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Josie was treated to a slide show of Margots life, a life of an American princess. It boggled the mind how privileged shed been. She was extremely pretty, Josie said, meaning it.

She looked just like her mother, Bennett said.

You havent mentioned your wife. Josie sat quietly while Bennett scrolled through additional photos of his daughter. Is she still alive?

Shes dead, for all practical purposes.

Josie frowned. I dont understand.

He turned to her. At this proximity, Josie could see all the wrinkles in his skin, all the broken blood vessels on his cheeks and in his eyes. He looked worn out.

I thought Rick was done with women. Bennett looked directly into Josies eyes. Tell me how this thing between you came about.

Josie smiled slightly, aware how hed turned the tables in an instant.

Rick had been alone since the accident, yes. But something very special happened when we metit was an attraction that seemed bigger than both of us. We fell in love.

Do you trust him?

Josie nodded. I do. Absolutely.

Cummings chuckled. You know, looks fade and money is not the answer.

Josie tilted her head, intrigued. Im aware of both those things, Mr.

Cummings. Yesterday you told me I was naпve and stupid. Well, Im not.

Then allow me to tell you a story, Cummings said, standing up. I think youll find it illuminating.

She followed him into the living room, where he stood before the waterfall. He stared down at the tiny lights that danced under the clear water.

Id known Rick Rousseau since he was a toddler. His father was a decent enough mana good businessman. His mother was beautiful but she died young. I knew Rousseaus type. Too pretty. Too charming. Too wild. The male equivalent of my daughter, really. Cummings smiled sadly. I didnt give him a second thought until Margot came home at Christmas break of her sophomore year, four months pregnant.

I see, Josie said, vaguely uncomfortable with where this was going.

Do you? Cummings paused, looking down at her. It was Rousseaus baby, Miss Sheehan. He got my daughter pregnant and didnt have the decency to own up to his responsibilities. He was a coward. My wife took Margot to the clinic and got it taken care of, though at first the doctor said four months was too far along. Through it all, Rousseau was nowhere to be found.

The bottom of Josies belly dropped. Her brain buzzed. /What?/ That was the only comment she could muster.

Margot was never whole after that, always so sad. She told me later that she regretted her decision terribly, that she should have had the child but was afraid. Bennett shook his head. Rousseau came back into her life almost a decade later, to finish the job he started. And even then it took another seven years! But he eventually got what he was after.

Cummings looked at Josie, his eyes filled with tears. He killed my little girl.

Josie could do nothing but stare at him, searching for some indication that this was a trap. All she found was a very sad old man who had lost his entire familyhis wife, his daughter, and his grandchildby one mans hand.

But. Josie swallowed, breaking her eye contact with Cummings. He swore to me he never got anyone pregnant and that he had no children.

Cummings chuckled. I wonder what other lies he told you. He shook his head. Miss Sheehan, you truly are a fool if you think Rick Rousseau is a decent man.

She ran into her suite and slammed the door shut. She fell on the bed and cried. She cried for Margot and her parents. She cried for Rickhow could a man be so corrupt? How could he have lied to her like that? With all the trimmings? With such sincerity? How could he be so sinister?

But mostly, Josie cried for herself. Cummings had been right. Bea and Ginger and Roxie had been right. She was gullible, naпve, and so very stupid. She had really thought Rick loved her. She had fallen for it. Again!

She pounded her fists into the fancy bed linens, the rage pouring through her as it all came back to herthose days at the ranch walking hand in hand, all those talks she believed were heartfelt, deep, and true, all those hours shed spent in Ricks arms, and under his spell. It was too much to bear.

Bennett sat up the entire night, drinking and thinking and listening to poor Miss Sheehan in there, her heart in tatters.

What would killing that poor girl accomplish? She was somebodys daughter. How would another young womans senseless death fix anything?

He drained his drink, suddenly fascinated with the nature of his self-loathing, so foul and so dark. He shuddered.

Bennett couldnt save Margot. And now he couldnt save himself. It was too late. Even without homicide, the kidnapping alone would send him to prison for the rest of his days.

But he could save Miss Sheehan.

Bennett looked at the clock on his BlackBerry, noting that it would be dawn soon. Enough was enough.

A soft melody passed through his mind like it was carried on a breeze.

It was catchy, but a little bittersweet. It was his song. /You wouldnt hurt a fly, Benny./ He entered her room on unsteady legs. For a moment, he panicked at the sight of her limp body. Had she done something to herself? Had there been side effects from the tranquilizer? How could he have done that to her in the first place? When Miss Sheehan mumbled in her sleep, he sighed, greatly relieved. Bennett shook her shoulder.

Lets go, he said. She bolted awake, blinking at him in terror. She scrambled to a sitting position.

Dont shoot me. Please.

Im not going to shoot you. Im going to take you home. Ive incon ve nienced you long enough.

He reached down for her and pulled her to a stand, leading her toward the living area. Without warning, an explosion blew one of the side doors right off the hinges, the force of the blast so severe it rocked them backward. Through a rolling wave of dark smoke, at least a dozen men in riot gear swarmed into the house.

FBI! Hands up! Step away from the hostage!

Bennett did what was demanded of him, and within seconds he was thrown to the floor, the crushing weight of a boot pinning his head in place.

She saw Rick instantly. She knew him by the way he moved, the elegant way he was built. As he cleared the smoke, Josie watched him coming right toward her, a look of joy on his face. It was so convincing. Maybe he really did care for her, in his own way. But she wanted more. She wanted the whole thinga man who was good deep down, a man she could trust.

Never again would she let this happen to her.

Are you hurt? Thank God! Josie? Did he hurt you? Ricks hands grabbed her upper arms. Baby, look at me!

Im fine, she said, watching the police drag Cummings to his feet. He didnt hurt me at all.

Rick crushed her in his arms. His body trembled against hers. He kept saying her name over and over, kissing her hair and face. /Josie. Josie.

Josie./ She was relieved when the paramedics peeled Rick off her and forced her onto a gurney. She didnt know how shed ever be able to look him in the eye again.


Josie collapsed into Gloria Needlemans plastic-covered couch and looked around the room, thinking that this was where the whole saga began just a little over a month ago. She showed up for an interview that day and left with a plan to change her life.

Not for the first time, Josie wondered if things would have been better if shed never written that list, never met Rick, and never fallen so deeply in love.

She balanced her elbows on her knees and sighed. Maybe a grand life adventure wasnt all it was cracked up to be. Maybe Josephine Agnes Sheehan was destined to live a dry, boring life in the company of a Labradoodle. Maybe she wasnt supposed to find love. Maybe shed messed with destiny, and shed be paying for her impudence the rest of her days.