“I saw in the paper that Mr. Martin Wylde had been convicted, sir. Very sad it is too.”
She seemed, however, to have no doubt as to his guilt.
“A nice young gentleman gone wrong. But though I wouldn’t speak ill of the dead, it was her ladyship what led him on. Wouldn’t leave him alone, she wouldn’t. Well, they’ve both got their punishment. There’s a text used to hang on my wall when I was a child, ‘God is not mocked,’ and it’s very true. I knew something was going to happen that very evening — and sure enough it did.”
“How was that?” said Mr. Satterthwaite.
“I was in my room, sir, changing my dress, and I happened to glance out of the window. There was a train going along, and the white smoke of it rose up in the air, and, if you’ll believe me, it formed itself into the sign of a gigantic hand. A great white hand against the crimson of the sky. The fingers were crooked-like, as though they were reaching out for something. It fair gave me a turn. ‘Did you ever know?’ I said to myself. ‘That’s a sign of something coming’ — and sure enough at that very minute I heard the shot. ‘It’s come,’ I said to myself, and I rushed downstairs and joined Carrie and the others who were in the hall, and we went into the music room, and there she was, shot through the head — and the blood and everything. Horrible! I spoke up, I did, and told Sir George how I’d seen the sign beforehand, but he didn’t seem to think much of it. An unlucky day, that was, I’d felt it in my bones from early in the morning. Friday, and the 13th — what could you expect?”
She rambled on. Mr. Satterthwaite was patient. Again and again he took her back to the crime, questioning her closely. In the end he was forced to confess defeat. Louisa Bullard had told all she knew, and her story was perfectly simple and straightforward.
Yet he did discover one fact of importance. The post in question had been suggested to her by Mr. Thompson, Sir George’s secretary. The wages attached were so large that she was tempted, and accepted the job, although it involved her leaving England very hurriedly. A Mr. Denman had made all the arrangements this end and had also warned her not to write to her fellow-servants in England, as this might “get her into trouble with the immigration authorities,” which statement she had accepted in blind faith.
The amount of the wages, casually mentioned by her, was indeed so large that Mr. Satterthwaite was startled. After some hesitation he made up his mind to approach this Mr. Denman.
He found very little difficulty in inducing Mr. Denman to tell all he knew. The latter had come across Thompson in London, and Thompson had done him a good turn. The secretary had written to him in September saying that for personal reasons Sir George was anxious to get this girl out of England. Could he find her a job? A sum of money had been sent to raise the wages to a high figure.
“Usual trouble, I guess,” said Mr. Denman, leaning back nonchalantly in his chair. “Seems a nice quiet girl too.”
Mr. Satterthwaite did not agree that this was the usual trouble. Louisa Bullard, he was sure, was not a cast-off fancy of Sir George Barnaby’s. For some reason it had been vital to get her out of England. But why? And who was at the bottom of it? Sir George himself, working through Thompson? Or the latter working on his own initiative, and dragging in his employer’s name.
Still pondering over these questions, Mr. Satterthwaite made his return journey. He was cast down and despondent. His journey had done no good.
Smarting under a sense of failure, he made his way to the Arlecchino the day after his return. He hardly expected to be successful the first time, but to his satisfaction the familiar figure was sitting at the table in the recess, and the dark face of Mr. Harley Quin smiled a welcome.
“Well,” said Mr. Satterthwaite as he helped himself to a pat of butter, “you sent me on a nice wild-goose chase.”
Mr. Quin raised his eyebrows.
“I sent you?” he objected. “It was your own idea entirely.”
“Whosever idea it was, it’s not succeeded. Louisa Bullard has nothing to tell.”
Thereupon Mr. Satterthwaite related the details of his conversation with the housemaid and then went on to his interview with Mr. Denman. Mr. Quin listened in silence.
“In one sense, I was justified,” continued Mr. Satterthwaite. “She was deliberately got out of the way. But why? I can’t see it.”
“No?” said Mr. Quin, and his voice was, as ever, provocative.
Mr. Satterthwaite flushed.
“I dare say you think I might have questioned her more adroitly. I can assure you that I took her over the story again and again. It was not my fault that I did not get what we want.”
“Are you sure,” said Mr. Quin, “that you did not get what you want?”
Mr. Satterthwaite looked up at him in astonishment, and met that sad, mocking gaze he knew so well.
The little man shook his head, slightly bewildered.
There was a silence, and then Mr. Quin said, with a total change of manner:
“You gave me a wonderful picture the other day of the people in this business. In a few words you made them stand out as clearly as though they were etched. I wish you would do something of that kind for the place — you left that in shadow.”
Mr. Satterthwaite was flattered.
“The place? Deering Hill? Well, it’s a very ordinary sort of house nowadays. Red brick, you know, and bay windows. Quite hideous outside, but very comfortable inside. Not a very large house. About two acres of ground. They’re all much the same, those houses round the links. Built for rich men to live in. The inside of the house is reminiscent of a hotel — the bedrooms are like hotel suites. Baths and hot and cold basins in all the bedrooms and a good many gilded electric light fittings. All wonderfully comfortable, but not very country-like. You can tell that Deering Vale is only nineteen miles from London.”
Mr. Quin listened attentively.
“The train service is bad, I have heard,” he remarked.
“Oh! I don’t know about that,” said Mr. Satterthwaite, warming to his subject. “I was down there for a bit last summer. I found it quite convenient for town. Of course, the trains only go every hour. Forty-eight minutes past the hour from Waterloo — up to 10.48.”
“And how long does it take to get to Deering Vale?”
“Just about three-quarters of an hour. Twenty-eight minutes past the hour at Deering Vale.”
“Of course,” said Mr. Quin with a gesture of vexation, “I should have remembered. Miss Dale saw some one off by the 6.28 that evening, didn’t she?”
Mr. Satterthwaite did not reply for a minute or two. His mind had gone back with a rush to his unsolved problem. Presently he said:
“I wish you would tell me what you meant just now when you asked me if I was sure I had not got what I wanted?”
It sounded rather complicated, put that way, but Mr. Quin made no pretence of not understanding.
“I just wondered if you weren’t being a little too exacting. After all, you found out that Louisa Bullard was deliberately got out of the country. That being so, there must be a reason. And the reason must lie in what she said to you.”
“Well,” said Mr. Satterthwaite argumentatively. “What did she say? If she’d given evidence at the trial, what could she have said?”
“She might have told what she saw,” said Mr. Quin.
“What did she see?”
“A sign in the sky.”
Mr. Satterthwaite stared at him.
“Are you thinking of that nonsense. That superstitious notion of its being the hand of God?”
“Perhaps,” said Mr. Quin, “for all you and I know it may have been the hand of God, you know.”
The other was clearly puzzled at the gravity of his manner.