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'Don't ask. People still scavenge and find stuff and some of the more adventurous ones make their own hooch. I wouldn't drink it if I wanted to be sure I'd still be walking the next day. Alice, they have tasted their first real victory so they are celebrating, but we need to think ahead.'

Alice had considered how the Red Guards would retaliate and she was well aware of the devastation they had wreaked in the Deadland so she looked at Arjun.

'Will they just bomb the Ruins like they did the Deadland?'

Satish had come up to join them and he replied.

'No, its not as easy to bomb targets in an urban environment like this. Delhi was a huge city and even if most buildings are no longer standing, there are just too many places to hide for them to be sure they'll hit anything or anyone with an air strike.'

Arjun was still looking worried so Satish asked him what was on his mind.

'You and Alice are both too young to remember what happened after The Rising. I saw the Great Fires and what nuclear weapons did to our world. Why wouldn't the Red Guards just drop a nuke on the Ruins and finish us all?'

A chill went up Alice's spine. She had only heard stories of what those terrible weapons had done to whole cities in the madness that had followed The Rising. Having seen what supposedly `ordinary' bombs had done to the Deadland, she wondered what horrors nuclear weapons could unleash if they were indeed used. She noticed that Satish had a broad smile, something she could not fathom given the grim conversation they were having.

'Satish, what's got you in such a good mood?'

'Alice, our Chinese friend there is talking, and he has a lot to say about the way the world is now and what's on the Central Committee's mind. There's one big reason they won't risk nuking us, and it's the same big reason they're still trying to get human settlements under their control.'

When Alice looked at him with a raised eyebrow, he simply replied.



The Red Guard pilot was in a darkened basement and when Arjun stepped in with the torch in his hand, the pilot shielded his eyes. Alice and Satish followed and sat down around the pilot. He was still in uniform and Alice could see that he was bleeding from a cut on his lip. She spun towards Arjun.

'Who hit him?'

He put his hands up defensively.

'One of the guys got overenthusiastic and I reminded them gently how you wanted prisoners treated.'

Alice grinned. Arjun's gentle persuasion would likely have included a solid blow to the gut. Satish was talking to the pilot in a foreign language and turned to Alice to explain.

'We all had to learn a bit of Mandarin to be able to communicate with Red Guard officers, but he can speak passable English.'

The pilot now took a closer look at Alice and flinched.

'The Yellow Haired Witch.'

Alice was shocked. She was aware that the Red Guards knew of her and were hunting her, but she had never imagined that they would have such a name for her.

'The name is Alice, Colonel Li. Now tell me what you know.'

An hour later, Arjun, Satish and Alice were sitting outside. For some minutes, none of them spoke as they were all digesting what they had learnt. It turned out that the pilot they had captured was much more valuable than they had imagined. Commander Jiang Li was not only a highly decorated Red Guard pilot, but was the son of Comrade Jemin Li, one of the most senior members of the Central Committee in Shanghai. As a Red Guard pilot of his rank, he would probably not have had much information beyond immediate tactical information on bases and weapons, which Alice would have taken to be very valuable in and of themselves. But being the son of such an important person meant that Commander Li was a treasure trove of information about what was happening in the outside world.

It turned out that most of the world had been utterly devastated by The Rising and the chaos that followed. What had been China's larger cities remained largely intact as many of those in bigger cities had been put in hardened shelters, but the countryside and smaller towns had been ravaged both by The Rising and retaliatory American strikes. It had been a desperate plan, one which Commander Li's father had been privy to, but with deep worldwide recession, China's economy tottering behind the US defaulting on debt, two years of famines, and growing calls for reform and democracy in China, some of those in power had taken a last gamble. What the planners behind the whole operation had never bargained for was the way the virus mutated and the way the Biters spread out of control. That together with the smaller tit for tat nuclear exchanges in Asia and the Middle East meant that while the Central Committee in China was the one relatively organized political force to remain standing, it ruled over a planet that was little more than a pile of ashes.

And also it now had more than two hundred million mouths to feed in China. In the first few years, they had been content to follow the Central Committee unquestioningly driven by their terror at what lay beyond the iron grip of the Committee and it's Red Guards. However, over time, as food shortages set in, the Central Committee had to seek out remaining fertile lands and people to work those fields. Only two major food baskets of the world remained-what had been the the heartlands of the US and India. The Americans never gave up, and ever since the first Red Guards landed, had been waging a terrible guerilla war that was bleeding the Red Guards dry. Then they turned to the Deadland of North India, subcontracting Zeus to bring human settlements under their control as a source of labor for farms in India and China.

Alice had grown up seeing little beyond the immediate concerns of her family and settlement and being worried about little more than her immediate survival. It was a bit hard at first for her to grasp the true scale of the struggle they were a part of. But a life spent surviving meant that her instincts were razor sharp and she looked at both Satish and Arjun.

'First, if this Li is the son of such an important man, they will not hit us from the air. They will try and negotiate or come on the ground. We need to be ready.'

Arjun nodded, a slight smile on his face as he realized that the young girl everyone saw as their leader was taking charge.

'Second, if food and people to work the farms is what is so critical to them, we need to hit them where it hurts. No food will mean their own people will start turning against the Central Committee.'

She saw Satish hesitate, so she continued.

'Yes, I know it's harsh and some people may starve, but we cannot be soft. Finally, we need to find some way of coordinating with the Americans if we can.'

She had not told any of the others about the vial of the vaccine she carried, but while much of India had been reduced to the Deadland, she hoped that the Americans might still have people and facilities available where they could put the vaccine to some use. She had no idea of how they could contact the Americans or how they could be of any use to each other from half way across the world, but the knowledge that other people were waging the same war against the same enemy gave her hope and made her own effort feel less lonely.

Just two days later, the first strike in Alice's plan was put into motion.

'Queen of Hearts, I am at the dinner table.'

Alice clicked her mike once by way of acknowledgement and then looking at the airfield spread out in front of her.

'King of Hearts, is the Knave in position?'

She heard a click from Arjun affirming that Satish and his men were also ready. Once Arjun had heard of the book that the Queen carried with her and the prophecy associated with it, he had suggested the code names. That had brought about much laughter among the older folks there, though Alice, never having read the book, really didn't know where the names came from. They were about fifty kilometers from their base in the Ruins, near what had once been the international airport at Delhi. It was now a small, barely serviceable airfield, but it was the key lifeline through which local settlers were sent to farms in China and also produce grown in farms around the region were sent to storage depots the Central Committee controlled. Alice could see three large transport aircraft and two helicopters there through her binoculars. There were several guard towers, at least two of which had remotely controlled gun turrets, and she could see many armed Red Guards walking along the airfield perimeter.