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LWF — lightweight fighter

LZ — landing zone

MAAG — Military Assistance Advisory Group

MACV — military assistance commander, Vietnam

MARHUK — Marine hunter-killer

MASH — mobile army surgical hospital

MATS — Military Air Transport Service

MC — multichannel

MP — Military Police

MPQ — radar-controlled bombing system

MSO — minesweeper, ocean

MSR — main supply route

NAS — Naval Air Station

NATO — North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NATOPS — Naval Air Training and Operating Procedures Standardization

NAVFOR — naval forces

NCA — National Command Authority

NHF — Naval Historical Foundation

NOB — Naval Operating Base

NOD — night observation device

NROTC — Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps

NSA — National Security Agency

NSC — National Security Council

NTDS — naval tactical data system

NVA — North Vietnamese Army

NVN — North Vietnam

NWC — Naval War College

NWIP — Naval Warfare Informational Publication

NWP — Naval Warfare Publication

O&M — Operations and Maintenance

OMB — Office of Management and Budget

OpCon — Operational Control

OPDEP — operations deputy

OpNav — Office of the Chief of Naval Operations

OpSec — operations security

ORE — operational readiness evaluation

ORI — operational readiness inspection

OSD — Office of the Secretary of Defense

PA&E — program analyses and evaluation

PCF — patrol craft (fast)

PCO — prospective commanding officer

POW — prisoner of war

PRC — People’s Republic of China

PSI — pounds per square inch

PT — motor torpedo boat

PX — post exchange

QDR — Quadrennial Defense Review

R&R — rest and relaxation

RAF — Royal Air Force

RDF — radio direction finder

RDT&E — research, development, testing, and evaluation

recce — reconnaissance

RIO — radar intercept officer

ROE — Rules of Engagement

ROK — Republic of Korea

ROKAF — Republic of Korea air force

ROTC — Reserve Officers’ Training Corps

rpm — revolutions per minute

RTAFB — Royal Thai Air Force Base

RVN — Republic of Vietnam

SAC — Strategic Air Command

SAM — surface-to-air missile

SAR — search and rescue

SCRAM — emergency shutdown of a nuclear reactor

SEATO — Southeast Asia Treaty Organization

SecDef — secretary of defense

SecNav — secretary of the Navy

shp — shaft horsepower

SLEP — Service Life Extension Program

SOF — Special Operations Force(s)

SOP — standard operating procedure

SPACE A — space available

SpecOps — special operations

SSBN — ballistic missile submarine, nuclear

TAC — Tactical Air Control

TACC — Tactical Air Control Center

TACP — Tactical Air Control Party

TADC — Tactical Air Direction Center

TBM — Grumman Avenger torpedo bomber

TBS — talk between ships radio

TF — task force

TG — task group

TNT — trinitrotoluene

TOT — time on target

TWA — Trans World Airlines

UCLA — University of California, Los Angeles

UHF — ultra high frequency

UK — United Kingdom

UN — United Nations

UnRep — underway replenishment

UPI — United Press International

URG — underway replenishment group

US — United States

USAF — U.S. Air Force

USMACV — U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam

USMC — U.S. Marine Corps

USN — U.S. Navy

USNR — U.S. Naval Reserve

USO — United Service Organization

USSR — Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

UUV — unmanned undersea vehicle

V/STOL — vertical/short takeoff and landing aircraft

VA — attack squadron

VB — bombing squadron

VCNO — Vice Chief of Naval Operations

VERTREP — vertical replenishment

VF — fighter squadron

VHF — very high frequency

VIP — very important person

WSAG — Washington Special Actions Group

XO — executive officer