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In fact, I did exactly what Bea suggested. I didnt date anyone after the accident, not for seven years. Rick smiled sadly. I didnt trust myselfId been a spoiled, selfish, reckless rich kid who didnt give a damn about anyone. After the accident I decided to change my life, but I was scared shitless that Id somehow hurt another woman. So I stayed away from them.

I concentrated on becoming an honorable person, instead.

The women stared at him, slack-jawed.

But then I met Josie, and she changed everything.

Rick looked into all of their faces. Your friend is an incredible woman.

She knows that story Bea just told, and a hell of a lot more. And shes already forgiven me. Shes decided to give me a chance.

You told Josie about your past? Ginger looked stunned.

Of course I did. I love Josie. She deserves to know everything there is to know about the man who wants to marry her.

WHAT? Roxanne waved her hands around. What did you just say?

Nice going, Ace, Teeny said.

Youre lying. There was disgust in Beas voice. You two only just met.

Then dont take my word for it. Lets go get this out in the open. Rick turned back toward the corner. You know, Josie told me about the vow you all took, he said.

She did? Ginger scowled at him, then immediately began tapping her fingertips against her forehead, which Rick found odd.

The four of you agreed to be happy without men in your lives, correct?

Damn right, Roxanne said.

Well, Josie wasnt sure how and when to tell you about me. Rick smiled.

Now I understand her hesitation.

Teeny snickered under his breath. Rick started walking at a fast clip.

Youre really going to ask her to marry you? Roxanne nearly had to jog to keep up with Ricks uphill march.

Do not say anything to her. I mean it, Rick said. You can put me through the meat grinder all you want but you /will not/ ruin that moment for her. Are we clear?

Bea frowned at him. I still dont believe you.

Shaking his head, Rick stopped walking again, reached into the inside pocket of his jacket, and pulled out a small black velvet box. He opened it under the streetlight. The women were nearly blinded.

No way, Roxanne whispered.

Oh, my God, Ginger breathed. Tiffany!

Bea peered close. Two carats?

Three, Teeny said. Emerald cut with two baguettes on either side.

Platinum setting. The matching wedding band is just as stunning but has simpler linesperfect for daily wear.

Rick snapped the box shut, nearly catching the tip of Beas nose in the spring hinge. Shall we go get your answers, ladies? I dont want Josie to think somebody kidnapped me. They all rounded the corner, then charged up the hill. When they reached the building, Rick gestured for the women to go ahead of him. You first. I insist.

As he spoke, Rick noticed a dark-colored sedan traveling the wrong way down the street. A shiver went up his spine.

Bennett gasped for air as he drove through the streets of San Francisco.

Every few seconds hed glance at the GPS readout for reassurance. This town was a maze of steep hills and baffling intersections and he only had twenty minutes before the effect of the tranquilizer would wear off.

If he could just get into the underground garage of the Presidio villa, everything would be all right. Bennett glanced at the rearview mirror, checking on the sleeping girl. She was doing better than he was. She seemed to be resting peacefully, while Bennett was in need of traction and an oxygen mask. Thank God hed prepared a method for transporting a limp body up the private elevator and into the house, even if hed intended the body to be Rousseaus.

The girl moaned softly, but didnt move. The GPS said he had six miles to go. Bennetts heart pounded and his hands perspired so badly they were slipping on the rental cars steering wheel.

It had begun. It could not be stopped. He had kidnapped Rick Rousseaus girlfriend. It wasnt his original plan, but a last-minute change in direction wasnt necessarily a sign of weakness.

After all, which option would inflict the most injury on Rousseau? That single instant of comprehension for him, when Bennett put the gun to Rousseaus head and prepared to pull the trigger? Or days of guilt-soaked agony and torture of the soul, Rick knowing that hed allowed his woman to be stolen and probably killed?

Plan B, obviously. It was genius. It was the ultimate payback. Bennett was only sorry he couldnt hold the girl hostage for seven years before he killed her.

Now /that/ would be eye for an eye. /… you wouldnt hurt a fly, Benny./ Bennett slammed his fist against the cheap steering wheel. Damn! How he wished LaShelle had kept her opinions to herself! If forty-five years in business had taught him anything, it was this: If you doubt your success, then youll fail.

Ginger was the first inside Josies apartment. I dont think shes here, she said, confused. Did she go somewhere?

Rick cocked his head, the adrenaline rushing through his body. Teeny dropped the dogs leash, pulled out his gun, and pushed past everyone to get in the living room.

Stay back, Rick said, motioning for the women to retreat to the hallway.

Josie? he called out, over the music. He ran to the sound system and turned down the volume. Josie? he repeated, even louder.

Teeny swept the kitchen, the bedroom, the bathroom. Genghis sniffed at a knife lying on the kitchen floor.

Teeny ran back to the living room, shaking his head to indicate he hadnt found her, his face twisted with grief.

What the hells going on? Bea stepped inside the apartment and walked right up to Teeny. Why the hell do you have a gun?

Has something happened to Josie? Roxanne yelled. Should we call the police?

Ive got a real bad feeling about this, Ginger whispered.

Rick took a second to gather his thoughts, but there was only one thought to gather: Bennett Cummings had Josie.

He was sure of it.


Bennett needed a stiff drink. Lifting the girl from the car and propping her in the rolling office chair had just about done him in. His heart raced. Perspiration soaked into his shirt. Bennett made himself a vodka and tonic, and settled into a comfortable love seat.

The girl tried to kick her legs again, and Bennett was pleased to see the ropes holding nicely. As a sailor, hed always prided himself on his knots. Never once, however, did he suspect hed use his yachting prowess to tie a girl to anything, let alone an office chair on wheels.

She tried to scream, but her mouth was muffled by the balled-up washcloth held in place with a kitchen towel. Hed used a colorful pink scarf he found in the closet as a blindfold. The overall effect looked less menacing than a hostage scene from a movie, but it would have to do.

It would be to your benefit if youd relax, Bennett said in his most soothing voice. If you are calm and quiet, you will be allowed to move freely in the guest suite. You can have something to eat or watch movies. Youll be quite comfortable. I just finished preparing everything for you.

The girl kept wiggling.

However, if you continue to struggle, Ill have to leave you bound and gagged for the several days I plan to keep you here. Is that what youd prefer?

The girl screamed and thrashed violently. Bennett got up and made himself another drink. His hand shook when he added two jiggers of Ciroc.

He was aware that from here on out, things would be unpleasant. There was no avoiding it.

Within minutes of Josies disappearance, Teeny had the security teams emergency plan in place, everyone aware that Josie Sheehans safe return was the only objective. Teeny spoke to several of his associates in Rhode Island, demanding that they come up with somethinganythingthat would provide new information on Bennett Cummingss whereabouts.