowing they had Josies back. The problem was, this was supposed to be a quick walk, not a meeting of the UN Security Council, and he hadnt planned to leave Josie alone for long.

Shes been hurt before, Ginger said. She has this habit of falling in love with men who arent good for herwhich is nothing unique to Josie, of course, because most of us have done that at one time or another. In fact I spent eighteen years married to someone who Ginger stopped in mid-sentence and gave her hair a nervous fluff. The point is, we think youre her latest mistake.

And by far the most dangerous, Bea added.

Rick transferred the dogs leash and plastic baggie to Teeny and said to the women, Please walk with me a minute. Id enjoy the company. He turned and resumed his pace.

Bea raced to his right side. The two other women positioned themselves at his left. Teeny walked behind them, with Genghis and the plastic bag, trying his best not to snicker.

When the group turned the corner, Bennett made his move. He powered off the automatic interior lights to the car and stepped out. He gingerly opened the cars back left passenger door and left it cracked. He slipped across the walk and into the building, taking the stairs as fast as he could. He found the door to apartment 2A unlocked. He tiptoed inside, relieved that the music would provide some cover for his movements. The girl was in the kitchen, her back to him, humming and chopping, completely oblivious. Completely vulnerable.

Rousseau was a fool.

Bennett was behind her in seconds. He jammed the needle into the back of her thigh while putting his hand over her mouth. He wrenched the chefs knife from her hand and held it to her throat until she stopped fighting. Almost instantly, she went limp in his arms.

Bennett balanced the girl against him, threw the knife on the floor, and prayed he was fit enough to drag her deadweight down two flights of steps and out to the car without being spotted.

Why couldnt Rousseau have chosen a smaller woman?

We know all about you, Roxanne said.

I see. Rick walked slowly and nodded. What in particular do you see as a threat to Josies safety? he asked.

Youre joking, right? Ginger looked insulted.

Rick studied all of their faces and shook his head. Look, if you ladies are attempting to scare me away, youre going to fail. Simple as that.

Bea laughed bitterly. Were giving you a chance to bow out gracefully and leave Josie alone. If you dont, well tell her everything we know about you, and well call the police.

Rick nodded patiently. What would I be charged with, I wonder?

After a moment, Ginger said, Incomplete disclosure at the start of a relationship.

Teeny burst out laughing. If thats a punishable offense, then I know a whole bunch of people who should be in maximum security without the slightest chance in hell of parole.

Roxanne snickered. Yeah, me, too.

Rick smiled to himself.

This is not a joke, people. Beas voice was angry and she laid her hand on Ricks upper arm. Everyone stopped walking. Youve been in jail at least twice for drug possession with the intent to distribute. You killed a woman because you thought it would be fun to operate a Harley while drunk and high. Talk about someone who should be serving a life sentence!

Rick blinked. His insides felt sliced to shreds. He glanced quickly at Teeny, who was no longer amused.

Find some other woman to date, Rousseau. Bea wagged a finger at him, tears forming in her eyes. Better yet, do the entire female race a favor and dont date at all. whatever you do, just leave Josie alone.

Real subtle, Bea, Roxanne mumbled.

Theres no need for subtlety. Rick kept his voice soft. The truth is the truth, and everything Bea just said is the truth. In fact Rick felt Teenys hand on his shoulder, and he didnt know if it was to calm him or recommend that he shut the hell up. It didnt matter, because Rick planned to continue until hed said all he needed to say.