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Within an hour, the keel will be emplaced and the George H. W. Bush will begin its existence as the most modern of the U.S. Navy’s Nimitz-class carriers. It is comforting to reflect that when the USS George H. W. Bush joins George Washington and Abraham Lincoln in the battle line of our fleet, its entire military capability will be vested in the young Navy flyers of a later generation, who will have as their inspiration the example of the skill, commitment, and courage of that carrier’s eponym, George Herbert Walker Bush.

Abbreviations and Acronyms

AA — antiaircraft

AAA — antiaircraft artillery

ACDA — Arms Control and Disarmament Agency

AdCom — administrative command

ADIZ — air defense identification zone

AE — ammunition ship

AEC — Atomic Energy Commission

AF — store ship

AFS — combat store ship

AG — miscellaneous support ship

AIM — air intercept missile

AirLant — commander, Naval Air Force, Atlantic

AirPac — commander, Naval Air Force, Pacific

ALNAV — all Navy message

ANA — Association of Naval Aviation

ANRP — Airborne Nuclear Reactor Program

AO — oiler

AOE — fast combat support ship

AP — armor-piercing

APC — armored personnel carrier

ARB — aircraft rearming boat

ARG — Amphibious Ready Group

ARM — antiradiation missile

ARVN — Army of the Republic of [South] Vietnam

ASW — antisubmarine warfare

ATAR — antitank aircraft rocket

AvGas — aviation gasoline

BB — battleship

BDA — bomb-damage assessment

BM — boatswain’s mate

BN — bombardier/navigator

BuPers — Bureau of Naval Personnel

BuShips — Bureau of Ships

C6F — Commander, Sixth Fleet

C7F — Commander, Seventh Fleet

CA — heavy (8-inch) gun cruiser

CAP — combat air patrol

CarDiv — carrier division

CAS — close air support

CCDG — Commander, Cruiser-Destroyer Group

CentCom — Central Command

CEO — chief executive officer

CGN — nuclear-powered guided missile cruiser

CIA — Central Intelligence Agency

CIC — Combat Information Center

CinC — Commander in Chief

CinCEur — Commander in Chief, European Command

CinCLant — Commander in Chief, Atlantic Command

CinCLantFlt — Commander in Chief, Atlantic Fleet

CinCPac — Commander in Chief, Pacific Command

CinCPacFlt — Commander in Chief, Pacific Fleet

CincUSNavEur — Commander in Chief, U.S. Naval Forces, Europe

CLG — guided missile light cruiser

CNO — Chief of Naval Operations

CNP — Chief of Naval Personnel

CO — commanding officer

COD — carrier on-board delivery

ComNavAirPac — Commander, Naval Air Force Pacific Fleet

CONUS — continental United States

CPO — chief petty officer

CPX — command post exercise

CRT — cathode ray tube

CTF — commander, task force

CTG — commander, task group

CTU — commander, task unit

CV — multipurpose aircraft carrier

CVA — attack aircraft carrier

CVAN — attack aircraft carrier, nuclear powered

CVE — escort aircraft carrier

CVL — light aircraft carrier

CVN — aircraft carrier, nuclear powered

CVS — support (ASW) aircraft carrier

CVT — aircraft carrier, training

CVW — carrier air wing

DCNO — Deputy Chief of Naval Operations

DD — destroyer

DDG — guided-missile destroyer

DE — escort ship

DefCon — defense readiness condition

DLGN — guided-missile frigate, nuclear powered

DMZ — Demilitarized Zone

DoD — Department of Defense

DPG — Defense Planning Guidance

EuCom — European Command

FAC — forward air controller

FAFIK — Fifth Air Force in Korea

FAGU — fleet air gunnery unit

FASRon — fleet aircraft service squadron

FAX — fighter attack plane, experimental

FEAF — Far East Air Force

FEBA — forward edge of the battle area

FFAR — forward-firing aircraft rocket

FY — fiscal year

GCA — ground-controlled approach

GDA — gun-damage assessment

GI — enlisted person or veteran

GP — general purpose

GQ — general quarters

GS — general service

HC — high-capacity

HM — helicopter mine countermeasures squadron

hp — horsepower

HVAR — high-velocity aircraft rocket

ICBM — intercontinental ballistic missile

ID — identification

ISE — independent steaming exercises

JCS — Joint Chiefs of Staff

j.g. — junior grade

JOC — Joint Operations Center

JP — jet fuel

JS — Joint Staff

JSF — joint strike fighter

JSOP — Joint Strategic Objective Plan

KOG — kindly old gentleman (Admiral Rickover’s nickname)

LABS — low-altitude bombing system

LCS(L) — landing craft, support (large)

LDO — limited duty officer

LOC — line(s) of communication

LPD — amphibious transport, dock

LPH — amphibious assault ship

LSD — landing ship, dock

LSO — landing signal officer

LST — landing ship, tank