The experts I would call are those working with polygraphs, brain waves, electric brain stimulation, bio feed-back and the feed-back between brain and computer. Experts who could determine precisely what brain waves accompany auditing on the E-Meter. What changes in heart beat, blood pressure, muscle relaxtion accompany auditing. Whether there are brain waves that are not picked up on the E-Meter.
Experts who could define the uses and limitations of this instrument: Dr. Grey Walter of the Neurological Foundation in Bristol.
Dr. Joe Kamiya who is working with bio feed-back at the Langley Porter Institute in San Francisco.
Dr. Barbara Brown, Chief of Experimental Physiology at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Sepulveda, Calif.; also working in bio feed-back.
Professor Delgado working with electric brain stimulation.
5) Item: Condition of Treason
'Fact': Mr. Burroughs fails to say that if he returned to St. Hill the order would be lifted immediately.
FACT: On this point both Mr. Sorrell and your reporter are in error. I was not placed in a condition of treason because of the Mayfair article. The condition was imposed prior to the article, was then lifted and not so far as I know reimposed after the article. When I have made an error I do not mind a dmitting it. I am an individual, not an organization.
6) Item: To his financial advantage
'Fact': The Church fo Scientology is a non profit organization. L. Ron Hubbard does not make any money from it.
FACT: I have listed some of the assets of this church. Mr. Hubbard has boats, villas, manors at his disposal. I submit that he profits from this non profit organization. If he is not a rich man, he certainly lives like one.
7) Item: Wog
'Fact': A term not used by the Church. After all, all Scientologists were once non-Scientologists. I could see it being used to describe a person like Mr. Burroughs whose unwillingness to be honest has led him to spy on a Church.
FACT: I have heard Mr. Hubbard use the term Wog on taped lectures. I have heard him define the term as a 'Worthy Oriental Gentleman'. I have seen bulletins that speak of the Wog World and Wog Law. As is well known, the term Wog has come to mean Non White. Mr. Sorrell could see it being used to describe a person like Mr. Burroughs? Thank you for that, Mr. Sorrell. I should be glad to change a color that has disgraced itself from the Conquistadores to Hiroshima. To spy on a church? I am not religious, Mr. Sorrell. I find it impossible to communicate with any one that is religious. Whether the religion be Communism Catholicism, or Scientology. They have all the answers. Facts are irrelevant. When I found out that Scientology is a religion that has nothing to do with scientific research on a subject that interests me, I withdrew.
8) Item: Getting the clearing course out to millions
'Fact': It would work about as well as giving someone an electric carving knife and then telling them...(watch your grammar, Mr. Sorrell) they are a fully qualified surgeon.
FACT: Except in the event of a power failure, I presume? In any case I fail to see the analogy.
9) Item: The whole subject has been made virtually inaccessible.
'Fact'; Public lectures are given daily around the world. There are some 40 books and 150 taped lectures you can buy - at the bookstore, or by post. The courses are open to anyone not there for criminal purposes.
FACT: I'll give you that one. It was an overstatement on my part.
10) Item: Security Checks
'Fact': Security checks have not been used since 1968.
FACT: We have already batted that around. The article refers to my experience of St. Hill in 1968.
Security Checks were used at that time.
11) Item: Polly Stathis fair game order.
'Fact': Fair game has not been used since 1968. This particular order has been canceled.
FACT: I refer to the particular order issued in 1968. Subsequent cancellation was unknown to me.
12) Item: Smoking pot
'Fact': Auditing does not work if a person is on drugs.
FACT: You would have to define more precisely what you mean by 'on drugs'. What drugs? Does weekend drinking mean being 'on alcohol'?
13) Item: I felt my self-respect slipping away from me and finally completely gone.
'Fact': Mr. Burroughs was degraded by his own self confessed dishonesty.
FACT: I was indeed. Degraded by the dishonesty of being there and condoning with my presence organization practices and policies of which I could not honestly approve. The fact that some of these practices and policies have been discontinued would seem to indicate that these practices and policies are no longer approved by Scientologists.
14) Item: ...been in the movement since 1945.
'Fact': The Church of Scientology was incorporated in 1954.
FACT: The movement antedates the Church.
15) Item: Dirty unshaven, grey rags
'Fact': Grey arm bands, not grey rags. And never dirty or unshaven.
FACT: I saw the bulletin in 1968 which said those in a condition of liability or worse...'may not bathe or shave.'
16) Item: Same results through self-auditing
'Fact': The aim of Scientology is not to discover fresh writing material but to gain spiritual awareness and freedom.
FACT: Here we have the official pronouncement on the arts. Fresh writing material is incompatible with spiritual awareness and freedom. Mr. Sorrell is also violating the Scientology Auditing Code: "
1. I promise not to evaluate for the pre-clear..." Now he will tell me what I should and should not get out of Auditing?
17) Item: I have made magic against Ron.
'Fact': The E-Meter is not a lie detector. Mr. Burroughs has shown that. Counselling demands a degree of honesty from the parishoner. Betrayal by the parishoner of that request for some honesty will make the parishoner feel guilty and he will accuse others of his own misdeeds as Mr.
Burroughs has done.
FACT: ...Hold on there, Reverend. I am not your parishoner. Mr. Hubbard says that the E-Meter is a lie detector. I refer you to "E-Meter essentials". page 21: Security Checking -
"10. If the preclear hasn't told all, the meter won't clear.
12. The E-Meter is right."
I submit that if the E-Meter is not a reaction detector which is a lie detector, that it is nothing.
18) Item: ...Scientology is a model control system.
'Fact': Mr. Burroughs has it arse about face...(Come now, Reverend, don't get coarse)...Scientology reveals the control system; seeing what it is you are then free from it.
FACT: An organized Church is a control system by its hierarchical nature.
19) Item: The clerk puts you in a condition of doubt.
'Fact': Similar to saying: "If you live in England, you are tried for High Treason."
FACT: I lost you there, Reverend, but it sounds ominous.
20) Item: The E-Meter is a relieable lie detector.
'Fact': Mr. Burroughs by his own action has shown the E-Meter to be a poor lie detector.
FACT: Look here, Sorrell, are you saying that L. Ron Hubbard was wrong? According to his own statement already quoted from E-Meter Essentials (1961) he considered the E-Meter to be a relieable lie detector..."The E-Meter is right." Indeed he must have considered the EMeter a relieable lie detector since crucial decisions involving the lives and futures of his 'parishoners' were based on security checks carried out on the E-Meter. Are you now saying that Security Checks were discontinued because they were found to be ineffective? That for at least 7 years from 1961 to 1968