Yes I know about the use of psychiatric committments as a means of political control. We have seen that happen in Russia and Germany. I am violently opposed to shock treatment or lobotomy.
Most so-called mental institutions are simply death camps with not much pretense of being anything else. So we don't have to bat that around.
Point is psychiatrists are servants of the establishment. Who is behind your Death Psychiatrist with his scythe? Who gives the orders around this shit house? The industrial giants of America, the very pivot on which it is turning. They own the place. They give the pigs and narcs, politicians, psychiatrists and newspapers their orders. And some of them keep themselves well out of sight. It is easy to be invisible if you are rich. And their control is always tighter.
They are now able to block any writer off the market if they don't like what he is saying, by no reviews in the Sunday papers and news magazines. If the mass media won't give review space the writer's only recourse is to the underground press. And how long would the underground press last under Wallace or his equivalent?
Writers should be alerted as to just where this no review treatment could lead. I have seen it in operation. My latest book THE JOB has just been published in England. No reviews in any Sunday paper, no reviews anywhere. And remember chain book stores can refuse to stock a book if they don't like what it says. THE PROCESS by Brion Gysin got this no review treatment. The fact that thousands of people would enjoy reading this book makes no difference if they never hear of it and can't find it in the book stores.
There is quite a lot about Scientology in THE JOB and most of it is favorable. I say this is something every well-informed person should know about. Now if someone said every well-informed person should read my books I'd take that as a plug - wouldn't you? Find out who your friends are. Are the people who are blocking THE JOB off the English market your friends? Are the industrial giants of America your friends? I don't think an uglier crew of monsters was ever dumped on any planet than the industrial giants of America...convulsed by hideous mineral hungers the unappeasible fires of monopoly burning in their eyes.
You can talk about suppressive persons...That's how they got there and stay there: by suppressing others...
The axiom of stupidity that Mr. Mustain quotes is the unkowingness of time place form and event...He goes on to say 'and as such more worthy of the head bureaucrat in charge of the Pure Food and Drug Administration than to a writer and thinker of your caliber...' Does Mr. Mustain seriously think that I support the actions of the Pure Food and Drug Pigs in seizing the E-Meters and orgone accumulators? In burning Reich's books and in suppressing his discoveries?
Now I don't believe in what the Maharishi is saying but I will defend, if not to the death at least to the extent of signing a petition, his right to say it. I would even allow Freudian analysis between consenting adults. Everybody has a right to do his thing. That's the stand of the Liberal Left. The other side doesn't think so. They might use the tech of Scientology for purposes of control and suppression. Would they then permit anyone to teach the use of these techniques for purposes of liberation? You're not that naive, Mr. Mustain.
Liberation is not what these people are about. Find out who your friends are and tell us where you stand...
Yes you believe in freedom and sane enlightened men will make a sane enlightened world... It's too vague.
We would like to know where Scientology and Mr. Hubbard stand on the Vietnam war, on sexual freedom, militant students, Black Power, pot, Red China, the policies of the American Narcotics department and the CIA.
If it comes to a revolution: which side would you fight on?
In THE JOB I make my own position clear on all of these points.
We are now seeing a world-wide rebellion and reaction similar to the reaction that crushed the liberal movements of 1848. Present-day revolutionaries would do well to avoid the mistakes of Garibaldi and Bolivar....(Here's a plug for you, Mr. Mustain...Mr. Hubbard has written a very acute analysis of Bolivar's mistakes in one of his bulletins. It should be reprinted in the underground press. And here's a plug for the E-Meter: In trained hands it - is an infallible lie detector and could be used to detect and screen out undercover agents...There's the CIA man holding the cans in the jungle camp...He is sweating slightly. Two guerillas with tommy guns standing by... "Are you connected with the CIA?" ...That reads...What do you consider that could mean?...) This is a revolution and the middle will get the squeeze until there are no neutrals there. How can I be neutral when Wallace says he is going to take care of "Hippies Anarchists and guide line writers"...? It's a matter of survival for me and I think for many other writers as well... Actually no one can be neutral at this point and no one actually is. It is a question of survival. Everyone must ask himself who or what he wants to survive with. Who are his allies.
And if Wallace or his equivalent comes to power or the army takes over he will have to ask himself what are my survival terms? What will I do in order to survive? Become a fink, a narc, a collaborator? Dance a Russian folk dance in front of Stalin? (Krushev did). Seek asylum in England as the Henry James or perhaps only the Michael Arlen of the Queen Margaret set? Go on TV in America with an impassioned plea to all young people who have ever been stirred or inspired by my books to shun the blandishments of Moscow and Peking and the twisted doctrines of kooks and misfits and act like decent Americans?
People had to answer questions like that in Germany and Russia. Scientologists say they have no committments to any political group or party. They are just trying to make a better world... What makes them think anybody would be allowed to do this under a Fascist government? I have made my own political committments quite clear in THE JOB and other writings. In the article to which Mr.
Mustain refers I call on Scientology to do the same.
Inside Scientology
by Robert Kaufman
Olympia Press, 279 pp.
NOVEMBER 9, 1972
The upper levels of Scientology processing are classified as "confidential," which means that only those who have - completed the lower grades, passed security checks, and paid the large fees in advance are allowed to see and run this material. The most drastic penalties are invoked against those who reveal these materials. Mr. Kaufman has shown real courage in publishing Hubbard's so-called confidential materials for the first time in Inside Scientology. Step right up, here it is. This is what Scientologists pay $10,000 to see.
In Mayfair magazine I challenged Hubbard to come out with his secret materials and show them to qualified workers in other fields and circulate them among university students. I was put in a Condition of Treason and the challenge was, of course, ignored. Obviously it is very much to his financial advantage to keep this material secret. Otherwise who would pay to see it? Hubbard says that the mere sight of these dangerous materials could make a "Wog" sick or drive him insane.
(Wog is his revealing designation for non-Scientologists. A Wog, he tells us, is a worthy Oriental gentleman: In other words, a stupid humanoid, and how wrong can you be? Human. He himself is not from this planet, but he assures us he is here with the best intentions.) Now, some Wogs have suggested that there might be financial considerations involved here...but he just doesn't want to make people sick. Why, if a Wog were to catch even a glimpse of the confidentials he could come down with galloping appendicitis.
We will see how many Wogs come down with anything as a result of reading the material now published in this book. And I am sure Hubbard himself will be delighted to see that no ill effects result, so he can publish his materials as widely as possible and get on with the great task of Clearing the planet. And how can this ever be done except by getting the Clearing and O.T. course out to millions? Demonstrate it on TV, publish it in The News of the World. The road to total dissemination is now open.