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Faith stared at her reflection in Alec’s bathroom mirror, trying to take control over the sudden onslaught of emotions. She gripped the sink and drew in a haggard breath. It wasn’t supposed to go like this. They were supposed to come to New York, have a great time, and leave. They were supposed to finally have sex, with no serious emotions involved, and enjoy themselves.

But Alec kept screwing with her head every time the conversation turned slightly personal. Kept saying sweet, endearing things as if he cared about her. He didn’t, though. He’d said it himself. He’d been engaged once before and it was not an experience he’d repeat. She suspected there was far more to the end of the relationship than he let on, especially if he wasn’t capable of opening himself up again, but that wasn’t any of her business.

Straightening, she looked at herself. She’d pinned her hair up in a twist both for elegance and to keep it off her face. Her makeup was minimal, just enough to accentuate her assets. The small pearl drops in her ears matched the necklace. It had bothered her to take off Hope’s charm, but she reminded herself she could put the chain back on right after the party.

Smoothing her hand down the dress, she nodded. Lacey had been right. The yellow strapless bra-and-panty set was perfect. It didn’t show beneath the black dress, nor were the seams obvious. The dress tied round her neck, fitting snug against her chest and hips before flowing loosely to her knees. Plus, for a cocktail number, it was pretty comfortable.

She hoped Alec liked it. Enough to want to take it off later.

Shaking her head, she stepped into the low black heels Mia had lent her and forced herself to leave the bathroom.

Alec was waiting in the living room, thumbs flying over the keys of his phone as he texted someone. He looked different in a suit. More businesslike and less like himself. It fit him perfectly, accentuating his broad shoulders and narrow hips. The charcoal gray went nicely with his eyes. Under the jacket, he wore a crisp white button-down shirt, no tie.

She imagined running her hands down his chest, popping the buttons one by one until she could push the fabric from his shoulders and kiss her way lower . . .

Alec glanced up from his phone and did a double take. “Damn, Faith. You look . . . lovely.”

She glanced down at herself and back to him. “So do you. Handsome, I mean. You look handsome.”

Desire shone in his eyes, burning a path from her toes to her face as he looked his fill. Pocketing his phone, he stepped closer, a wicked half smile crooking his mouth. He slid his hands around her back and tugged her close. “You smell good enough to eat.”

Her pulse went crazy. “Um . . . thank you?”

He amped up the wattage of his grin. “You’re welcome.”

Dipping his head, he kissed her. Just a brush of his lips, but her legs nearly buckled. His heat and scent enveloped her. Her breathing hitched. She needed him, more of him, tonight. It had never been like this before. She’d been attracted to other men, but nothing like this. Thinking was moot when Alec was around.

And that just served to prove she needed to follow through on their affair. At twenty-seven, she’d barely lived her life. It was time. Where she found the courage, heaven knew, but she did and she was going to enjoy it. However long it lasted. She was going to go all-out crazy and dive into a fleeting, dangerous affair with the likes of Alec Winston, and they were going to have some between-the-sheets time.

Gasping, she pulled back to look at him. She had never known this kind of yearning, this fanatical desire, and it had her rattled and reaching for logic. “You . . .”

“Yes?” he murmured, closing his mouth on the skin of her neck. “What about me?”

Her belly quivered. Heat pooled between her legs. “Um . . . I forgot.”

He laughed and stepped away. “Just as well. We need to get going.” His slow, steady gaze drifted down the length of her and back up, a routine habit of his, it seemed. “But later, Faith, I’ll make sure you’re unable to think at all.”

Yes. Okay. Perfect. She could stand mindless. “Promise?”

Closing his eyes, he groaned and turned for the door. “Cross my heart.”

The ride to the hotel where the event was to take place took only about twenty minutes. They didn’t say much on the way. Alec appeared calm on the surface, but his hands were clenched and every few seconds he drew in a deep breath that expanded his wide chest, as if remembering to inhale. Apparently this wouldn’t be much of a party for him. In his world, he had to do book signings and show the face behind the cover on occasion, but he obviously didn’t like it. Faith figured he’d rather be at home with his imaginary characters than with three-dimensional ones in a crowded room. How interesting that he lived in New York, where one couldn’t breathe without sharing air.

They pulled up to a beautiful old hotel where the driver stepped around to open her door. Alec had hired a car for tonight. It only illustrated the vast differences between them. She slid from the seat and stared at the building. Above a green awning, white stone and a wide, carved frieze rose to the sky. At street level, flower boxes were overflowing with color and variety.

Alec took her elbow and walked her forward, where an attendant held the door for them. “Showtime,” he muttered.

The lobby spoke of old money and prestige. A high crystal chandelier rose overhead and the floors beneath them were black marble. Mahogany woodwork was polished to gleaming and expensive art decorated the walls.

Her heels clicked on the floor as Alec directed her to a ballroom to their left. Her steps faltered when she noticed how many people were there. Two hundred, at least. To the left was a bar and to the right a buffet table. The spread looked too pretty to eat. Ahead, people walked around a display of Alec’s books.

So this was his world. Faith didn’t belong here. She’d never felt so out of place. Then again, she’d never felt particularly in place either. But this . . . this was way out of her element. She had the fancy dress and matching shoes. Her hair was up and her modest jewelry in place. Yet she wondered how quickly they’d see through her. These people with their diamonds and designer suits.

Alec took two flutes of champagne off a tray and passed her one. “Drink this fast. I’ll get you another one to sip slowly after.” His hand slid from her elbow to her waist and held her to his side. The move was possessive, a claim that she was with him.

She resisted the urge to rest her head on his shoulder and hide in his familiarity. “Why do I need to drink this quickly?”

He turned his head and offered the faintest of smiles. “You’re nervous. It’ll help.” To demonstrate, he downed his glass in one swallow and set it on a tray as a waiter passed. Without missing a beat, he swiped another full glass.

Knowing he was uncomfortable as well didn’t soothe her nerves much, but she did as he instructed and drank the champagne. The sweet bubbles floated down her throat and heated her stomach.

Alec took her empty flute and handed her a full one. “Just sip that one until we can get some food in you. Come on, I’ll introduce you to my editor.”

Over the next hour, she stood by his side, mostly quiet and feeling like arm candy, but that was fine. He was the star and she wasn’t comfortable in the crowd. If Alec was uneasy, he hid it well. He laughed and discussed literature with people whose names she’d never remember. Occasionally she piped in when cued, although the company appeared uninterested in her comments.

When he was distracted, Faith slipped away from Alec’s side and made her way over to the display to get some breathing room. Feigning interest in the books and posters, she eyed the items on the table and drew in a slow, deep breath.

While she was checking out some of the swag, a hand at her lower back startled her, and she whirled, nearly sloshing her champagne onto the man in front of her.