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In one test eight of ten subjects were able to control the tone, emitting or suppressing brain waves as requested. Dr. Peter Lang has applied automatic learning to control the human heart rate.

Thesubject becomes able, as Lang puts it, "to drive his own heart."

"Man may be able to control his internal processes, to relieve insomnia, regulate digestion and improve sexual response."

But, warns Dr. Neal Miller of the Rockefeller Institute..."The question now is whether automatic learning can be effective enough. We don't know yet."

Well, why not find out? Let's condition people on an assembly line to control brain waves and bodily processes. This could lead to complete mood control. Any trip you want without drugs. Both psychiatric and Scientology processing are based on the assumption that a conflict brought into conscious focus loses power. Undoubtedly it does lose power temporarily. This method is rather like mending an interminable fence that keeps falling down behind you. So, instead of directing attention to the brain waves that accompany conflict, why not direct attention towards the brain waves that accompany calm and relaxation? Millions of people emitting alpha brain waves could cool the whole scene. Instead of going where the trouble is, why not go where the trouble isn't? It is time to get down to the bio electronics of the actual brain mechanism and tune conflict out.

In his book, The Teachings of Don Juan, Castaneda described hallucinogenic drugs of devastating potency, drugs unknown to modern science. These drugs should be investigated and made available.

Unimaginable extensions of awareness are now possible in terms of existing techniques. Let's set up a center where all these techniques are pooled and interchanged. Let's explore and chart inner space. Your inner space belongs to you. It is time to demand what is yours and to challenge anyone who claims to have knowledge of inner space to come out and show what he has.

This brain wave control is not property. Alpha waves are the waves of sleep and dream, a relaxed calm state of mind. So we hold Alpha Festivals where 400,000 brains get together and emit alpha waves. Many other brain waves can be isolated and subjects trained to emit them. Any kind of wave you want. Find a wave you like and emit it. Epileptic fit waves if your thing is fits. And the ever popular sex waves. Emit pot waves and put the narcs out of business.

The Woodstock Festival portends a new mass consciousness. This consciousness with the mass emission of brain waves can produce far reaching effects. Everywhere people pool their funds and buy an encephalographic unit. Tinkers make their own. Whole cities are dreamy and somnolent with alpha waves. Sex wave orgies sweep the world. You can feel the aura of an epilepsy fit for miles; horses paw the ground, and dogs howl. There are pop festivals to rock and roll brain waves.

Peace, love, and beauty waves engulf the cops. They are throwing away their guns. A blizzard of sugary benevolence about to blow. The president calls for a nationwide alpha day. The ESP waves have been isolated. Mass telepathy breaks out. Any waves you like.


Vol. 5, No. 31 - July 7,1970


Three months ago, William Burroughs (noted author of NAKED LUNCH, THE TICKET THAT

EXPLODED and his recent THE JOB) started a controversy going by publishing an attack on the psychiatry profession and related fields such as Scientology.

The fire raged from the pages of Rat to The L.A. FREE PRESS. The EAST VILLAGE OTHER is proud to publish a third in a series of attacks on the birchite mentality which rules the American medical profession.

It is Mr. Burroughs' contention that what is wrong with America's political system is directly reflected in the mental priests who regulate and adjust the mental illness of millions of Americans back into a system which is already crawling with enough disease.

This article is Mr. Burroughs' final answer to his critics and to Mister Gorden Mustain who attacked him for his position on Scientology in the pages of the L.A. FREE PRESS. In it he asks the inevitable question to be faced by us all, whether we be in a professional status or not:

"We would like to know where Scientology and Mr. Hubbard stand on the Vietnam war, on sexual freedom, militant students, Black Power, pot, Red China, the politics of the American Narcotics department and the CIA. If it comes to a revolution: which side would you fight on?"


First I would like to remind Mr. Mustain that we are not yet on a first name basis and will he kindly refrain from addressing me as Bill while quoting axioms of stupidity with regard to my article...

Mr. Mustain goes on to quote this stupidity axiom as applicable when I attribute to Mr. Hubbard political opinions which appear in FREEDOM SCIENTOLOGY...Mr. Hubbard founded Scientology.

Mr. Hubbard made Scientology. Mr. Hubbard coined the word Scientology. I'd have a job squirming out from under something called THE BURROUGHS INSTITUTE...

Certainly Mr. Mustain will admit that Mr. Hubbard's prestige in the Scientology Organization is considerable? Is it then an axiom of stupidity to attribute to Mr. Hubbard at least tacit approval of what was being said in FREEDOM SCIENTOLOGY? Would Mr. Mustain have us believe that these articles and cartoons would have continued in issue after issue over the vigorous protests of Mr.

Hubbard? That Mr. Hubbard was entirely ignorant of what was being said in a paper published at St. Hill, the world wide center of Scientology?...And what was being said was John Birch talk.

Now here is a psychiatrist in a goatee swinging his scythe which is labelled 'From Russia with Love.' John Birch rode that line in The Minuteman: psychiatrists as Communist agents. I don't buy it.

I think American psychiatrists will support the American establishment like any other reactionary group. In England they will support the English establishment and in Russia the Russian. They are servants of the establishments where they have found traction.

But does FREEDOM SCIENTOLOGY attack the American establishment? No. They talk about decency, morality, the church the home the family and the evil and Godless practices of subversion.

Nothing here a Wallace folk could object to, but quite a bit that the radical left might question rather sharply. Such questions passed along to me by readers prompted the article referred to.

If Mr. Hubbard is not responsible for anything in FREEDOM SCIENTOLOGY he cannot avoid responsibility for statements in his published writing. In 'Science of Survival' he speaks darkly of the perfidious and twisted practices of subversion and of those Godless people who would undermine the church the home and the family with free love and atheism. He speaks highly of the home the church and the family. The police, Mr. Hubbard tells us, are 'ordinarily rational men...' (I wonder if Mr.

Hubbard has observed 8 of these rational men guns drawn busting in on one Zen Hippie preparing his macrobiotic meal). He speaks warmly of the rich... 'A goodly number of them are the very pivots on which society is turning'... (I'll go along with that, Mr. Hubbard)... 'Industrial giants of America well deserve to be at the top. Here are the men on whom God smiles...'

The message of my article is clear: Find out who your friends are and who your friends are not.

You say you believe in total freedom. Are the industrial giants of America and the Wallace folk the friends of total freedom? Who are the friends of freedom? Those who are fighting for freedom. The militant left.

Now Mr. Mustain launches into a denunciation of psychiatrists. Every Scientologist who answers my article goes on and on about psychiatry as if the article were an impassioned defense of this dubious profession. I have said frequently that nine out of every ten psychiatrists should be broken down to veterinarians and shave off that goatee if you want to be popular with folks hereabouts.