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‘What were they arguing about, Olivia?’

‘She said one shouldn’t take what it said in the Bible literal like.’ Olivia swiveled in her seat to face me. ‘I know the Bible isn’t saying to stone girls what aren’t virgins, or it’s OK to keep slaves. But Alf? He don’t like to be contradicted. Couldn’t talk no sense into him, neither. Miss Parker, she buggers off to the theater, but he won’t stop yelling about witches and harlots, the lot, and almost straight away, the police show up and charge him with breach of peace, pack him up and take him off. He comes home the next day spitting mad.’

Olivia folded her arms and pouted. ‘Now Alf won’t go back to London.’ A wistful sigh escaped her lips. ‘I so fancy London. Used to skive off and look at the shops. Not like I had the money to buy more than a cuppa.’

‘Do you live with Alf, Olivia?’

‘No, never done. I share a flat in Brixham with some girls from school. Kayleigh, she works at night as a barmaid, and I’m thinking there’s more money in drawing pints than working for Alf and holding up his bleeding signs.’

On the outskirts of Totnes, Olivia directed me to a quiet neighborhood of red brick, semi-detached homes built sometime at the beginning of the last century during the reign of Edward VI. Rather than park out front, she instructed me to proceed to the end of the street, turn left, and drive down an alley. ‘Alf keeps the car in a garage in back.’

I drove slowly, watching walled-off back gardens crawl by to my left and a row of wooden garages, painted white, to my right, each marked with a number.

‘It’s this one,’ Olivia said, pointing.

I parked the car and we got out.

There was a small, high window in the garage door. I stood on tip-toe and peeked in, but couldn’t see much through the grime. I huffed on the window and cleaned a small spot with my sleeve, but all I got for my efforts was a dirty sleeve. It was still as dark as the inside of a Goth’s closet on the other side of the door.

‘I don’t suppose you have a key, Olivia?’

‘I’m just an employee. Full stop.’

‘Is there a Missus Alf?’ I asked.

Olivia laughed out loud. ‘Used to be, but she ran off with some bloke from Australia round fifteen years back. Alf didn’t seem too upset about it, though. He has a char do the cooking and the washing-up, but Alf, he’s good about hoovering.’

‘Sounds like you know him well.’

She shrugged. ‘Since I was twelve, but if Alf had anything to do with running Susan Parker down, I’m finished with him.’

I considered the stout padlock that secured the door against intruders like Olivia and me. ‘Must have left my picklocks at home in my other pair of pants,’ I told her.

‘You’re pulling my leg.’

I grinned. ‘Well, yes, I am.’

Olivia shrugged. ‘So what do we do now?’

‘I used to be good at picking locks, but I need a bobby pin.’ I grabbed the lock and yanked it in frustration. To my amazement, it came open in my hands.

I scarcely had time to pat myself on the back before Olivia gasped, ‘That’s amazing! How did you do it?’

‘I’d like you to think it was my talented fingers, but I’m afraid Alf slipped up. He must not have pushed the shank all the way in.’ I removed the lock, and with Olivia’s help, raised the door about halfway so the two of us could slip inside. I closed the door behind us.

The BMW was clearly Alf’s pride and joy. Even though it was garaged, he’d protected the vehicle with a canvas cover. ‘Is there a light?’ I asked, squinting into the darkness and seeing nothing but a car-shaped hunk of fabric.

Olivia disappeared into the dark. ‘There’s a switch over here somewhere.’ She found the switch and a bank of overhead lights blazed on, nearly blinding me.

When my eyes got adjusted, I called Olivia over. ‘Here, help me get this off.’

Soon the cover lay in a heap on the concrete floor, and we were staring at a late model BMW sedan. ‘Blue or black, do you think?’

‘Blue. Leastwise that’s how it looks in the daytime. Looks perfect, too,’ she added, sounding disappointed.

I ran my hand slowly over the left front fender, bending to study the finish as closely as I could, looking for imperfections. ‘Wish I had a flashlight… torch,’ I corrected.

‘There’s a torch on the workbench. I’ll get it.’

When Olivia handed me the torch, I shone it on the fender, angling the beam, looking for tape lines, overspray, anything that might indicate the car had been repainted.

I opened the passenger door wide, inspected the inside of the door and the frame of the chassis. Was that overspray on the manufacturer’s information plate? Or a figment of my imagination?

When I straightened up, slightly dizzy, I noticed that Olivia had circled around the car and climbed into the driver’s seat. The center console stood open, and she was sorting through papers she had obviously found inside. ‘Olivia, what are you doing?’ I asked, although it was perfectly obvious what she was doing.

‘I’m looking for evidence, like.’

‘Evidence of what, pray tell?’

She shrugged. ‘Will know when I find it, won’t I?’

I was beginning to suspect that Olivia had it in for Alf, and was anxious to pin something, anything, on the old fellow, when her next move confirmed it. ‘Lookit this!’ she whooped. Olivia was holding a thin leather portfolio and, as I watched, she began sorting through its contents, which appeared to be a series of receipts. ‘Petrol, petrol, petrol, insurance, oil change…’ She paused, unfolded a piece of A4 paper that looked like a computer printout. ‘This here’s a ticket reservation for the Eurotunnel!’ Her jaw dropped. ‘God’s knickers! It’s for the day Susan Parker snuffed it.’

I slid into the passenger seat and held out a hand. ‘Let me see.’

According to the contents of Alf’s chronologically arranged portfolio, he’d visited the continent six times over the past several months, once on the very morning that Susan Parker was run down. The Eurotunnel reservation was for one p.m. Forty-four pounds. A two-day return. Susan had been struck and killed shortly after eight in the morning.

I stared at Olivia. ‘It’s at least a five-hour drive from Dartmouth to Folkestone. Could Alf run Susan down and still make it to Folkestone in time to make the train?’

Olivia’s eyes did a slow roll. ‘In this car, he could.’

‘What would he be doing in France?’ I wondered aloud.

‘Hell if I know. Alf don’t drink wine.’

I was still puzzling over that, putting the receipts back in order, when Olivia reached out, punched a button on the dash, and hopped out of the car. ‘Let’s see what the old goat’s got in the boot!’

Before I could tuck the portfolio back into the center console where she’d found it, Olivia disappeared. Like a two-year-old, she was everywhere all at once. After half a minute I heard her say, ‘Bloody, bloody hell!’

I returned the portfolio to the console, slammed it shut, slid out of the car, and went around to the boot to see what all the fuss was about. I expected to see cartons of WTL Guardian literature like Alf carried in his everyday vehicle. Instead, Olivia was leaning over a gray-green carpet bag, its mouth yawning open, and running her hands through what looked like hundreds and hundreds of ten, twenty and fifty pound notes.

‘Beautiful, beautiful money!’ She picked up a fistful of bills, put them to her nose and inhaled deeply. ‘There must be millions here!’

‘Not millions, but tens of thousands, that’s for sure.’

‘Well, the lying old sod. Said he couldn’t afford to give me a rise in salary.’ Pouting, Olivia helped me stuff the money back into the bag. As we did so, I noticed that the loot consisted mostly of pounds, but there were several fat bundles of Euros, and an envelope of currency with Arabic writing on it from Da Afghanistan Bank. Was Alf being paid to convert Muslims to Christianity? If so, Osama bin Laden might have a thing or two to say about that. The idea of anyone issuing a fatwa on Alf Freeman almost made me smile.