A thought struck Grant. Far-fetched, but ridiculously simple.
“Commander,” he asked. “If you wanted to shut down the Yorkshire’s anti-missile system, what would you do?”
Peled shot him a puzzled look. “I’d just turn it off.”
“But how, exactly?”
“We can do it manually, of course, but usually we just tell Merlin to shut it down.”
“Will Merlin accept orders from me?” Grant asked.
“Yes, you’ve been logged in as one of the ship’s officers.” Commander Peled’s eyes opened wide. “You think that you can-”
Then a gust of cold air blew against his face, and snow began to fall.
“Intruders!” Grant shouted, snatching up a pistol. Don’t they ever stop?
Chapter 31
The H.M.S. Yorkshire
In Tilleke Space
Commander Peled slapped the com button. “Intruder alert! Marine guard to the Bridge! Intruder alert!”
The two Marine sentries brought their rifles up to their shoulders. The snow squall swirled, grew more intense, and then just as suddenly abated. Ten Savak commandoes stepped forward.
“Shoot! Dammit, fire!” Gur shouted.
Grant threw himself to the floor and crawled to the nearest computer console, half shielding himself under a chair. Shots rang back and forth; people screamed; there was the sound of running. He could hear the curious “pop-pop-pop-pop!” of the Savak air rifles. From the corner of his eye he caught the sight of a second snow squall appearing out of nowhere.
“Yes, Lieutenant?”
“Contact London’s Operations Computer by C2C.”
“The London is no longer under Victorian control, Lieutenant. Do you still wish me to proceed with your request?”
“Yes!” A body splattered with blood fell to the floor in front of him. He flinched violently. “Hurry, dammit!”
“As you wish, Lieutenant.” A pause. “You are now connected to London’s onboard Operations Computer, Aberdeen Model 12A46. You may speak now.”
“Mildred! Mildred, can you hear me?”
“Yes, I can, Lieutenant Skiffington. How are you today?”
“Not so good. Mildred, verify who I am through voice analysis.”
“You are Lieutenant Grant Skiffington of Her Majesty’s Ship London, currently assigned as personal aide to Admiral Oliver Skiffington, commander of the Second Fleet. Your voice shows high levels of stress associated with elevated levels of adrenalin. You are presently not on board the London.”
“Mildred, I want you to disable the ship’s automated anti-missile system.”
Something fell across his legs. He turned and saw the open, staring eyes of Captain Gur. He flinched violently, got hold of himself and kicked the body off, flinching again as the Captain’s head struck the floor.
The voice of the Weapon’s Officer cut through the chaos. “Two more missiles in bound. We have launched four missiles at the London! Laser hits on Turret Three!”
“Lieutenant, I cannot comply with your command as you are not the commanding officer on the London,” Mildred said reasonably. “Also, I note that your stress level has increased sharply. I would advise you to see medical assis-”
“Stop!” He gritted his teeth. “Mildred, who is the commanding officer of the London?”
A blaster pistol clattered to the deck beside him. He grabbed it and held it in front of him. Across the bridge, Commander Peled shouted. “Weapons, do not fire more missiles until I give the order. We need to kill their anti-missile defense.”
“The commanding officer of the London is Admiral Oliver Skiffington,” Mildred said cheerfully. “His orders were effective on-”
“Stop! Mildred, can you see Admiral Skiffington?”
Grant cursed. A Savak commando stepped past him, firing from his hip. Grant shot him once in the back of the leg, then a second time in the head when he collapsed to the floor.
“Mildred, where is Admiral Skiffington?”
“Admiral Skiffington is presently thirty six feet from the loading bay hatch.”
Huh? Grant felt a surge of hope. Was his father hiding in the loading bay? Could he still take control of the battle? “Mildred! Let me talk to him.”
A pause. “You cannot talk to Admiral Skiffington because he is outside of the ship. Further, my sensors reveal that Admiral Skiffington is dead. Cause of death was either a gunshot wound to his right temple or exposure to vacuum. In order to be certain of the cause of-”
Ah, sweet Gods of Our Mother. “Stop.” For the love of God, stop.
“Yes, dear.”
“Mildred, scan the entire ship. Do you detect any Victorian officers on board?’
“There is one officer on board, Commander Oscar Kerrs. He is in elevator tube Number Four.”
Grant blinked, then understood. Bloody computer. “State his condition.
“Commander Kerrs is dead. Cause of death is a — ”
“Stop.” Grant rubbed sweat off his face. Behind him a man screamed in mortal agony. More popping from a Savak rifle, and the man’s scream abruptly ended.
“Friendlies coming in!” Sergeant Zamir shouted. Several Marines poured through the door and a new wave of shooting began. Grant hugged the floor, praying for it to end.
“Mildred, confirm that there are no living Victorian officers on the London.”
Another pause, then: “Confirmed.”
“Confirm that I am the senior officer presently in contact with you.”
Grant took a breath. “Mildred, as the senior commanding officer in communication with you, I order you to disable the ship’s anti-missile system.”
“Of course, dear.”
Grant almost sobbed with relief. He waved at Commander Peled and flashed him a thumbs up sign. From the corner of his eye, he saw the last of the Savak go down, blood spraying from his neck. Marines swarmed over the deck, shooting each Savak again to make sure they were dead.
Peled thumbed the com. “On my mark, Yorkshire and Kent to fire all available missiles at the London! Fire! Fire!”
“Lieutenant?” Mildred inquired mildly. “I have detected a total of thirty three incoming missiles. Do you wish me to reactivate the ship’s missile defense system?”
“No. Thank you, Mildred.”
“You are welcome, Lieutenant.”
“Two minutes to impact,” the Weapons Officer said matter-of-factly. Grant marveled at his stoicism.
Curiosity tugged at him. “Mildred, can you show me a visual of the bridge?
“Of course.” The holo nearest him flickered and snapped into focus. The perspective was angled slightly downward, and Grant guessed it was from the ceiling camera above the large com monitor.
And there they were. A dozen or so men stood with weapons in hand while ten women in simple black uniforms manned the pilot, navigation, weapons and com systems. One woman, older than the rest, was sitting in his father’s chair, staring intently at the holo display in front of her. Grant was mildly astonished that he could actually see the missiles boring in on the London on the London’s own holo display.
“Mildred, can you patch me through so that I can talk to the Tilleke on the bridge?”
“Yes, Lieutenant Skiffington, and I can translate your words into Tilleke. I am capable of reproducing six hundred and thirteen different languages and have the capability to learn a new language with-”