SOGA Who is this here with you, girl, answer me! Do you dare to bring your lovers here to the Yanagi?
YUBA (embarrassed) Why, no indeed, my lord! This is my own dear brother, who has come to visit me. We have not seen each other for so long…
The Ronin brusquely searches the frightened Kinjo, taking the stolen items out of his sleeve: the little mirror, the slide, the comb. Yuba throws up her hands in outrage but says nothing. Failing to find a weapon, Soga loses interest in Kinjo.
SOGA Well, so he is your brother. I couldn’t give a damn. But just mind now, you fidget: keep quiet here, do not disturb the peace!
He disappears as silently as he appeared.
YUBA You villain! You rogue! You’re a thief and a scoundrel. Some fine merchant you are, when all your wealth is a mere two farthings!
She pounds him on the chest with her fists. Kinjo chuckles.
KINJO Well look at that! The she-devil has rummaged in my purse! And I didn’t even notice! What skilful hands!
YUBA Well, I may be a she-devil, but I am not a thief! I did not take your things, but you have stolen mine.
KINJO A fine reason that is for pride! If you would like to know the truth, the thief’s lot has no equal in this world. I am freer than the wind. No one can order me around. The whole world is my booty. I am a true king among men!
But there is still one thing that vexes me: I live all alone in the world.
I am a king, but with no queen my rule is wearisome. Come and be my companion. The two of us will go away together!
There is no guile in what I’m saying to you now. You are astute and nimble, and you have a pretty face. Together as a couple we would do great things…
He leans down to her and whispers in her ear. She turns away again, but then starts listening. His arms embrace her once again.
The lovers merge into a kiss. And then Kinjo takes Yuba by the hand and leads her into the depths of the garden. The moment they disappear from the stage, a black figure emerges from behind a stone lantern. This is the Second Assassin, who was hiding there. He takes a small crossbow out from behind his back, sets a bolt on the string and aims at the silhouette of Izumi playing on the shamisen.
But as suddenly as the previous afternoon, Soga appears on the engawa. He leaps down and runs the Second Assassin through with a single thrust. The assassin screams and falls.
The sound of music breaks off. We see Izumi get to her feet.
Soga puts his sword back in its scabbard and drags the body under the veranda.
Izumi opens the partitions: seeing Soga, she relaxes and moves the shoji wide apart. We can see the inside of her room. It is carpeted with straw mats and decorated with flowers. At the centre there are two low tables. The shamisen is lying on one and a large lacquered casket with drawers is standing on the other.
IZUMI Ah, it is you, my glorious, my priceless guard. I thought I heard a shout.
SOGA It was a night bird. Everything here is calm. Lie down and take some rest. I shall be here on watch.
IZUMI (shivering) I cannot think of sleep tonight! Who is this savage enemy whose sole wish is to see Izumi killed?
SOGA I have asked you, I have questioned you: try to recall the men whom you have spurned.
IZUMI But how can one recall them all? They are just like a swarm of flies. They buzz and pester: ‘Be mine, be mine!’ They do not understand that true yugen entices but then slips away, that it cannot be clutched. I have no need of men’s embraces or of oaths. There is no man in all the world whom I shall love.
Soga listens, hanging his head. Izumi’s voice softens.
Only you, dear friend, have proved able to understand me. And yet at the beginning you too begged for love. But you are noble-hearted and for you it is enough that I value your true nobility and devotion.
She gestures to invite the Ronin up into the house. As he enters, he parts the shoji even wider and leaves them open. They sit down: Izumi in front of the casket, in profile to the hall, Soga facing her.
SOGA I behaved absurdly, as if I wished to crumple and pick the flower, not to admire it. I look at you and I am happy. When you are here, my life is full. I would serve such perfection for an entire lifetime.
Izumi raises the lid of the casket – there is a mirror in it. The geisha looks sadly at her whitened face.
IZUMI ‘An entire lifetime’ is short for a geisha. When beauty fades, there is no more perfection, merely a dried-up leaf… When a net of wrinkles creeps across this skin, I shall not wait for long – I have sworn to myself. What good is life when all the Beauty in it fades away? For that, here in my casket, I keep this (she takes out a sharp stiletto and looks at it). A quick blow, a little pain, and my flower will be cut. I will not let it wither, I will not betray yugen!
SOGA What kind of talk is this! You are only twenty years old. Believe me, there is another beauty in this world. It comes in place of corporeal beauty, if you have walked your path through life beautifully…
IZUMI (in a frivolous tone, putting the stiletto back) Yes, you are right, it will not soon be thus. Youth will continue for another five or seven years.
The Storyteller strikes his drum.
The geisha’s expression changes, her voice trembles.
Ah, how could I forget? It slipped my mind completely: some other person’s hand wishes to cut my flower…
She turns in fright towards the garden, as if it conceals some invisible danger. Soga also turns, setting his hand on his sword. They both freeze motionless.
Scene three
A deserted temple. Night. In the background there is the vague form of a large statue of the Buddha.
The Storyteller strikes his drum. Futoya enters, looking round nervously. He is holding a small but heavy sack in which something is jingling.
He waits, glancing around and shuddering at every rustle. Every now and then there is a peal of thunder and a flash of lightning.