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"Oh yes, lots of them and CIA men too..."

"Are you withholding anything?"

"I don't think so."

" That reads."

Finally I had to confess the truth.

"I have made magic against RON."

"What made you do it?"

"Suppressives, of course. They wanted to keep me from RON."

"Your needle is floating."

The Clearing Course consists of a series of contradictory propositions and running this material does give a certain immunity to contradictory commands. So when some one says...

"Creating me to be a spirit to be a God destroying you to be a body to be an animal..."

You just look at him and say... "I'm floating."

Scientology is a model control system, a state in fact with its own courts, police, rewards and penalties. It is based on a tight ingroup like the CIA, Islam, the Mormons, etc. Inside are the Rights with the Truth. Outside are the Commies, the Infidels, the Unfaithful, the Suppressives. Rarely has this formula been expressed with such consummate effrontery, like you go into a store to buy a suit the clerk puts you in a Condition of Doubt, you work all night in the stock room and go around with a gray rag around your arm and petition the entire store to let you back in so you can buy something.

How does Hubbard do it? With the E-Meter of course. The E-Meter is among other things a reliable lie detector in expert hands. The CIA also uses lie detectors and runs Security Checks on all personnel. With this simple device any organization can become a God from whom no thought or action can be hidden.

The E-Meter is also a biofeedback device, and since it passes a small voltage through the brain and the repetitive commands of auditing direct attention to certain brain areas, it is a form of electric brain stimulation. This may account for the valid pictures and films that do sometimes occur in auditing.

Recently in America and for some time past in Russia telepathic experiments have been carried out on similar instruments. The Fall Read that characterizes fear, resistance, guilt, shame, can be produced from a distance by a sender who concentrates on persons or situations to which the receiver has a strong negative reaction. In short, auditing can be carried out telepathically from a distance so perhaps RON really audits you all.

It has also been discovered that negative thoughts can be sent from a distance, resulting in confusion and even unconsciousness. These experiments are described in a book called •Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain•. So when RON puts out an Enemy Order on someone, he is directing the hatred of every Scientologist against that person. This may actually cause damage. I will leave the reader to infer whether this magic is strong enough to materialize anonymous letters to the police which recently resulted in the seizure of 30,000 books of Mr. Girodias' Olympia Press edition of a London warehouse, to write other letters cutting off Mr. Girodias' phone supposedly at his request, and the disappearance of manuscripts from burglarized premises. Others who have opposed or deserted Scientology report similar incidents. It is time for Wogs to unite against such tactics. The publication of this book is an important step in this direction.

Mr. Kaufman concludes...

"There are of course no grades or levels except in the mind of the Scientologist; the grades and levels are simply RON'S test of a pre-clear's credulities; they guide him into progressively deeper hypnotic states. What the pre-clear is run on is largely coincidental and is not what moves the needle; rather it is the thinly disguised suggestions which flow from a determined and persuasive auditor making the needle respond like a dog wagging its tail at hearing a kind word."

It must be acknowledged that Hubbard has developed a technique for doing this that warrants the study of non-Scientologists. He has in fact developed a system of biofeedback brain control based on the E-Meter.


The Hubbard Scientology Organisation


Founder L. Ron Hubbard

Saint Hill Manor, East Grinstead

Sussex, England

5 th December, 1972

The Editor,

Rolling Stone,

25 Newman Street,


Dear Sir,

In your issue of November 9th 1972, Issue No. 121 on pages 46 & 47 under your book review section William Burroughs reviews Robert Kaufman's book INSIDE SCIENTOLOGY.

This book has been the subject of contempt proceedings in the High Court. Olympia Press has been found guilty of contempt and the Judge ordered seizure of all copies of the book. Mr.

Burroughs' petulant review is not only tiresome - its false.

I have included here an itemization of these inaccuracies with documentation to show that Mr.

Burroughs may be a writer but cannot always be trusted to be an accurate one.

A copy of this letter is being sent to Mr. Burroughs.

Your sincerly,

R. Sorrell

Church of Scientology


In Answer to R. Sorrell's CORRECTION relative to my review in the Rolling Stone of Robert Kaufman's book


Reading over this disposition it is immediately obvious that Mr. or Mrs. or Miss for all I know R.

Sorrell and your reporter are talking at cross purposes.

This is the language of an official in an organization who must, by the fact of the position he holds in that organization, say certain things and represent at all times a point of view dictated by that organization. An organization with a Sea Org, a Flagship, villas in Tangier, Manors in Sussex, offices in major cities of the world, from South Africa to Tokyo. An organization numbering according to Mr. Sorrell's own statement 5 000 000 members. An organization staffed by thousands. An organization that can afford to lose 80 000 pounds in court costs on a prestige suit which they never had a prayer in a Scientology Chapel of winning. Mr. Sorrell speaks for this organization. I speak as an individual who is not connected to any organization or religion, from a two-room apartment. We speak at cross purposes which is immediately apparent.

1) Item: Security checks

'Fact': Security checks have not been used since 1968.

FACT: As Mr Sorrell well knows, I was at St. Hill in 1968 and this is the period described in the review. Is it innaccurate to write a book about the war in 1944 because the war ended in 1945?

Repeat: When I was at St. Hill Security Checks were used and that is the time in question. I have not been back to St. Hill since 1968. I may add that the fact that something has been discontinued is no excuse for it ever having existed in the first place.

2) Item: Drastic Penalties

'Fact': The most drastic penalty is excommunication - the right of any church or group. Heavier penalties such as imprisonment or the taking of life remain the prerogative of governments.

FACT: I refer to the penalties invoked in 1968 period of the article remember? I remember Polly Stathis and the Fair Game order. The fact that Polly Stathis has been rehabilitated and that Fair Game orders are no longer issued does not constitute an inaccuracy.

3) Item: 10 000 dollars

'Fact': If you are dissatidfied with the service you can get your money back.

FACT: Did I say you couldn't?

4) Item: Show materials to qualified workers

'Fact': Mr. Burroughs must well know that there are no qualified workers in this field. The implanting of "positive", "socially accteptable" commands in the "socially unacceptable" mental patient whilst he is having his brain sliced, probed or shocked is now a reality. Surely these are not his "experts"?

FACT: Surely not, Mr. Sorrell. And why should you assume that they are? Psychiatrists are the ENEMY. 'Mr. Burroughs has criticized us. Therfore he must be a friend of psychiatrists?' I recall that Mrs. Hubbard in her answer to my Mayfair article was on and on about psychiatry as if I were preparing to defend these dubious practicioners with my last breath. I said at that time: 'In my opinion 90 percent of those engaged in the so called profession of psychiatry schould be broken down to veterinarians.' Does it seem likely that I would call these as my experts?