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His wife was currently facing him, her expression suggesting that he was an unhealthy animal and ought to be destroyed.

A view with which I must concur.

Mark felt the drum of an oncoming locomotive, before he could hear it. The sensation was not unlike excitement.

Excitement being something without which I have to do.

There were conditions he had to meet if he wanted to stay with Pauline.

Which I’d rather not, but I seem to have no choice.

I can’t think of a choice.

On the night of Emily’s call — the early morning of Emily’s call — he’d fled to a hotel — King’s Cross, but nowhere familiar. Pauline had kept his phone.

But he could still have rung Emily back, he could have.

He didn’t, though.

It was impossible.

Each time he tried to, he couldn’t ring her, and each time it became harder to try.

And if Emily had called his phone again, Pauline never said so.

Well, she wouldn’t.

There was nothing left.

And he hadn’t wanted one wife and he’d never wanted two. Only love — he’d wanted love, needed love, would have died for love. But Emily hadn’t wanted that.

She wanted me, but not my love — that was the wisest opinion to cultivate.

So I went back to my presentable London postcode, loft extension, male Polish au pair with a marine-biology degree. And Pauline bought me a new phone — not pink — and she checks the numbers on it now and then, the way she checks my diary, and she calls the office and checks me. Her new career is keeping tabs on me and I can have no women and no girls and I can’t flirt at social gatherings and everyone knows I was caught and maybe most of the details, I don’t enquire, and everyone knows I am finished and done with, because they can see it, and I ought to be okay with this because I deserve it, but I am not and I ought to find satisfaction in the fact that I’m so blatantly chained and watched, because it marks me as a man who was prodigious and is a public demonstration of my prior capacities, but I’m not okay.

I’m not happy.

Mark smiled at Pauline, kept it insincere, because she suspects him when he seems to have a meaning.

But I do sometimes, not for terribly long, a breath, a large instant, believe that I am being hurt for Emily, suffering and being punished for Emily and that she would want it.

It makes us close.

Pauline had cleansed his address book, wiped dozens of numbers.

But I know Emily’s number by heart. I gave it to her.

The air sealed itself as the train receded, burned by and left them like a spasm of rage.

One day I will call her.

I will.


This is me, this nothing.




Takes You Home

HE WOULD HAVE preferred it if anyone else had been dealing with this, coping with this. This was the kind of stuff you dealt with and coped with when somebody died — somebody other than yourself. That was Mike’s opinion, although he had no one to hear it unless he started blurting out to strangers, which wouldn’t aid his case in most directions so he kept schtum.

I haud my wisht. I haud it tight.

He’d noticed these playground colours of speech nudging back in at him lately.

Like as if I was still wee, then I’d be fine. Because I’d no be worried. I widnae fash.

Mike didn’t quite know how to view this new interior development. He supposed it was vaguely reassuring, allowing in the ghost of his previous voice, a cosy accompaniment to his lists of tasks outstanding and general frets. But equally, the implications were all a bit sodding desperate if he really did want to be a boy again and helpless, because no one was going to take care of him at this point. No one was equipped.

And anyway a child couldn’t manage a serious worry, a child would be destroyed. That’s the reality on which to focus, probably.

Or not. Maybe not.

He stared out at how mean-looking his spare room was: grubby and with scrapes to the paintwork and dirty lines left on the walls since he’d taken down the pictures. It gave the impression he’d lived in a slovenly manner. The whole situation rendered more dismal by the yellowish frown of an eco-friendly bulb.

Bloody things are never that keen about turning on — have to ease themselves into the effort over a period of hours. They’re the elderly aunts of the lighting world.

He’d packed up the lampshades already.

Few things sadder than a shadeless lamp.

Unless it’s an unattended wean.

Which I am not and shouldn’t imagine that I am — it’ll make me depressed.

Still, though.

I can’t deny that folk take care of weans. They wouldn’t leave a child in cruel rooms, or jaggy circumstances.

He swiped up at the bulb, caught it with his fingertips and set it to swing and splash shadows against each wall.

This proving I’m a big wean.

Walks in as John Wayne, crawls out as a big wean.

That’s how they used to put it. In the youthful circles I was warned not to frequent, because then I’d learn how to speak in a style that was Not Nice.

Mum imagined the wind would change, or something, and I’d be stuck sounding inappropriate forever. Didn’t want me showing the household up as Common in her Nice Street. So I couldn’t say I was a wean, although I was a wean, unless I was away off with other weans and had no Nice adults around who’d get affronted and step in to adjust me. She didn’t appreciate that I could vary: I could sometimes be a wean and sometimes a child who lived in the west of Scotland and yet maintained an aspirational accent at some social cost.

Truthfully, I didn’t vary well — I never could sound flawlessly Nice in Nice settings, because it felt like lying, and meanwhile and elsewhere the taint of Niceness had crept in about me nonetheless and leaked through to bugger up my sentences when I was trying to relax in Less Nice company.

What did me in was the family relocating east. To the Nice Side of the Country, I was assured.

I shifted with them, Mum and Dad — what else would I do? I was eleven then and not exactly free-standing.

But I never quite got round to picking up an eastern accent. I didn’t even try.

I never respoke a wean into a bairn.

I settled for sounding foreign — or up myself and smug, as I was often assured — and didn’t bother much with friends. I buckled under and scrambled up the aspirational ladder. I pleased my mum. I think I pleased my dad. I think I didn’t care if I pleased me, although I shouldn’t complain — the ladder’s barely there, these days.

But I didn’t love it. The constant demands for further climbing gave me vertigo. And all it amounted to finally was earning my very own cubicle and keyboard and being left to find the joy in expressing others through the medium of maths. Then I got an office and more of the same. I sat in my office and oversaw needs and people and how they might best be described. I did not meet the people. I did not necessarily meet the needs. My job was to be the kindness of strangers. Or not. I varied.