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She was a self-centred piece. It was only because she dimly understood that stressing her own importance might reflect badly upon her, that Roxana allowed a possible contributing factor: Philadelphion being favourite on the Chief Librarian shortlist. She knew Nicanor felt fervid professional jealousy. I asked how Philadelphion really felt about the post, given his known resentment that the Library attracted more attention than the zoo, where his heart clearly lay. Roxana thought he saw taking over the Library, if it happened, as potentially a way for him to right the balance. Whether that would make him a good Librarian I doubted, though I could not see Nicanor doing any better. He too wanted the post for personal reasons - his raw ambition. If he could snatch Roxana from Philadelphion as well, that would double his triumph.

In my experience lawyers make good haters and they never flinch from revenge. However, they are skilled and subtle, rarely descending to violence. They don’t need to. They have other, more potent weapons.

It would be easy to dismiss Roxana’s claim as a flight of fancy. Lack of evidence at the scene made it difficult to accuse Nicanor – or anybody else - of setting Sobek loose. If somebody did it, their plan was extremely risky. Yes, Philadelphion was known to make his rounds at night to check on the animals, but actual events showed all too clearly that other people might be blundering around the zoo as well. Besides, even if the Zoo Keeper had found the croc, Sobek might like Philadelphion. He might just have waddled up, wagging his tremendous tail and hoping for treats.

On the other hand, if someone really had let Sobek out to kill, their plan had a simple glory: but for them abandoning the goat, the resulting death would convincingly have looked like an accident. If only Sobek had slaughtered the right man, it would have been perfect. This argued for a bloodthirsty killer. The victim died a horrific death. Anyone sufficiently mad and vindictive to arrange it would have enjoyed those screams.

Anyone that mad, I thought, might try to strike again.

I assured Roxana all her claims would be investigated. I would do it in the true Falco style: discreetly, effectively and as soon as possible. Meanwhile, she was not to approach Nicanor, nor admit him to her house. She should warn Philadelphion of her fears for his life, but discourage him from tackling the lawyer. I would approach the man - at the right moment.

In fact, when Helena and I left, I said that I would first want to consider whether anybody else had a big grudge against the Zoo Keeper. ‘What did you think about the doting mistress?’

‘I thought,’ replied Helena acidly, ‘the lovely Roxana was a tribute to the powers of a good night’s sleep.’

‘Really? You mean, she had just seen a young man die a hideous death, with herself and me nearly killed too, yet she was not beset with nightmares?’

Helena was scornful. ‘Where were the puffy eyes? The signs of weeping? The gaunt cheeks? The ravages to the complexion? Marcus, that woman has no conscience.’

We both then had the same intriguing notion about the luscious hostess: would Roxana have had any motive to let Sobek out?

When I suggested it might be useful to investigate Roxana further, Helena Justina scoffed. ‘No need! I think we know exactly what that woman is all about!’ I concurred meekly.

She was obviously tired. I sent her back to my uncle’s house in his palanquin, which we had borrowed that morning.

On the excuse of discussing the late Heras, I took myself back to the Museion to see Philetus. Heras was already on his mind when I was let into his office. ‘As Director of the Museion, I shall have to write to tell the parents what has happened.’ He was soon in full flow, lamenting his time-consuming responsibilities and the burden of trying to keep order among the young scholars.

‘Had Heras come to your attention before?’

‘I try to know all our scholars personally.’ So he had never heard of the young man.

‘Was he a model student?’

‘His tutor says so. Hard working and well liked. ’That was the natural response to an unexpected death. It had no value. I bet the tutor could barely remember which one Heras was.

‘What is known of his background?’

‘His father owns land and collects taxes.’ That fitted what Heras himself had told me. ‘Of course everyone of any standing in Egypt farms and collects taxes, Falco - but I am told the family is respectable and of good repute.’ Surprisingly, Philetus did seem to have done some homework. Perhaps he was not all bad - or perhaps some minion winkled out the facts. A diplomatic letter was needed for the family, to protect the Museion’s reputation. Philetus was clearly nervous that an angry father would storm here, demanding answers and trying to apportion blame. I wondered if his anxiety was based on prior experience.

If there had been negligence, I wanted no part in any cover-up. I changed the subject. ‘I’d like to tap your wonderful knowledge, Philetus -’ I managed not to choke myself.

‘You are stuck then?’ he rasped. I nearly decided not to ask him anything. Still, he was right to some extent.

‘May I speak in confidence?’ Philetus nodded, eager to see how much trouble I was in. ‘I have one death that looks like murder, but which may be suicide. Another looks like an accident, but I believe it was attempted murder.’

‘What? Who would have wanted to murder Heras?’

‘Nobody, as far as I know. The suggestion is, another man was the intended victim. Heras died by mistake. Apparently you have a slew of feuds among your shortlist candidates.’

‘Oh that’s no secret, Falco!’

I tackled the subject as delicately as I could. ‘I could not help overhearing your pleas with Philadelphion to set aside his mistress. She seems a liability! I am looking at her carefully in case her involvement last night is suspicious.’ As I expected, that thrilled the Director. He was so pleased, I even wondered if he had wooed Roxana himself and been rejected. ‘Can you tell me anymore about the woman?’

‘A papyrus merchant’s widow. He was wealthy, it goes without saying. It wouldn’t surprise me if her husband was helped on his way - though the story was, he died of a tumour. Somebody should have made sure Roxana remarried and was kept firmly out of trouble - but who would have her now? Several of my junior colleagues pay her far too much attention. She enjoys it and will not be discouraged.’

‘Are members of the Museion allowed to marry?’ I enquired.

‘No reason why not. Nobody has ever suggested,’ Philetus pontificated, ‘that a man may not copulate and think at the same time, Falco.’

I stayed calm. ‘Nor that a rich sex life lessens mental facility. Men with fine minds often rush to lower themselves - and being known for their minds seems to increase their chances. Power is a fast-acting aphrodisiac. Women find high position an attraction in a man - and busy men feel extra virile.’

‘Some of us know how to control our urges.’

‘Oh good!’ I was no prude but I flinched from the idea of Philetus controlling his urges. ‘So your objection to Philadelphion’s flirtation with Roxana is purely moral - he is supposed to be a family man. Others, I am told, resent it out of pure jealousy’

‘A woman with such a soiled reputation? I cannot see the attraction,’ Philetus sniggered.

‘Not tempted?’ I bet he was! ‘What about Nicanor? People say he lusts after her.’

‘A man of upright principles.’

‘An honest lawyer?’ I let a smile show. “Well, I do not think Nicanor would risk his grand career over a woman. However, he has vile ambition. He might do absolutely anything to obtain the prestigious librarianship.’