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My dad pats my back. “What a good idea, Moose. Natalie will love having a whole Alcatraz contingent come visit her.”

What am I going to do now? I could say my hives are bothering me and I can’t go. But then how will I get on the boat an hour later? I could send Theresa and Annie off to find Scout, while I get the roses. Or maybe I could… I could…

“Natalie’s going to be pleased as punch to see you three,” Mrs. Mattaman says as the key sails down the guard tower guy wire. She hands me a package all tied up with string. “You eat the others already, Moose?”

“Might have.”

My father laughs.

Mrs. Mattaman’s eyes glow with this information. “Glad you’re not my son. Between you and Jimmy, you’d eat me out of house and home,” she coos.

“You girls keep a close eye on him, okay? Make sure he saves some for Natalie.” My father winks.

“Probably should have baked a lemon cake.” Mrs. Mattaman winds her finger around her apron string. “You tell her I will soon as she gets home. You betcha.”

“Last call ten a.m.,” Trixle bellows, his bullhorn directed at us.

“You heard the man. On the double, you three.” Mrs. Mattaman shoos us down the gangplank. She stands on the dock watching us as we push off. The boat rail gently moves up and down. The motor rumbles under my feet.

“My mom sure likes Moose,” Theresa tells Annie.

“Everybody likes Moose,” Annie says. “That’s the trouble.”

“Why is that the trouble?” I ask.

Annie shakes her head. “It just is.”


Same day-Sunday, August 18, 1935

The whole way to the Esther P. Marinoff School I try to plan everything out. I’m going to take Annie to the wrong field, so we don’t run into Scout. I hate the idea of missing out on a pickup game, but this is my life we’re talking about. I’m not sure what kind of pickup games they have in heaven. I don’t think there are that many dead baseball-playing twelve-year- olds up there.

The more I think about this, the harder I work to wiggle the string off the cannoli box and worm my big hand inside. I’ve just managed to eat two when Annie rips the box out of my hands. “What’s the matter with you, Moose?” she asks as we walk up the steep San Francisco street with the cables rumbling underground and the cable car bell clanking in the distance.

We’re almost to the Esther P. Marinoff now, which is good because my legs feel wobbly, like I just climbed up twenty flights of stairs. We didn’t have hills like this in Santa Monica. We didn’t have mansions like this either.

Up ahead is the familiar white house with its large, well-cared-for garden full of flowers. Orange flowers drape from a trellis and tiny pink and purple flowers the size of a lady’s thumbnail spill over the side of a planter. It smells sweet like honeysuckle. A metal placard reads in elaborate cursive The Esther P. Marinoff School.

I look around for roses. Just my luck, there are none.

“Es-thur. Pee. Mary-noff. Lookee, you guys! This is it!” Theresa runs around behind me and gives me a shove, head-butting me up the stairs to the massive front door. Annie laughs as I ring the doorbell and Theresa pounds on the solid oak door.

It takes a while, but eventually the big door is opened by a small woman with hair the color of tarnished nickels and a velvet dress thick as movie curtains. Her eyes are a clear gold, the color of beer.

“We’re here to visit Natalie Flanagan,” I tell her.

“And you are?”

“Moose, I mean Matthew Flanagan, her brother, and Theresa Mattaman and Annie Bomini, her friends.”

“Ahhh, the Alcatraz kids!” The woman smiles, takes my hand in her tiny one, and pumps my arm. “I’m Sadie,” she says.

Though she must be my grandma’s age, there’s something about her that seems young, like the graying hair and wrinkled skin are a costume change and not the real person at all. We follow her inside.

“I’ve heard a lot about you kids. Natalie talks about you all the-”

“Yes, ma’am.” I cut her off before I can stop myself. I don’t want to hear about Nat missing me while I’ve been home with my mom and my dad all to myself.

Sadie blinks like she has dust in her eyes. “Well then, you must be anxious to see Natalie. You wait right here. I’ll bring her up.”

Annie’s watchful blue eyes take everything in. The room reminds me of Sadie herself: full of once-elegant things that are well worn. Chairs with old-fashioned carved legs and threadbare seats. Brocade curtains, faded smooth in spots. But nothing about this place seems like gangsters, and Sadie sure doesn’t look like the kind of woman who would mix it up with mobsters. How did Al Capone do it? How did he get Natalie into this school?

Theresa bounces on the lumpy seat of her straight-back chair. She jumps up when she hears the sound of Natalie approaching, dragging one foot along the carpet. Step, drag. Step, drag.

“She’s here!” Theresa cries, clapping her hands together.

When Nat appears she’s wearing the yellow dress my mom and the convicts made for her, but the belt is gone and there are two extra buttons sewn to the front.

For a second Nat’s clear green eyes flash past me, then flip down to the carpet again.

“Sun get up okay today, Natalie?” Nat mutters.

Sadie’s thick velvet dress sweeps past us. “Natalie. Look at the person with whom you’re speaking. And speak in proper pronouns, please.”

I don’t like Sadie’s tone. What gives her the right to talk to Natalie this way? “Natalie loves the sunrise. She gets up for it every morning,” I explain. “When I get up, I always ask her if the sun got up okay.”

“She loves the sunrise and the garden too, but she can speak more directly,” Sadie informs me, her eyes trained on Nat.

“Three and oh. No hits, no runs. A fly ball. Ten base hits. A runner on third,” Natalie mumbles, digging her chest with her chin.

Sadie cups her hand under Natalie’s chin to prevent the digging. “No baseball talk,” she says.

“What’s the matter with baseball talk?” I ask.

“She’s just repeating random phrases. We’re working on the art of conversation,” Sadie explains. “Say what you mean. I am…” Sadie prompts Natalie.

Natalie tries to dig at her chest again, but Sadie’s hand won’t let her chin dip down. Nat looks quickly and fleetingly across the tops of our heads. “Moose, Theresa, Annie hello, hello, hello,” Nat mutters.

“Hi, Natalie,” we all say.

“You have new buttons.” Theresa points to the two extra mismatched buttons sewn to Natalie’s dress.

Natalie runs her hands over the new buttons, carefully, lovingly, tracing the outline of each one. “Good day new button,” she whispers.

“Who are you addressing, Natalie?” Sadie barks. “When I have… ”

Nat doesn’t respond.

Sadie motions for us to be silent. We wait a painfully long time and then suddenly Nat offers: “When I have a Sadie nice day, I get a new button.”

“Good, Natalie!” Sadie’s voice is buoyant.

Nat rubs her hand over one of her sewn-on buttons.

“Maybe you’ll get more buttons,” Annie offers. “When you come home next weekend, maybe you’ll have more.”

“More buttons, more,” Natalie repeats. “I am-”

“I am what?” Sadie pounces on this beginning. Her face is up close to Nat’s.

But Natalie lets it drop. Whatever she is right now, she isn’t going to say.

“What we’re working on here, Moose,” Sadie explains, “is keeping her engaged and a part of the conversation. We can’t let her float off into her own world.”

“She doesn’t float off in her own world with me,” Theresa says proudly.