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She grinned, a full watt brighter than he’d seen to date. “Thank you.”

He opened his mouth to say something, but her mouth crashed over his. He cupped her jaw and kissed back, letting their tongues mesh and the heat to nearly engulf the car before pulling away.

“I really like that particular form of thank-you. We’ll have to get more into detail after dinner.”

She brushed her fingers over her swollen lips. “Dinner is overrated.”

Tempting. The only thing he was hungry for was her. Normally, he’d agree and skip it, but their friends were waiting. Not that she knew that. “I promise you, after dinner, I’ll let you thank me however you want. All night.”

To keep her busy in the meantime, he passed her the jewelry box. He started the car and made his way down the strip. After a moment, he cranked the air to cool things down. It didn’t help much.

And when she tore her way through the wrapping, her gasp of delight was the sweetest thing he’d ever heard.



She was still staring at the bracelet, twirling it around her wrist, when Alec pulled the car up to her guesthouse. It was amazing. She’d hovered between tears and giddy laughter on the drive home. The charms were thoughtful and personal. Somehow, he’d worked himself into her life and had seen her better than anyone.

He was the only one who’d tried to see.

In a few short weeks the wedding would be over and he’d go back to New York. She didn’t know how she’d get through. What she felt for him and how profoundly she felt it was still a whirlwind inside her head. How could she stand on the beach and not think of how they met? Sleep in her bed without remembering their lovemaking?

“You ready?”

She lifted her gaze. “I thought we were going to dinner.” Instead, he’d driven her home.

“We are.”

They exited the car and walked across the crushed shell drive toward Cole and Mia’s. He took her hand and rounded the house.


Faith gasped. Cole, Mia, Ginny, Lacey, and Jake stood on the back deck, the fading light behind them and a cake on the table before them. Ginny held a bunch of balloons. A small stack of presents littered a patio table. Cole turned to flip something on the grill. Chicken. Her favorite.

Since she seemed to be frozen, Alec leaned in to whisper in her ear. “Happy birthday. If you eat fast, we can get to the thank-you portion quicker.”

She pressed her hand over her face and laughed, long and loud. So long that she had moisture in her eyes by the time she was through. “You guys, this is wonderful. I’ve never had a surprise party before.”

Jake and Alec exchanged a look, one she couldn’t decipher, but held an enormity of meaning. Eventually, Jake nodded slowly and draped an arm over her shoulder. “Happy birthday.”

“Thank you.”

Ginny bounded over, bouncing on her toes, and clumsily passed her the balloon strings. “I picked them out. I got one in every color because I don’t know your favorite color so that way you aren’t upset. It’s a rainbow!”

Faith smiled. Shook her head. “I don’t have a favorite color, so your rainbow is perfect. Very thoughtful, Ginny.”

Everyone started talking a mile a minute until her head spun and Cole shouted, “Food’s done.”

It wasn’t just the best birthday—it was the best day she’d ever had. Good friends to hang out with, a nice guy who wanted to take her to bed later, presents picked just for her, and the ocean playing its own sort of melody in the background. Never in her wildest imagination had she thought life could be so sweet. So perfect. Her heart flipped in her chest. Swelled.

Jake and Lacey had gotten her a gift certificate for a spa, and Cole and Mia a stationery set and candles scented like a sea breeze. Ginny had colored her a pretty, yet simple picture of them together on the beach, collecting shells. Faith promised to put it up on her fridge as soon as she got home.

They sat until long after sundown, cooled slightly by the breeze, chatting about the wedding and other miscellaneous topics. Easy conversation with easygoing people. Friends. It was great finally having them.

“Oh, my God, Lacey. This cake is so good.” Mia wiped her mouth with a napkin and waved off the margarita Jake held out. “I can’t wait for the wedding cake. Same bakery, right?”

“Yep.” Lacey sipped from her own glass. “Jake makes way better margaritas than me.”

Faith grinned and leaned back on the bench seat in the corner of the deck. “We won’t get nearly as drunk.”

Alec took the spot next to her and slipped his arm around her waist, encouraging her to lean against him. “And when, exactly, did Lacey get you drunk?”

“Yeah.” Jake’s gaze swung between them. “Why wasn’t I called?”

Faith laughed. “At Ginny’s slumber party. One sip and we were toast.”

“Yeah, but it was fun.”

“That it was. We’ll have to do it again, since Mia was gone the first time.”

“I’ll pass on Lacey’s margaritas, though.” Mia smiled and snuggled into Cole’s side while he kissed the top of her head. She looked at each of them expectantly. “I’m pregnant.”

A pause filled the space between them.

Lacey screeched and flew out of her chair, wrapping Mia in a fierce hug. “I’m going to be an auntie?”

“Yes, ma’am. And Ginny, too. Right, pretty girl?”

“Yeah! I get to read her stories and play with her. But not change diapers.”

They laughed.

“Remember we talked about this, Ginny.” Cole smiled at the teenager over Mia’s head. “It may not be a girl. It could be a boy. And no diapers if you don’t want to.”

Jake lifted his glass. “Right there with you on that one, Ginny girl. Congrats, you two. Very cool.”

“I’m already planning a shower.” Lacey hugged Mia again. “With little booties and clothes and stuffed bears. I’m so happy for you!”

“It’s still early. We’re not announcing yet.” Mia looked at the others. “Just our good friends and family.”

Faith stayed where she was, unsure if it was appropriate to hug Mia, too. “That is wonderful news. Congratulations!”

Alec lifted his glass. “Ditto. Here’s to the end of quiet nights.”

Cole laughed. “Got that right. Worth it, though.” He looked down at Mia’s face with such love that Faith’s heart thumped wistfully in jealousy.

They chatted another hour, the time flying discussing babies and names. Faith sighed happily, staring at her new friends. This night was so perfect, she wished it could last. But Ginny’s eyes were drooping and Cole yawned.

“Can I help you clean up, Mia?” Faith offered.

“No, no. It’s your birthday. Besides, there’s not much.”

They’d gotten most of it already, so she nodded. “Thank you again, guys. This was unexpected. I had the best time.”

Mia waved her over and took the initiative, wrapping Faith in a hug. “I hope you had a great day.”

Her throat grew tight. “I did. Thank you. And congratulations again. I’m so happy for you.” Mia and Cole had had a rough go trying to claim their happy ending. She was so, so pleased for them to start a new family. “You ever need a babysitter, you know where to find me.”

Mia grinned. “Thank you. I may make you regret those words.”

Faith laughed. “Doubtful.”

Alec took her hand, and they made their way to the beach. He was being unusually quiet, even for him, and Faith started to worry that something was wrong. He guided her toward the house, but she tilted her chin toward the water.

“Let’s walk for a bit.”

Nodding, he followed and stood by her side in the surf, staring pensively out to sea. A muscle bunched in his jaw. His shoulders were tense.