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“Hi, Katie,” I answered, smiling and getting to my feet to give her a hug. “It’s good to see you.”

If I hadn’t been so surprised to see her and on edge because I was with King, I would have noticed that she didn’t return my embrace. She stood completely still in the circle of my arms, her own never even lifting.

But I didn’t notice because I was too busy freaking out about the fact that Katie, and soon Ashley, would know that I was spending time with King, which meant that I would be getting some curious phone calls and texts soon.

King gently pulled me away from Katie, wrapping an arm around my waist and tugging me back until my ass leaned against the edge of the stool between his spread legs.

I started to get an inkling that something was wrong as Katie’s eyes shot down to his arm around my waist and her brows slammed together. Her gaze wandered up and down my body twice before she looked over my shoulder, scowling.

“Really, King? Her?”

My body went solid against his, every muscle so tight that I could barely breathe. What the hell?

King’s voice rumbled next to my ear. “Do not go there, Kay. Trust me when I tell you that you don’t want to.”

Katie scoffed, tossing her hair. “Does she know, King?”

His arms tightened around me, squeezing so tightly I almost couldn’t breathe. “Katie,” he growled. It was a warning.

I decided it was time to wade in. Katie was my friend and she was obviously upset. I pulled at King’s arm, trying to get some space so I could go to my friend, but he wouldn’t release me.

Ignoring him, I said, “Katie, why don’t we go outside and talk?”

“Talk?” she asked scathingly. “Why? In another week it won’t matter, because he’ll have dumped your ass too.” She laughed but it was without humor. “We can form a support group or something.”

Finally, her words and tone sank through the internal freak out I was having. “What are you talking about?” I asked softly.

She pointed over my shoulder. “Ask him,” she hissed.

Suddenly, Jack and another of King’s bouncers named Chad appeared behind her. I felt King motion behind me and Jack cupped Katie’s arm.

“Okay, babe, it’s time to go,” he drawled.

She jerked her arm away. “Don’t touch me.”

Jack’s face went hard as a rock. “Either you walk outta here of your own free will or I carry your ass out kicking and screaming. Your choice.”

Turning her hot glare at me, she spat, “I thought you hated him, Jena. Isn’t that what you said?”

“That’s enough.” Jack reached out and grabbed her arm again. “You’re leaving.”

Katie yanked her arm again, but he didn’t release her this time. Jack turned her and marched her toward the door to the bar, Chad on the other side, silent and scary.

As soon as she was gone, I whirled on King. I’d figured out what she meant.

“You slept with her?” I asked.

He kept an arm wrapped around my waist, preventing me from stepping back. “Let’s go into my office,” he muttered.

I shook my head. “Absolutely not.”

He’d only met Katie and Ashley once, at Justin’s funeral.

“You slept with her?” I prompted.

He sighed. “My office, Jena.”

I pulled away violently, almost falling on my ass when I did. “Hell no, King. Answer my question!”

“Yes! Yes, I fucking slept with her!” He snapped. When he saw the expression on my face, he took a step closer, leaning over me and lowering his voice. “Right around the time Justin died. I’d just bought the bar and she came in with Ashley one night.”

I frowned at him. “I’ve known Katie a long time. I’m pretty sure she wouldn’t be so upset over a one night stand.”

“I never said it was one night,” he answered.

Shaking my head, I looked over his shoulder and stared at the shelves of liquor behind the bar. “You know what, I don’t even care. I do know that whatever this is between us, it needs to end.”

“You’re fucking kidding me? You’re going to blow me off over some bitch I slept with over a year ago?”

My body went rigid. “Some bitch?”

His eyes became shuttered at my question.

“For one thing, that bitch is a good friend of mine-”

“She isn’t your friend,” he growled.

I rolled my eyes. “Let me finish! It’s not just her. It’s everything, King. What in the hell are we doing here? You act like you want to know everything about me, but you never reciprocate. The only time we seem to be on the same page is when we’re having sex.” I took a deep breath and forced myself to calm down somewhat. “I want more than that, King. I deserve more than that. I deserve what Justin and I had together.”

King’s face shut down. There was no other word for it. He was devoid of expression. “You don’t know what you’re fucking talking about.”

“Yes, I do,” I hissed. “You want the same fucking thing, King, but you’re too chicken shit to give anything in return. You’re the man who always wants what he can’t have then you throw it away when you get it and the thrill of the chase is gone.”

His hand fisted in my hair, yanking my head back. The pain was sharp and sweet, tearing a gasp from my throat, not of fear but of pleasure. Even while I was enraged, I relished his touch.

Voices around us continued with their conversation, the noise level in the bar a dull roar. It was like a cocoon, surrounding us yet separating us from them.

As I stared up into his black eyes, I knew King was going to give me what I wanted. He was going to let me go. This was the end.

His free hand lifted to my face and his thumb swept across my cheekbone. “Those fuckin’ eyes of yours,” he muttered. “Your body gives me what I want every time I touch you, but those goddamn eyes defy me. Why?”

I didn’t answer, merely returning his stare.

His hand gripped my hair tighter. His eyes glittered like polished obsidian, cold and hard. “Answer me,” he demanded.

“You want something I can’t give you.” And he did. He wanted it all, but I knew I’d never have all off him. There was no way it would work.

“And what’s that?”

“My complete surrender.”

The gleam in his eyes was no longer cold. It was hot, like molten lava. “I could have that if I wanted it,” he whispered.

Even though it hurt enough to bring tears to my eyes, I shook my head. His grip on my hair pulled several strands free and made my eyes water. “I won’t give you that. I can’t. I’m not whole anymore, King. Those pieces of me belonged to a man who cherished them and now, like him, they’re dead and buried.”

My response seemed to take him off guard and he released me. A muscled ticked in his jaw. He was furious, but he didn’t speak.

“It’s over,” I stated, my voice taut with grief and anger. I’d finally had enough and gathered my resolve. I’d known this moment was coming for a while.

Brushing past him, I wove my way around the full tables, ignoring curious eyes. I was almost to the door when his hands gripped my upper arms.

“This isn’t a fuckin’ romance novel, darlin’. Playing the heart-broken heroine after fucking me for six months doesn’t fly.” His angry voice rumbled against my ear like thunder.

It was the anger that snapped the last of my control. I shrugged his hands off my shoulders and whirled on him.

I stepped into him, rolling onto my toes so our faces were inches apart. Not for the first time, I wanted to bite him, to make him bleed, but the urge was much stronger than before. I wanted him to hurt the way I did, but he never would because he didn’t feel anything real for me.

Instead I hissed, “No, it isn’t a romance novel. It’s my goddamn life! I’ve lost more than you’ll ever have and there’s no way I’m going to give you more.” I rocked back on my heels, taking in the stunned look on his face. We’d fought before, but I think it was finally sinking in that I was truly done. “You know, if you really did want all of me, if you weren’t playing your fucked up mind games, I might be tempted to try. But because I know you better than that, I’m doing the right thing. I’m walking away.”